Catégories : Tous - innovation - racism - education - history

par Tyler Trettin Il y a 6 années



The text discusses the importance of embracing creativity and innovation in education, emphasizing that teachers should constantly seek new ways to engage students and make learning more dynamic.


The people that have inspired me have actively pursued learning something new.

8 Questions

What is the role of learning and teaching in the home?

What's more important, being an example or actually teaching your kids lessons on whats right and wrong?
There isn't one that is more important. They both depend on parenting styles and the situation.
What do our prophets and apostles say about learning in the home?
How can I learn while teaching?

What is the role of school in society?

How did my school experience shape who I am and how I contribute to society?
My school experience taught me how to just get by. Not the power of learning and how fun it can be.

What can I do to prevent students from just getting by?

Show what it means to be a learner.

Pestalozzi - Must pick up the crumb.

Follow different trains of thought. Show that there isn't one correct way of learning.

Empowering Students to Learn

Teach them the benefits of working hard.

In the classroom I can get to know each student personally. I can talk to them one on one to see how they are doing.

Upon what foundation are U.S. public schools built?

Why is it important to know our countries history.

Racism. Why it is so important.

I think teaching children about the Brown Vs. Board case is very important. It is something they can relate to. It is a very powerful story.

Du Bois - Equality. All children, regardless of race or color deserve and need an education.

It allows us to know our role as citizens of this country.
Knowing the past helps you appreciate the present.


Help the students imagine what it would feel like to grow up in that day and age.

What can I do to start building a new foundation?
Don't be afraid to push the boundaries.

Rousseau - Feels education system is restricted. Not open to new ideas.

Try new things in the classroom. Do something that has never been done before.

What was the first lesson ever taught?
This would be a tricky one because the first lesson ever taught was to Adam and Eve. That being a religious topic would not be okay to share in a classroom. I would share with the students a lesson that would have been taught in an old school house when the United States was just formed.

How do I learn?

Who has gotten me excited to learn? Why?
Many of my teachers and my little brother.

What about them inspired you to learn?

I feel that sharing these examples with the students is very important. They can decide what kind of person they want to be based off of these examples.

What is worth teaching?

Who is to decide on whats worthy of of teaching?
Is it possible for children to learn and teach themselves to a certain degree?

Do an experiment in class where the students spend the day or part of the day teaching each other, then reporting what they learned.

The real question might be what is not worth teaching?
Are there things that the students don't need to know?

Are hundreds of work sheets really going to teach a student?

Wolk - Worksheets lead to a devoid in original thoughts and ideas.

Creativity in the learning place drives new learning experiences.

What is my work as learner and teacher?

Always be innovating new ways to teach.
Never teach the same topic the same way.

How can I accomplish this?

Resources such as books, teachers blogs, seminars, Ted Talks.

How do I view and magnify those I teach?

Why is it important that the students believe in themselves?
Believing in yourself can bring more self motivation.

Building a Foundation

Create a foundation of self belief.

Create an environment where the child finds himself excited to ask questions and learn for himself.

Have a system where I give students a compliment about how they are doing in class. I would write it out and give it to them personally. Each student would get one and nobody would get more than anyone else. This would help them see that they are good students and have potential to learn even more.

John Dewey - Believed that a students education came from the power of his or her social environment.

Self motivation is key to learning.

How do I help students become self motivated?

I believe it comes through example.

Share with the students what you have learned that week that has nothing to do with what we are talking about in class.

How would Christ view the students that I teach?
Christ would view His students as intelligent human beings who have unlimited potential.

Horace Mann - First thing he talks about is each childs ability to become whatever they want to become.

Pray for that ability when I am a teacher.

Who am I and what motivates me?

When am I experiencing joy and bliss?
When I am strengthening relationships and building others up.

Each day in class I could do a positive activity that would help all of us get to know each other better. Thus creating an environment of friendship and confidence.

Empowering Students to Learn

When have I been the most motivated?
When I believe in my purpose.

John Dewey - "I believe.." Each one of Deweys lines in his pedagogic decree starts with "I believe".

Write a list of things that I believe in. This will help me see how I can act on my beliefs and make a difference.