Structural Engineering

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A structure such a person

Be Resistant

Be Resilient

Resilience is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness

Is important that a person can be able to hold problems and no break with it but has to hold on and keep going on in ther job.

Has to be Malleable

A material who is able to be hammered or pressed into shape without breaking or cracking.

A beam need to be able to change their shape to make a essential part of any system of structure.

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A beam can't pass their breaking point but it has to hold on, until the strain has happened, recover their original shape to keep working on a structure.

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Any one has to suffer problems and circumstances, but each one have to hold on without break, because had people that depends of them.

A beam needs to resist even more than a person, beacuse the beam have life above it, and their lives depends of the resistance of the beam

Work Together

A beam, a column, a Foundation, each one of them has to transmit the forces that each one is holding on, to another element that can help it to carry their strains

A person needs someone else who help them to carry their problems, and help to find a way to figure out a complex situation.


- Beer, F., Johnston Jr., E. and Mazurek, D. (2017). Mecánica Vectorial para Ingenieros Estática. 11th ed. Mexico D.F.: McGraw Hill, pp.196-201.

ASOCIACIÓN COLOMBIANA DE INGENIERÍA SÍSMICA. Normas Colombianas de Diseño y Construcción Sismo-Resistente, NSR-10. Bogotá, AIS, 2010. Cap. B.3.2-B.3.4

not harmed or affected by something

Material capable of being altered or controlled by outside forces or influences

A malleable substance is easily changed into a new shape:

the ability of a substance to return to its usual shape after being bent, stretched, or pressed:

one that resists