The day that modern architecture died.
(Juan Mario Tividor
Giancarlo Nossa)
What themes are dealt with in the photo?
The themes that the photo shows are:Asocial architecture, insecurity cluster, loss of the sense of architecture, an architecture not intended for people

Who took it?
The photo was took by Charles Jencks
When and where
it was took in March 16, 1972, at 3:00 pm.
In St. Louis, Misuri
Why did we choose this photo?
we chose it because it was the moment when one of the most recognized movements in architecture came to an end, along with its concepts and ideas of the city, by destroying a structure that represented the ideals of the movement and that I represent a change of age, mentality and lifestyle.

What do you think the photographer of the picture is trying to say?
he wanted to show that the thoughts of the modern movement were obsolete for the lifestyle of that moment, so with this demolition he demonstrates his idea to the world.

What is your reaction to the photo?
We are amazed to see how architecture can greatly influence socially to the point of generating a change in mentality and way of life, in a positive or negative way, in addition to how the imposed ideas that have an asocial base, generate negative effects and rejection by people to the point of generating a mental revolution.

What was happening when the photo was taken?
the demolition of a modern-style housing complex called Pruitt Igoe was happening.