1. PM
1.1 Business case
1.2 Charter of the Project
1.2.1 Scope of work
1.2.2 Writening of the Charter
1.2.3 Approve
1.4 Plan
1.4.1 Estimate (costs)
1.4.2 Technickal requirment (TZ)
1.5 Documents
1.5.1 First agreements
1.5.2 Contract
1.6 Comunication
1.6.1 with stakeholders
1.6.2 with staff design dev`s
1.7 Development
1.7.1 Looking for dev`s
1.7.2 tasks
1.7.3 control
1.7.4 feedback
1.8 reports
1.8.1 get reports from dev`s
1.8.2 get reports from designer
1.8.3 make reports to stakeholders
2 Tech part
2.1 mobile app
2.1.1 IOS
2.1.2 Android
2.2 plagins
2.2.1 WP
2.2.2 opencart
2.2.3 API
3. Design
3.1 for customer
3.1.1 UX
3.1.2 UI
3.1.4 AR
3.1.5 instructions
3.2 for admin
3.2.1 UX
3.2.2 UI
3.2.4 Instructions
4. Documentation (&/or) Guide
4.1 for customer
4.2 for admin
5. test
5.1 mob app
5.2 plagins
5.3 API
6. sells
6.1 WebPage
6.2 Markets
6.3 SMM