Catégories : Tous - distraction - homework - safety - comfort

par Alexandria Marie Youngren Il y a 6 années


The debate over cell phone use in classrooms centers on balancing the benefits and drawbacks. While cell phones can provide safety and comfort and allow for on-the-spot research or emergency use, they also present significant distractions.

Lexi's Classroom

Personal Choice for Student Seating

Students can choose where they would like to sit as long as they follow classroom rules. There will be activities where they are forced to expand on who they typically work with.
Students will have to be fully engaged in lectures, but are able to work with a partner on some activities.
Distracting and does not allow them to meet new people
Student vulnerability and comfort


Students will not have homework every night, but will have a project or an assignment where they will have to do some extra work at home for their personal topics of choice for the designated due date.
Taking what we learned in class, and being able to apply that on their own
Takes away from extracurricular activities/ family time
Applying the knowledge on their own

Cell Phones

It is the students' property, and can be had as long as they follow classroom rules.


Classroom Use
On the spot research, or use in case of an emergency