par Brooke Lee Il y a 15 années
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A Topic Sentence: You can hear wise saying everywhere.
1 Discussion: Beauty is in the eyes is the beholder.
2 Discussion: what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.
B Gov idea: Wise Saying : It isn’t the mountains ahead that wear you out, it’s the grain of sand in your shoe.
C “Three” part thesis statement: List only your first 2 proofs
1: bettering yourself is a challenge take takes a lot of little steps.
2: Getting an education
II 1st Major proof:
Beginning with a topic sentence: Overcoming changes is a big changlle, but the hardest part is all the little steps you have to take to overcome the change.
A: Bettering yourself is a challenge that has many steps.
1: Addiction is a big challenge to better your life; that takes many little steps.
2: It’s easy to say you’re going to stop your addition, but the steps to overcome the addiction are the hardest part.
B: A lot of people are addicted to smoking.
1: Smoking is hard thing to quite not many people can do it.
2: My dad stopped smoked for eighteen years and now he has decided smoking cigars are a good idea.
III 2ND Major proof: topic sentence: Education is a change in your life that has many steps.
A: farther your education and going to college; is a step to better your life.
1: People will say I’m going to go to college but never sign up for classes.
2: College is expensive so a lot of people will us that as an excuse.
B: College will help have a better future.
1: Going to college will help you get a job you love, so you won’t have to be
2: Having a college education can pervade your family a better life.