Catégories : Tous - reformation - church - perspective - theology

par Aleesha Ferrier Il y a 6 années


95 Theses Mind Map

Martin Luther's 95 Theses were pivotal in highlighting the issues within the Catholic Church, particularly practices he found problematic. Luther's theological background shaped his perspective, leading him to compose a detailed list of grievances.

95 Theses Mind Map

95 Theses Mind Map

Results in change

The theses resulted in the founding of the Jesuits.
Afterwards the catholic church reestablished multiple practices.
By 1560, only 43 years after the theses were posted, many states in Europe had adapted to Lutheranism or other variations of Protestantism.
The 95 theses played a huge role in creating the Protestant Reformation.

Which questions can this source help me answer? Which can it not?

It doesn't answer whether the theses were the main or soul reason for reformation.
It doesn't answer whether there were similar issues or whether this affected church practices in other countries like Spain
It doesn't tell us what other people thought of church practices or what their responses to the 95 theses were.
This document doesn't tell you if or what changed afterwards.
They also tell us that there were issues with some church practices.
The 95 theses tell us why martin luther was angry at church.

Whose perspective does it reflect?

Martin Luthers perspective.
Martin luther studied theology so he had a theological perspective.

What are the big ideas?

The fact the church lessons should be based on words from the bible was another big idea in the 95 theses.
Another big idea was that people should be taught how to have faith in their God for salvation and forgiveness in church.
One big idea in the 95 theses is that the selling of indulgences to help fund the church is wrong because it gives people a false sense of hope

Who wrote it? Why?

Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses because he didnt like many of the rules and practices of the church.

Reveals the past

The these also show that in the early 1500s most people were religious and devoted to the church. (many people bought indulgences because they believed what the church was telling them.)
The theses show that the church and Popes had a lot of power over people during this time period
The 95 theses show that some people were questioning church at the time.

Whose perspectives are omitted/questioned/ challenged?

The fact that he also nailed the theses to a church doors can reflect that he is also challenging authorities.
The church and the Pope are being challenged in the 95 theses.

What ideas are left out?

The 95 theses don't really focus on big political issues as much as it does church issues.
Many of the theses involve the church and average/regular people in Europe at the time ad don't make reference to many higher ranked people in society at the time.
Not all the 95 these are included in the copy in our lesson.

How does the author communicate ideas?

Martin Luther made a list of 95 theses/issues he had with the church.

What does it look like?

This primary source is a list of 95 theses written on paper.