Catégories : Tous - memory - psychology - morality - motivation

par Eric Kochenderfer Il y a 6 années


Class Notes

Exploring various psychological and neurological concepts, the notes delve into the intricacies of memory, including long-term and working memory, and their importance in information retention.

Class Notes


Eric Kochenderfer Class Notes

Zone of Proximal Development

The area and enviornment to best learn and develop. Goldilocks, too big, too small, just right.


Inferiority : waiting for teachher

Imaginary Audience

An audience that you create which is imaginary these are the people of which you judge yourself with.

Kohlberg's Stages of MOral Devopment

Motivation, because you will recieive punishment or reward: Preconventional

Occipital Lobe


Frontal Lobe

In charge of controlling voluntary movement.

Control Language:

Example: Give me your phone.

Informational Language

If you give me your phone, I will be happy.


The active part of the schema

Multiple Classifications

The ability to identify one item as having different relations and purposes. Younger children have a tougher time with this process. They don't understand how their mother can also be someones sister.

High Self-Eficacy

Confidence to perform the example.

Object Permanence

Negative Instance: When Mom is gone, mom is gone forever.
The ability to know something exists even though they are out of sight.

Illusion vs. Distortion

Illusion: A memory that never occured, but still exists.

Dead End Topic:

Promotes a negative transfer and reception.

Generative Topic:

A topic that promotes positive transfer and reception.

The Subconscious can act quicker than the conscious.


Debilitating: Causes you to cease functioning
Trait: Who You Are

Mass Practice is inefective

Correct Repitition

If lost, go back to the basics.

Intrinsic Motivation

Disequilibrium- a mental discomfort caused by a situation to imput and include the information.

Equilibrium- comfortabel state of mind

Simplified Memory Systems

Long Term Memory: Memory that lasts for a long time... duh.
Working Memory:
Sensory Registor:

Bloom's Taxonomy


Visualization (Sports Psychology)

mentally create and visualize situations in your life that haven't occurred yet.

Limbic System: The emotional brain.

Amygdala: responsible for emtions such as joy, anger, sadness, and jealously.
Hippocampus: responsible for converting short term memory into long term memory


Smell, hearing, taste, emotional behavior, visual recognition

Parietal Lobe

Responsible for sensation or feeling

Expectational Compliance:

Conventional Morality


Your experience of life to judge and relate to life.

Logic System

Sense of Control

A key component of intrinsic motivation. The ability to control the amount that you can handle.

Personal Theory

A theory created by ones-self due to questions that are not explained. Often creates incorrect explanations.

Negative Instance

We should teach defining characteristics rather than correlated characteristics.
Highlighter example vs. Pen

Personal Space/Parapersonal Space

Your body is an extension of your mind.

Selection of Prototype:

Example of cow. Example of mammal.

Positive/Negative Transfer

Previous experiences that can benefit or hinder your progress. Example: Uncle Lour Cherwalk that became a sniper because he didn't have any bad habits;never shot a gun. Example: Negative: Learning to play cello, when your only experience is on violin.

Familiarity with the text is not mastery.

Massed Practice

Massed Practice-repetitive practice of one thing at a time until it's mastered.
Usage of accents helps students remember

Low Stress Testing

Illusion of Knowing

What you don't know you don't know.

Bednar Style vs. Clark Style
Pray to know what you don't know.