Catégories : Tous - hair - connection - relationship

par Yusra Iqbal - Jean Augustine SS (2612) Il y a 7 années


A Civilizing Influence 2

The narrative centers on a character referred to as "the little one," whose defining physical feature is thick, golden hair that resembles hazy sunlight. The character's name suggests small stature or young age, though specifics are not detailed.

A Civilizing Influence 2

The Little One

Relationship with other Characters

The relationship the little one has with the main character would be a special one and the only close one because in the short story it doesn't say anything about another character currently in it other then the main character and the mama of the main characters.In the story it is described as the main character and the little one live together because they need each other.To not to feel lonely both need company and they are similar.In the story it has stated until the little on came he felt like he/she felt like the last type.

Significance to the Story

The little one is important to one of the other character in this short story and the little one has changed the main characters life.Before the little one came to the main character lives and changed its life.Before the little one showed up the main character felt alone as he/she stated "Before the little one came to me, I thought I was the last of my type."The little one is also the main character best friend and family.The little one helped to collect food and roots with the main character.The little one is protected by the main character as it is stated in the text "Then I am aware that the little one has started to move again. She still does not know I am close behind her."

Connection to self

The little one in this story is like a someone to the main character as in a best friend,family,etc. That means a lot to the main character just like i have this one friend who has been there for me since the day we were friends and we don't go to the same school but shes there for me if im sad or happy or anything just like how the little one is there for the main character after the main characters mom left it.


Little - In the little ones name it has little in it so i was guessing she/he would be little as in height or age.The little one doesn't really a proper name so i feel like she is being described of her looks.
Golden hair - In the short story the little one was described as thick golden as it was waking up in the morning "Her hair is thick and golden like the hazy sunlight and falls heavily to her narrow waist." but it isn't shown in the text but is described clearly as its golden.


Helpful - The little one goes around and helps the main character to get food and get roots. "We eat berries and some of the eggs the little one found yesterday".
Quiet - In the short story the little one didn't really say anything it was mostly the main character who was with her telling the whole story
Her hair is thick and golden like the hazy sunlight and falls heavily to her narrow waist.