Stress, Anxiety, Depression & Learning


Shannon T


-Every group member has been given a section to study and they will study all parts required.- We will combine our notes and find the similarities and differences together.- We are all studying Learning together which reduces our study time. - Meghan's job is to put the Mindmo together and hand it in.- We will be doing a powerpoint presentation and it will be uploaded and sent through Shannon's computer.- We will all put the hand out together using Christina's computer.- We will be presenting in the way the title is- Stress (Meghan) Anxiety (Christina) Depression (Shannon) and Learning (3 of Us)

Depression & Learning

Research Depression

Research Learning

Stages of Depression

Learning Tips

"Brain Research"

Similarities & Differences between other topics

"Teaching & Learning Strategies"

Christina B

Anxiety & Learning

Research Anxiety

Research Learning

Progress of Anxiety

Healthy Tips for Learning

"Brain Research"

Similarities & Differences between other topics

"Teaching & Learning Strategies"

Meghan R

Stress & Learnng

Research Stress

Research Learning

Different types of Stress etc.

How the Brain Learns

"Brain Research"

Similarites & Differences between other Topics

"Teaching & Learning Strategies"