Catégories : Tous - monarchy - marriage - alliances - expansion

par MANUEL VIDAL RODRIGUEZ Il y a 4 années


Catholic Monarchs

The union of Isabella I and Ferdinand II in 1469 marked a significant period in Spanish history, where each ruled their respective kingdoms independently. Isabella ascended the throne of Castile in 1474, leading to a civil war between her supporters and those of Juana la Beltraneja.

Catholic Monarchs

In 1469 they get married. Each ruled his kingdom independently.



Catholic Monarchs


Alliances with other contries by marryng their children
Created an empire in the Americas
the conquest of the Canary Islands
Incorporation of the kingdom territories of Naples, the African squares of Melilla and Oran.
1512 The incorporation of the kingdom of Navarra into the crown of Aragon.
1492 Conquered Cranada


1512-They decreed the expulsion or conversion of Muslims
1492 - Expulsion of Jews (they had to convert to Christians or leave Spain).
1478-Found The Tribunal of the Inquisition to persecute heretics.

Isabella I (1474-1504)

Isabel acceded to the throne in 1474 and became the queen of Castile
Civil war between supporters of Juana la Beltraneja and Isabella I


Authoritarian Monarchy
They created:

A professional army

The Holy Brotherhood: a judicial police force to fight against bandits and the abuses of the nobility

They control:

They strenghthened the Royal Treasury and took privileges away form the nobles.

They named corregidores: chief magistrates to establish royal authority in towns.

They created the Royal Council that was the highest political body

Submit Nobility

Ferdinand II (1479-1516)

In 1479, Fernando acceded to the Crown of Aragon