What's the Best Way to Access My Email?


What is it?

A software application in the Microsoft Office Suite that allows you to manage and integrate your email, your calendar, and your task list.

Why use it?

Using Outlook instead of going out to the internet means you don't have to log in and you have access to more features and functionality.

When should I use it?

When logged into the school network either on a school computer or through Citrix.


What is it?

Internet-based software that allows you to access your school email from any computer.

Why use it?

It's the way to access your email when not on the school network.

When should I use it?

When not on the school network.

Mobile Device

What is it?

An app on your mobile device that you add your school email account to. Once added, you won't need to log in.

Why use it?

Using the email app makes it easy to check your email on the fly and receive reminders and alerts on the go.

When should I use it?

When using an iPad, smart phone, or other mobile device.To add your school email, open your email app and choose Exchange. The server is mail.mariemontschools.org.