Catégories : Tous - adventure - challenges - transformation - allies

par Awdhan Devin Il y a 1 année


(Devin) The Hero's Journey

A hero often encounters a moment that pulls them out of their ordinary life and into an adventure. This initial call to adventure can be daunting and requires facing fears and changes.

(Devin) The Hero's Journey

(Devin) The Hero's Journey

Stage 12 - Return with the elixir

Mcqueen starts a new life in Radiator Springs with the reward of changing it for the better he accomplished in the time spent there, forgetting about the life of luxury and fame he had lived and wanted to live in.
The hero can now return to their world with the elixir they gained along the way, whether it was knowledge a physical object or whatever the reward they gained from the reward stage was going through the journey to get there. They are now a changed person and can use what they have gained to help others in that ordinary world and feel satisfied as an individual who's gone through an enlightening experience and back.

Stage 11 - Resurrection

Mcqueen is offered a job with dinoco, as their new mascot being the true winner of the race with the other contestant who won being defamed. An option into a life of luxury that he wanted, however he denies it knowing that that type of life isn't really worth it and prefers to stay with his new friends and revamped radiator springs he created.
The final stage where darkness or opposition is faced by our hero one more time before they can truly leave experienced with the wisdom they've gained from the journey, while danger is at its highest peak and forces you to act in one last battle before you can truly leave.

Stage 10 - the road back

He returns to Radiator springs after "losing" the piston cup seeing the level of fame it has since received, and opts to stay here from now on.
The hero has successfully achieved the reward and now is in act 3 of the story, not out of the woods yet. they now need to go back from the special world they went to and back to the ordinary world where they belong. Likely needing all the skill they've learnt on the way to do so in one last adventure.

Stage 9 - The reward

After purposefully throwing the cup, the real reward mcqueen wins is a whole lot of respect, friends and support for radiator springs. As well as a better understanding of himself, the world and overall has become a better driver.
After surpassing the ordeal and everything that came before, the hero achieves the reward or achievements that they sought out for by starting this journey and are left satisfied by the ultimate thing gained along the way whether its healing past trauma, learning their own worth and capability or a physical object/elixir presented to them.

Stage 8 - The ordeal

Mcqueen races in the piston cup, determined to win. He has a poor start losing momentum. Losing faith in himself, the radiator springs friends he met become his crew for the race and he starts putting up serious competition. He skillfully keeps his momentum against the competition but loses a tire, which is quickly refilled. One last attempt to bump him out of the race is denied with the technique he learns from his mentor. But as he is about to win he chooses to save the knocked out driver.
All the previous buildup and preparation is finally released, the hero challenges the dragon or breaks through the wall guarding whatever it is they desire and this obstacle serves as the greatest challenge for the hero in the story. Conquering it will create meaningful long lasting change that 'revive' them into a new person with new knowledge from the experience they lived through and walked out of alive.

Stage 7 - Approach to the innermost cave

He begins the journey to California, ready to use what he's got from Radiator springs to win the piston cup. The primary obstacle since the beginning of his journey and dream to win. Despite the fact he wants to stay.
The innermost cave can represent either a physical place or inner conflict that guards the most valuable thing to you and forces a confrontation that is prepared for and usually represents a climax in the story in which the hero must face a very tough decision.

Stage 6 - tests, allies, enemies

He learns about what the area used to be like, without an interstate. Gaining a deeper understanding for the people of the area and how great it used to be compared to before. And the opinion of a once successful race car out in such a small broken down town. He gets himself a new set of tires and equipment with the help of his new friends.
You meet friends, have new experiences and learn new things about the world around you and your own ability in this world. But as this occurs you also face more challenges because you're exposing yourself to more of the unknown.

Stage 5 - Crossing the first threshold

Mcqueen learns that the sheriff is a 3 piston cup winner, Hudson Hornet. With newfound respect for the town he was trapped in, rather than leaving he chooses to stay and take a drive around the area going further from his intended destination. This marks a point of no return for the young racecar.
Where the adventure begins. going into the unknown and transferring from the ordinary world to the new world/special world and marks the point of no return where you must face ahead and whatever appears in front of you.

Stage 4 - Meeting the mentor

He gets challenged to a race in the sand by the sheriff, as a result he learns he isn't as good of a racer as he could be through rigorous punishment.
Someone with knowledge beyond your own, unable to fully prepare you but helps you face your fears and take the challenge in order to become a new self.

Stage 3 - Refusal of the call

At first he tries to turn back for Mack, but runs into the wrong vehicle. This causes him to get into alot of trouble as he isn't willing to ask others for help.
Avoiding your problems or the request of risk and glory. Not facing the challenge yet until you've assessed and considered the possibility.

Stage 2 - Call to adventure

Lightning falls off the truck on his way to California, his ride is half asleep driving and he has a choice to turn back or go forward without Mack.
Destiny has summoned you to a different perspective or challenge. Facing your fears and change.

Stage 1 - The ordinary world

Lightning mcqueen is an average racecar that enjoys his life of fame as a top tournament racer. But his arrogance ends up making it so he can't win.
Your normal life and struggles you are accustomed to and have no experience outside of.