why Greece was a great ancient civilization

they were beautiful writings
showing great craftsmanship
they told a story that we can learn from.
The reason we know they are a great civilization
is from the writings we have on them.
The beginning of plays. Plays and movie entertainment
were born from the reading of poetry.

the people had a say in what was going on.
They no longer had to suffer under the rule of
a crazy king. They could elect him out.
the basis of what we use today in our
government system. It has been the way we did things for so long and so far it has worked pretty well.
criminals were tried to give them a fair sentience.
Instead of the old way of just killing someone or
throwing them in jail for the rest of their lives they were
given a chance to prove themselves innocent.

traded for items they could
not get in their land
made good relations so they
could trade from all over
strategically traded for things
to make their civilization great

they had homer who was a great poet
we still talk about today
they had some great
writings we still use today
and apply to our lives
the writings show how sophisticated
Their civilization was through stories and documents

started the olympics
which have been around
for so long
it brought people together.
Through the years the olympics
have brought people from all over
to one spot we all can come together
without fighting
one of the first big organized events.
The way they organized it shows a higher level of
civilization. Not just surviving but living.