
El profesionista de la química en su contexto

Competencias de carácter general

add your thoughts as they come by

Tab and Enter from your keyboard

rearrange bubbles so it makes sense

find what's important

group important elements into categories

look for connections

Build knowledge webs

Build knowledge webs

stick all the info you need in a map





easy to

find what you need

add new info

delete info

Campo Laboral

Medio ambiental

Es una campo laboral novedoso, en a actualidad

Productos amigables con el ambiente

Respeto y valor de la protección del medioambiente.


Industrias Petroquímica

Industria alimentaria

Industria textil, etc.


Be the guardian of great amounts of important information

Be the guardian of great amounts of important information

"Repetition is the mother of learning"

mark topics that still need your focus

Use the power of information in your own advantage

Use the power of information in your own advantage

gather vital information from

teacher's lecture

what you are reading extra



what your colleagues share with you

put it in your own words, along with images and videos

you won't forget it

you become smarter with every new thing you learn

you become smarter with every new thing you learn