What if possession of controlled substances were no longer illegal?
less individuals are locked up for drug charges
less crowding to an already overcrowded prison population
would help institutionalized racism
cut costs because putting people in prison is expensive
free up police time to work on more pressing issues
reduce economic inequality
take the criminal justice system out of the business of trying to control drug abuse health problems and put responsibility in the hands of public health
police not arresting people for drug crimes so public health has to step in to take a different approach
reduce the number of children victimized by lure of quick money from drug sales
the adverse physical effects of drugs tear families apart and cause drug users to engage in criminal activity
users engage in crime to fund drug habit
when a person is addicted to drugs it can effect the whole family
drug legalization jeopardizes the safety of society since being under the influences slows reaction times and ability to think
work related injuries
car accidents
benefit from a new source of tax revenue
money could go into funding things like schools or treatment facilities
eliminate the profits of illegal drug trade
regulate the quality and price
save money on costly ineffective law enforcement efforts
slow the transmission of aids/hepatitis by use of dirty needles
put more funding into programs such as syringe exchange programs and treatment facilities
reduce the number of crimes committed by addicts trying to get money to buy expensive drugs
legalization sends the wrong message to children
makes children think that using drugs is appropriate since it is legal
decrease law enforcement costs
people are more likely to seek addiction treatment
tons of stigma facing addiction because people are ashamed if legalized then people might be more likely to ask for help