par Bhandari Mithil Il y a 5 années
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You have no home, are involved with many enviromental groups and have a dog. Once you hear that the mayor has hired some builders to build more houses, you are excited. But, when you hear about the plans of "insert big company name", you are in disbelief as they plan to take down all plantlife in the area to make room for the new houses.
start story
While at your part-time job, you overhear people talking about the new construction for houses. Do you...
Quielty take note of it
You take a mental note of it and continue working.
barge into the conversation
The customers are very startled and one of them flips you off. Your boss gets angry and asks you to come to his office.
You enter your boss's office and he seems very angry. Do you...
Laugh it off and act casual
He yells at you and you are fired. Lose 2 Confidence points and 1 Happiness point.
You realize that since you were fired, you have no money to feed your dog. Do you...
Go door to door, begging for dog food
Many people flip you off but one kind soul gives you some dog food. Lose 1 Confidence Point. Lose 1 Health point. Gain 1 Happiness point.
Look for spare money
You find no money. Go back
Let your dog starve
The next day, you are arrested for animal abuse. THE END / Federal Offender
Apologize for your past mistakes
He accepts your apology and you are let of the hook. Continue work.
You go home to the shed you "own" as there are no homes. You reflect on your day as you get ready to sleep. Your phone rings.... RING RING RING... You are really not in the mood but what will you do?
Ignore it
You ignore the call as you are tired. You go to sleep
Pick it up
The manager of one of the environmental clubs you are apart of has ordered an emergency meeting tomorrow morning.
Don't attend
The next morning, you wake up. What shall you do for the rest of the day?
Play with your dog
You play with your dog and quickly get bored. What do you do now?
Change your mind and attend the meeting
Work a part-time job
You bump into Mr Steve, the manager of your environmental club. He asks you why you didn't show up to the meeting. Do you...
Tell the truth
Make an excuse
He believes you and asks if you want to participate in a protest to protect the wildlife from being torn down due to the construction of houses. Do you...
At the meeting, Mr Steve tells you that to make room for the new houses, all the wildlife will be cut down. He says that they will protest to try to stop this from happening. Will you participate?
Mr Steve understands, but he is a bit disappointed as he thought you cared about the environment more than houses. He asks you to leave the club as he has seen your true colours. THE END / Eviction from the Environmental club
Mr Steve is happy that you are willing to participate. You continue your day by working at the cafe. Add 1 Happiness point.
On the way home from the cafe, you overhear people talking about putting a turbine into a stream nearby. You know that the stream is home to many fish swimming to Lac La Rouge. Do you...
Ignore them
You ignore them and wildlife in the stream is disturbed.
The next morning, it turns out someone was recording you and posted it on Instagram. You are bashed for being selfish and entitled. Lose 1 Happiness Point. Lose 1 Health point.
Tell them the effects of a turbine and try to reason with them
They understand and will reconsider after hearing what will happen to the fish. Add 1 Confidence Point.
The next morning, it turns out someone was recording you and posted it on Instagram. You go viral and are congratulated for protecting the environment. Add 1 Happiness Point. Add 1 Health point.
It's protest day and you and the club are meeting soon. You realize that you forgot to make a sign. Do you...
Use an old sign from the dumpster
You check through the dumpster for any leftover signs from a previous protest. You find one and rush to the protest. Unfortunatly, the sign reeks and the protest has to be called of due to a public safety violation. THE END / Stinky Sign
Show up without a sign
Your club is disappointed that you didn't bring a sign. Lose 1 Confidence point.
Rush to Walmart to get a sign
You rush to Walmart, buy a sign, and rush to protest. Your club members are happy that you arrived on time. Add 1 Confidence Point
The protest is starting. If you have "" amount of Confidence points or more, you may "Deliver an emotional speech". If not, you may "Blend in with the crowd"
Blend in with the crowd
You blend in with the crowd for the rest of the protest. The corporation does not seem affected by the protest.
The big corporation continues to plow over the land and your environmental club is disbanded. Using their power, the corporation gets everyone who participated in the protest arrested under the law "Attempt to overthrow government plans". THE END / Victims of the Corporation
Deliver an emotional speech
You deliver an emotional speech about how much the environment means to the community of La Ronge. The corporation seems to be affected by this and announces that they will reconsider their choices.
You are celebrated as "Mother's Nature's Daughter" and are praised by everyone in the town. Luckily, a small team of eco-friendly builders are going to build houses to help people affected by poverty, like you.
You are approached by a man who is willing to let you rent out his house. Do you accept?
He seems desperate and says "First month of rent is on me" Do you accept?
He frowns and swiftly walks away.
He smiles and tell you to follow him. You follow him to a dark alley way and suddenly, someone jumps out and covers your face. You fall unconscious and they shove you into a van. they take your phone and dump you in a forest. You die, as wolves feast on your body. THE END / The Corporation's Revenge
Great, you are the home builder. you are a smart builder and know the best way to attract home buyers. Your job is to make homes on the water without affecting the natural habitat of Lac La Rouge. Try to minimize the death of animals and your use of the lake.
Learn more about yourself
Before you start you must understand something very important. You have no strengths but being able to make the best possible home. Just kidding. You have the power to kill many animals in the water if you choose and save many lives. Choose carefully. Now Let us begin the story
With the increasing population in the town of La Ronge, people are struggling to find homes. With only 2 weeks to work, you and your 2 co-workers have been hired to construct houses to solve this overpopulation crisis. If you do, you will get a reward from the town. Unfortunately, a big company has also been hired and you know they will do anything to get the reward instead of your team. You and the corporation will race to build the best solution to La Ronge’s overpopulation problem. It is a dark cold night. You are tensed and stressed because of the job at hand. After commanding your crew what to do, you see something in the water. Your stomach growls and you feel like fishing. Quickly you run to you bag of stuff and get a fishing rod. the Fish jumps again and you grab it. you plan to share it with your crew members for dinner. Then you plan on what to do.
Cook your dinner. You must be very hungry, so you go to your makeshift home and cook your fish. After eating you see the other company taking down trees around and a smile apears on your face. The other company is not allowed to take down the trees.
Sit back and don't tell them so you can get a reward
This was a good choice as now you can focus on other priorities and get the other agency in trouble.
Command your crew on what to do
Call the Tree saving Agency
After you tell the person who answers the call he quickly tells the police. They rush to the scene and arrest the other agency. Wonderful Job! Now you have eliminated your competition and can succeed in building your houses. If you wish to continue your story follow the arrow otherwise this is THE END!
Check it out and tell them like a humble person
This was a bad choice as it will ruin your chance of making a living. Pick the other option. THE END. (Follow arrow if you wish to continue)
Find ways to Get customers. You must really want that reward from the city. Well now you decide where you want to go.
Go to different Home selling agencies
The town
So you really do like talking to other people and getting clients yourself. You take the team's jeep and drive to the town, La Ronge. As you look around you see the condition of the town. Homeless people around, people fighting for home and kids doing drugs. The infastructure of the town is being ruined. This is when you realize the importance of your job. Now you are on your way to continue with the homes. When you get home you see something. The other agency competing with you is cutting down trees without a permit and not planting trees back.
Go to different home selling agencies and try to get clients.
Don't approach the agency and just call the Tree saving agency (Follow the Arrow)
Start making Homes
Before you start you must understand something very important. You have no strengths but being able to make the best possible home. Just kidding. You have the power to kill many animals in the water if you choose and save many lives. Choose carefully. Now Let us begin the story. Follow the arrow.
Great, you chose the Lake Whitefish. You are a freshwater fish and swim in the waters of Canada and the United States. You are a crustal character in this story, you are brave, fierce, and clearly a leader in your group. Your name will be Gerald (thats the name of a warrior btw).
Learn more about yourself.
Wow did you really just chose this option, clearly you love yourself to much to even READ A BOOK. I'm kidding, let's move on. Now follow arrow.
Start the story.
Its a dark and cold night in the city of Grenville-sur-la-Rouge and you have just woke up to a strange sound. It sounds like two pieces of metal banging together. You being your curious self want to see what it but knowing the risk that it could be dangerous.
You slowly swim towards the direction of the noice careful not to wake up any of your family. The sounds gets louder and faster as you move towards it, you get close to the top of water and are faced with two options.
Gently peak you head out so you don't get noticed.
Good choice, you gently poke out your head so that nobody sees you. As you look up you see a bunch of workers who are supposedly trying to make houses on side of the water. you think houses on the water, thats insane! You start looking around a bit more and see a man who supposedly looks like the looks like the builder of the home. You are faced with two more options.
Stay and try to learn more information.
You wait a bit more and over hear a conversation by the builder. You learn that they are making houses on the water want this to solve the problem of people not having houses. They chose this lake because it is small and easy to build a house in. This could be bad for you environment so you must prevent it from hurting you family and friends. Good choice staying back to hear more of the conversation, now you have more information to tell the rest of the fish. Patience will play a huge part in this story and although you are fierce you will need to do whats best for you sometimes. Now that we have enough information we can go down to the rest of the fish and let everyone know. You swim down and wake everyone up and tell them to meet you in the middle of the lake for an urgent meeting. When everyone is gathered up you tell them of the horrible tragedy that is taking place oh the surface of the ocean. Everyone is in shock and does not believe whats happening. Even though you are afraid, you know its your job to make sure everyone stays safe. Again you are faced with some options.
Think of an idea with the rest of the fish.
Good choice, I told you patience will play a part in this story. Can imagine how pathetic it would've looked if a bunch FISH would attack a group of HUMANS to be honest I kinda want to see that... Anyways lets move on with the story. You arrange a meeting with all the "important" fish and discuss what to do. You each discussed three possible options.
Pollute the Lake Yourself so they don't make the Houses
This was a dangerous and bold move, polluting the environment can lead to the lake being destroyed and all the animals dying. It can also lead to you yourself dying with would affect the food web. When a lake gets polluted, small fish (such as yourself) absorb the pollutants, like chemicals, into their bodies. Once you die several other animals that prey on you will also start to lose their life, this will slowly lead to the end of what used to be a beautiful ecosystem. Your plan would work though, with the lake being in the condition it would be at they would probably leave the area to another location. The problem with this is that not not one, but two ecosystems will have been destroyed and pollution as well as the growth of human population will still continue. With habitat loss already being such a bit problem this won't really help.
Wow yea smooth move, you waited until they made the houses and everyone died. This idea was worse then making a fish army. I'll give you another chance, either you can leave it and pray something good happens or you can chose another option.
Now this is more like it, by rounding up all the animals you will have air, land, and support in the water. Imagine this BRIDS, DEER, MOOSE, COUGERS, AND FISHHHH. We are going to unite and defeat these people. You tell all the fish, "round up all the animals in the area, you have five minutes then we will attack." After you say that the animals all leave and find an army of animals.
5 minuets later.
With all you might you jump out of the water and fly to the ground. But then you realize your a fish and drop to the floor. You struggle for breath as you slowly make your way back in the water. By time you get back in the water he has already called exterminator and the birds and land animals were all rounded up. It was a hard fought battle but it ended in a disappointing loss. The rest of your future will be decided by the flip of a coin.
You work day and night to finish this time machine, you finally finish it and are ready to use it. The only problem is that there are two buttons and you forgot to label them, one that will send you back a few days and the other will send you back more than 10, 000 years. You being the brave one volunteer to go back in time and save everyone. There is a red and a green button, one of these will send you back a week and the other one a week. Just know if you go back 10, 000 years you won't be able to come back. You enter the machine and have a choice to make of either the red or the green button.
Round up Land Animals and Attack
Now this is more like it, by rounding up all the animals you will have air, land, and support in the water. Imagine this BRIDS, DEER, MOOSE, COUGERS, AND FISHHHH. We are going to unite and defeat these people. You tell all the fish, "round up all the animals in the area, you have five minutes then we will attack." After you say that the fish all leave and find an army of animals.
5 minutes later.
Great all the animals are rounded up, now it's time to go in action. One by one all the animals charge to the people, birds in the sky, dears and moose attacking the workers from the ground and the fish attacking people who want to swim away. Your plan was working to perfection. But then the builder took out his phone and yelled, "EVERYONE CALM DOWN I'M CALLING THE EXTERMINATORS." This was horrible, your plans might fall a part you need to think fast. You have two options.
Or you can stop him by yourself, A FIN FOR A HAND.
With all you might you jump out of the water and fly to the ground. But then you realize your a fish and drop to the floor. You struggle for breath as you slowly make your way back in the water. By time you get back in the water he has already called exterminator and the birds and land animals were all rounded up. You and the other fish make you way back to deep end of the lake and you sob in defeat. Now you are faced with two more options.
Leave it
Wow yea smooth move, you waited until they made the houses and everyone died. This idea was worse then making a fish army. You should care more about you environment or else all will die. Now you just have wait and see if it works out.
Well this is a bold decision, the difference between life and death will be determined by the flip of a coin. Pick one:
You chose tails, you decide to wait a but longer and surprisingly it works out. It turns out the builders were kind people and cared about the environment and because of this they gave all the fish a new home. They move you to a beautiful looking lake in the area by the name of Lac Marie-Le Franc. You and all you friends and family live a great life in lake not bothered by the housing. The idea for the builder also works perfectly and they earn a lot of profit. THE END.
You chose tails, with this decision you wait longer to see what happens, as expected the builder start making their houses and you habitat slowly starts to die. With all the people around in the houses it starts to get crowded and the water starts to get polluted. All the fish die and slow and hurtful death. THE END.
Go Back in Time
Coincidently enough there is a time machine in the water for some reason. The only problem is that there are two buttons, one that will send you back a few days and the other will send you back more the 10, 000 years. You being the brave one volunteer to go back in time and save everyone. There is a red and a green button, one of these will send you back a week and the other one a week. Just know if you go back 10, 000 years you won't be able to come back. You enter the machine and have a choice to make of either the red or the green button.
Ooooo. Tough luck, you pressed the wrong button. Now you're 10, 000 year in the past and because there isn't any water you died. So close yet so far. They continued to build houses for the fish died too. THE END.
Great choice, you picked the right button and successfully went back in time and warned the fish before anything could happen. After you they set up an animal army before the builders even got there. You also made it back home safely and everyone is alive. Everyone will forever remember your heroic actions. THE END.
You can tell one of the other animals and let then do it. However, it might be too late since he can call them in a hurry.
You quickly look around and see a deer on the side and quickly tell it about the phone. It charges with all it's might and sends the builder into the air. Smart move, if you had tried yourself everyone would've been dead, since fish and go on water. Good job, you saved all life in the water and around it and will forever be a hero. THE END
Create a fish army and ATTTAAAACKKKKKKKK.
This a very dangerous move but I'm all in. You round up every fish in the lake and pick up bones on the bottom of the ocean as spears. When everyone is ready you get into formation and with you being the leader you yell, CHARGEEEEEEEEEE!!! With that one word all the fish started swimming towards the the workers. You've never felt more alive, you're leading an army of fish, FISHH, to attack a million dollar organization. This is the greatest moment of your life, you finally going to be someone. With all the power and strength in you, you swim to the top of lake. ITS TIME TO FIGHTTTTTT. You look around then realize that the all the fish are just 75 cm going again machines and actual humans... Yea smooth move, this was kind of pathetic and you made all the fish look like idiots as the people stare at you like you're at some kind of zoo. I was actually rooting for you so thanks for making me look dumb. I don't even understand the point of the bones you carried fins can't carry anything. Well you got hated on pretty fast. MAKE WISER CHOICES. Now follow the arrow and make the right decision. Now you can either end the story or you can follow the arrow and MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE. THE END.
Go back and wake everyone up.
You go back underwater and wake everyone up, however, you realize you barely knew anything and now everyone is awake and mad at you. Make wiser choices. You can either end the story right here or follow the arrow and make THE RIGHT DECISION. THE END.
Jump out of the water and get noticed.
You and I both know this is a bad option, make better choices. You came out of the water and the builders saw you. One of them was hungry so they came and cooked you as their dinner. Smooth move. Now you can either end the story or follow the arrow and make THE RIGHT DECISION. THE END.
Go back to sleep.
Well I guess a fish does need its sleep, your choice. You wake up five minutes after hearing the same sound except louder. What do we do?
Wow I guess you're a very sleepy fish. You wake up 3 minutes later, TO THE SAME ANNOYING NOISE!!!! Okay This time you have 3 options.
Okay if we continue this your going to end up dying. So lets check this thing out. Follow the arrow.
Realize I want you to check it out and go.
That took way longer then it should've follow the arrow.
Go check it out
Thank you for using you head. Follow the arrow.
Should we check it out.
Wow finally, follow the arrow.