
Neuro-Education/Brain Compatible Teaching


Converting data and information into long term memories. Two methods I plan on using is; teaching to a classmate and engaging through story telling. The activities in class helped me realize how we are able to convert information to long term memories by simply explaining what we read.

Mnemonic Strategies


Relates new information to prior knowledge.

Graphic Organizers


Webs, or concept maps to help organize information. In graphic organizers we are able to see relationships to more easily understand and remember information. This assignment is a perfect example of a graphic organizer.

Brain Compatible Instructional Strategies


There are different strategies we can use to process our information into a long-term memory. The best way to learn something is by Reciprocal Teaching, If students are expecting to teach the lesson, they will stay actively engaged. Other strategies that are effective are storytelling and using different types of visuals.

Critical/Higher Level Visible Thinking Routines


It's important to teach our students how to think rather than what to think. As a teacher, it's my job to help my students become better thinkers. There are different approaches to application of critical thinking but I plan on using the See, Think, Wonder approach.



What do you see?



What do you think?



What did it make you wonder?



Formative assessments should be used rather than summative assessments. Formative assessment gives student feedback and different options for them to demonstrate their understanding of the area being tested.

Formative Assessment


I plan on using this type of assessment in my classroom because it keeps students engaged and interested. Students are given a rubric and instructions rather than blindly being tested. Assessments are given throughout the lesson rather than one big test at the end of the unit. I prefer this assessment because students have a say in their assessment.

Improve Instruction

Provide student feedback

Ongoing assesment

Summative Assessment


I will try my best to avoid these assessments as a teacher. Students may not know what they're being tested and will feel frustrated. They have no say on what and how they're being tested on. Students cant go back and reflect on areas of improvement,

Measures student competence

Administered at the end

Used for grading and promotion

Principles of Cooperative Learning


Cooperative learning gives students a chance to learn by engaging with classmates. Certain guidelines should be followed rather than just releasing students into groups. Roles should be assigned and the teacher should establish a procedure. I plan on using cooperative learning in my classroom to keep students engaged. Students will be give the freedom to choose their role. This gives students a voice in the classroom.



Guidelines and expectations should be established by the teacher.



Students are engaged and working together.

Common goal


The entire group should work towards common objectives. Teachers should provide the goal at the beginning of the instruction.

Incorporating Critical/Higher Level Thinking into Lesson Design


Bloom's and DOK levels of understanding should be incorporated into a lesson plan to create a higher level of thinking. I was able to use both Bloom's and DOK to write my learning objectives in the Unit Design. Both strategies ensure my students aim for higher level thinking. For example in my lesson plans students had to create and develop projects to demonstrate their understanding of the lesson plan. I realized that by the 6th grade my students should aim at higher levels of understanding rather than simply remembering facts.

Bloom's Taxonomy









Z Chart for writing objectives


Evaluate at what level students are processing information to create writing objectives using Bloom's and DOK.

Depth of Knowledge (DOK)


RecallSkill ConceptStrategic thinkingExtended thinking


Skill Concept

Strategic thinking

Extended thinking

Classroom Management


Keeps the lesson flowing without constant interruption and having to stop the lesson.

The Role of Socio Emotional Learning on Classroom Management


Building connections and positive relationships with students goes a long way. Positive and negative relationships with students make a huge impact on children. I remember positive teachers that went above and beyond their duties. Similarly, I remember teachers that had a negative impact on me. As a teacher I plan on being a positive and influential one.

Attention Continuum and Surface Management techniques: Frameworks for Maintaining the Flow of Teaching


Minimize distraction using different techniques. There are different attention techniques and surface management techniques teachers can use to keep the class flow going. There are certain techniques teachers should implement and avoid. Praise and Winning strategies are subtle and effective ways to manage a classroom. Strategies such as sarcasm or punishment should be avoided. When I become a teacher I will try my best to keep my students engaged and motivated using Winning strategies rather than desist strategies.

Surface Management

Organizing classroom

Creating daily schedule

Smooth transitioning

Attention Continuum





Universal Design for Learning


Both teachers and student's have a say in how students learn. Provide different options and allow freedom to choose between these options. Its important for a teacher to be familiar with their student's interests. Teachers should then incorporate different learning methods and resources so a child may learn. As a teacher I plan on incorporating UDL Principles to make sure my students are actively engaged and interested in the learning process.

Barriers to traditional education


It's important to never assume the lack of knowledge is the fault of the child. Knowledge is caused by environmental factors.

UDL Principles


Goal is for all learners to become "expert learners."



Provide different methods when teaching. Some students may be visual learners so a video should be incorporated. Some students may learn better hands-on so an engaging activity should be provided.



It's important to keep students engaged by connecting their interests to the learning objective.

Action & Expression


Provide multiple means of expression. For example, give freedom options in ways they can demonstrate what they learned. They can create a poster, write a word document, or make a movie clip.

The Myth of Averages


The myth that one size fits all is flawed. Each student is unique and learns in various ways. It's important for educators to have different teaching strategies for the different learning methods of students. As a teacher I need to be aware of the different ways my student learn. I'll try to stay clear from text-book instruction. I'll make sure to incorporate different tools and resources in my lesson plan.

Fully guided instruction/Direct instruction


Research shows learners learn best with a fully guided approach. Clear objectives should be specified with constant feedback. A Teachers should first teach using modeling, then have students help you by giving examples. Finally when students are ready they can work on their own. It's important teachers walk around and check for understanding during independent work.

Lesson analysis (Microteaching assignment)


We were able to unpack Mr. Garcia's lesson plan. I realized how often CFUs should be used as well as how Mr. Garcia was able to catch his students attention.

Designing UDL lesson goals with flexible means


Provide content in many formats. Students learn in different ways so its important to stay flexible.

Lesson development


A lesson plan should consist of:learning outcomes/ behavior objectives. anticipatory setteaching presentation: modelshareguidechecking for understandingclosureindependent practiceassessment plan

Writing behavioral objectives


As a teacher, I'll have the behavior objective written on the board and review it. This helps students understand the purpose of the lesson plan.

Criteria of Performance


Reference point for achievement.



''What" of clinical teaching model.



"Who" of clinical teaching model.



"How" of clinical teaching model.