Catégories : Tous - trust - partnerships - data - leadership

par Ricky Gauthier Il y a 4 années


Concepts Of Community Policing

Community policing is an approach that focuses on building trust between the police and the community they serve. It engages community members in problem-solving efforts, aiming to proactively address issues before they escalate into crime.

Concepts Of Community Policing

The Eau Claire Police Department incorporates COP philosophy in their everyday work with programs like the criminal justice collaborating council. Their statement says the following: "The principal mission of the Council is to enhance public safety in Eau Claire County through community collaboration by ensuring offender accountability, providing rehabilitation programs, and supporting the rights and needs of victims. In addition, the Council is committed to providing the coordinated leadership necessary to establish and foster innovative corrections programs for adult and juvenile offenders." I've also seen and worked alongside the department's officers to improve the quality of life for individuals through problem-solving efforts. Chippewa County Sheriffs Department incorporates COP philosophy in their every day work with programs such as Teenage driver safety programs, tipster hotlines, fire arms facility and training programs among other community outreach events. Officers practice a desire to improve the quality of life for the citizens they work with and build a stronger relationship within their area by community meetings and events. Marshfield Police Department incorporates COP philosophy by partnering with their community through many good programs designed to help strengthen their relationship with the community. Programs such as "Help for the Homeless", "Caught being Safe", and the PDC "Breaking Through The Silence" program all help build bonds within the community. They also partner with the neighborhood watch, Scouts of America and the crossing guard program, among others. My examples meet the problem solving element using Innovation and collaboration with the community to improve problem-solving and building stronger police-community relations. They seek out positive interactions with the community and expect the community to be involved and observant of their duties and actions.

Challenges of Community Policing - Difficult to Measure Success - Requires Department/Leadership buy-in at the PD/SO - Difficut to Gain Trust/Partnerships of Community

Benefits of Community Policing: - Increases trust of Police - Engages Community in Solving Problems - Proactive Interventions and Prevention

Geographic Assignment of Officers


Resources and Finances

Community Service -Promotion and Support of Organizational Strategies to Address The Causes, and Reduce Fear of Crime and Social Disorder Through Problem-Solving Tactics and Community/Police Partnerships






Other Government Agencies


Non Profits/Service Providers

Private Businesses

Community Members/Groups


Organizational Evaluations


Information Systems (Technology)

Quality/Accuracy of Data

Communication/Access to Data


Personnel Supervision/Evaluations


Recruitment, Hiring, and Selection

Organizational Structure

Agency Management

Strategic Planning




Labor Relations

Concepts Of Community Policing

Promotion Of Organizational Transformation


Geographic Needs
