Catégories : Tous - radar - mission - equipment - enemies

par Mohammed H. Il y a 1 année


Donald Anderson

In a covert operation, key personnel communicate through dedicated frequencies to relay mission-critical data. Mei Ling provides essential radar information, ensuring the operative can navigate and avoid enemy detection.

Donald Anderson

Donald Anderson

Proudly Made with Mindomo

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Part 1

J) Metal Gear

Snake: Yeah... I've got to hurry and rescue President Baker.

Nastasha: The other code...if the terrorists find out that one too.

14 Snake

Snake: According to the chief, there are two codes and the terrorists already know one of them.

Nastasha: Usually a secret detonation code or combination is necessary to launch the missile.

Nastasha: It is a device attached to a nuclear weapon system to prevent the missile from being armed or launched.

Nastasha: PAL stands for permissive action link.

Snake: But what about the PAL system that the DARPA Chief mentioned?

Snake: That was a long time ago.

Nastasha: But both were stopped by a lone, Solid Snake.

Nastasha: They secretly developed Metal Gear to increase their military and political power throughout the world.

6 Nastasha

Nastasha: I know it appeared in Outer Heaven in 1995 and then again in Zanzibar in 1999... Both were Third World countries led by military regimes.

Nastasha: Just rumors. I heard it is some kind of walking tank that can deliver an accurate nuclear strike.

Snake: So you know about Metal Gear?

Nastasha: What the hell...!?

2 Snake: Yeah

Snake: Yeah

Nastasha: They were conducting exercises with this new Metal Gear prototype. Is that what the DARPA Chief said?

I) Death

21 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: The DARPA Chief. Poor man...he has a heart attack right after you save him.

20 Master

Master: Good luck, Snake. You can do it.

19 Master

Master: looks like all you can do now is find Kenneth Baker, the president of ArmsTech.

18 Master

Master: It couldn't be...

Snake: Yeah...According to Naomi, it was a heart attack.

16 Master

Master: You say the DARPA Chief is dead!?

Campbell: Anyway, hurry up and get to the 2nd floor basement! You've got to save the ArmsTech president before the terrorists find out his code.

Campbell: Snake, you've got to understand. I'm just the middleman in this operation.

Snake: Really?

12 Campbell

Campbell: ...I didn't know.

Snake: Yeah, they'll use Metal Gear to do it... Colonel, did you know they were conducting a military exercise here using Metal Gear?

10 Campbell

Campbell: That's right. If the terrorists get Baker's code, they'll be able to launch that nuke anytime they want.

Naomi: Snake, Psycho Mantis has the power to read people's minds. He got the DARPA Chief's detonation code. Hurry up or he'll get Baker's code too...

Campbell: Snake, we don't have time to debate. get out of there and find President Baker!

Snake: ........

Campbell: I told you. The Secretary of Defense is in operational control. I'm just here as your support.

Snake: You want me to believe that you are in charge of this op, but you don't have access to the complete file!?

Campbell: Absolutely not. Snake, you've got to understand. This op is security level Red. You need the highest security clearance to get access to the complete file.

Snake: ...Colonel, are you hiding something from me?

Campbell: A heart attack? No...

2 Naomi

Naomi: I... I don't know. It looked like a heart attack but...

Snake: Naomi! The chief! What happened?


25 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: But... what about the Pentagon?

24 Snake

Snake: That's their problem. It has nothing to do with my orders.

23 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: So, does the White House plan to give in to the terrorists demands?

22 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: Somewhere in the 2nd floor basement.

Snake: Okay three card keys. Do you know where they might be keeping Baker?

20 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: Baker should have them. Listen. You need three card keys. There are three different slots to put them in. You need to insert a card into each one of them.

Snake: So where are the keys?

DARPA chief: Yes. You can stop the launch.

Snake: And if I do that?

DARPA chief: The card keys. They were designed by ArmsTech, the system developers as an emergency override. even without the passwords, you can just insert the card keys.

Snake: What?

DARPA chief: Yes. They'll be able to launch a nuke anytime. But there is a way to stop the launch.

Snake: If they find out Baker's password.

DARPA chief: It's just a matter of time before they get Baker's too.

Snake: ...This is bad.

DARPA chief: One of the members of FOX-HOUND. He has psychic powers.

Snake: Psycho Mantis?

8 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: Psycho Mantis can read people's minds. You can't resist.

Snake: You talked?

6 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: That's right. Each of us has to input our password or there can be no launch. But... they found out my password.

Snake: Baker? The president of ArmsTech?

4 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: Yes. Baker knows one and I know one.

Snake: There are two passwords?

2 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: Oh, you mean PAL. Yes, of course, there is a PAL. It's set up so that you need to input two different passwords in order to launch the device.

Snake: But I thought that all nuclear warheads were equipped with safety measures. Some kind of detonation code that you have to input.

G) DARPA Chief

21 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: Metal Gear Rex, the codename for the new Metal Gear prototype. They're probably already finished arming the warhead they plan to use with Rex.

20 Snake

Snake: Rex?

19 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: Rex has fallen into the hands of terrorists.

18 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: We were going to use this exercise as raw data and then proceed to mass production.

Snake: So that's the reason you were here at this disposal site?

16 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: ... You knew!? Metal Gear is one of the most secret black projects! How did you know that?

Snake: Metal Gear!? It can't be!

14 DARPA chief

DARPA chief : A weapon with the ability to launch a nuclear attack from any place on the face of the earth. A nuclear equipped, walking battle tank.

13 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: We were conducting exercises of a new type of experimental weapon. A weapon that will change the world.

12 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: What I'm about to tell you is classified information. Okay?

Snake: How do they plan to launch? I though this place was just for keeping the dismantled warheads. They shouldn't have access to a missile.

10 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: ... It's possible. They... could launch a nuke.

Snake: Is it possible?!

8 Snake

Snake: The terrorists are threatening the White House. They say if they don't accede to their demands they'll launch a nuclear weapon.

7 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: What are you talking about?

Snake: Do they really have the ability to launch a nuke?

5 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: The terrorists?

Snake: Slow down. Don't worry. First I want some information... about the terrorists.

3 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: You're here to save me, huh? In that case, hurry up and get me out of here.

Snake: I'm here to save you. You're the DARPA Chief, Donald Anderson, right?

1 DARPA chief

DARPA chief: Who... who, who's that?

F) Mei Ling

23 Snake

Snake: You have to allow yourself to fall in love with someone.

22 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: And how do I do that?

21 Snake

Snake: But first you have to try to understand human emotions, Mei Ling.

20 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: You're wrong. It's just a matter of time...

19 Snake

Snake: No matter how far data technology advances, you'll never be able to penetrate the human heart.

18 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: I don't know about that.

17 Snake

Snake: That's right. And that's what memories are...wordless.

Mei Ling: I can't save that type of thing. You have to put it into words at least.

Snake: If that's true, why don't you go ahead and try to save what I'm thinking right now.

Mei Ling: I don't get it. Anything can be done digitally.

13 Snake

Snake: Memories aren't just sounds and pictures. They exist somewhere between the sounds, between the pictures.

Mei Ling: I wouldn't be so sure of that. There's nothing that my systems can't do.

Snake: You can't save memories even on that system of yours.

10 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: Don't forget to save your memories of me too.

Snake: That would be nice.

Mei Ling: I wish I could send you weapons through this Codec, instead of just data.

7 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: Don't think of it like that. At least you'd never get lost.

Snake: Being monitored 24 hours a day...that would be like hell.

5 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: Of course. If you were my boyfriend, you'd never be able to cheat on me.

4 Snake

Snake: You're watching everything?

3 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: Pretty convenient, huh. It also makes it easy for us to see everything that you're doing.

Snake: Yeah. It's a great system.

Mei Ling: How's it going, Snake? Have you gotten used to using the radar yet?

E) Master

12 Master

Master: Well, I guess it's better than nothing.

11 Snake

Snake: I hate hats. Is a bandanna okay?

10 Master

Master: In cold like this, over 70% of your body warmth is lost through your head. Put on some kind of hat.

9 Master

Master: The weather in Alaska is very hard to predict. A lot of people say it's the worst weather in the world.

8 Master

Master: so call me if you have any questions about the flora or fauna out here.. My frequency is 141.80.

7 Master

Master: Well, I know lots about survival in a harsh environment. I've lived in Alaska longer than you.

6 Master

Master: Campbell told me about the situation here. I thought I might be of some use.

Snake: Passing on the skills to a new generation, huh?

4 Master

Master: I'm in retirement just like you. Once in a while I still help train the Alaskan Scouts.

3 Master

Master: I quit being a drill instructor, so I moved out here for some peace and quiet.

Snake: Master? What are you doing here?

1 Master

Master: Snake, this is McDonell Miller. It's been a long time.

D) Nastasha

17 Nastasha

Nastasha: Same here, Snake.

16 Snake

Snake: Hopefully that'll be enough. Another soldier here wouldn't make a difference anyway. It's good to work with you, Nastasha.

15 Nastasha

Nastasha: Unfortunately, all I can do from here IS provide you with information.

14 Nastasha

Nastasha: I will not allow this pain and anxiety to pass on to yet another generation.

13 Nastasha

Nastasha: My parents, and many others like them who helped in the cleanup, died a few years later from radiation sickness.

12 Nastasha

Nastasha: Between 1986 and 1993, 12,000 children died.

11 Nastasha

Nastasha: 600,000-700,000 people were evacuated. Over 650,000 children suffered the effects of radiation poisoning.

10 Nastasha

Nastasha: Yes. Chernobyl. That is the day that changed my life and thousands of other lives. I lived just three kilometers north of there.

9 Snake

Snake: You don't mean...

8 Nastasha

Nastasha: I was born and raised in Prypiat, Ukraine. I was 10 years old on that day...April 26, 1986

7 Nastasha

Nastasha: Victims of nuclear radiation are a sad thing to see...and I have seen a lot of it. I have seen more than enough of it.

Snake: Seems like you're pretty focused on that issue.

5 Nastasha

Nastasha: We must not allow terrorists to get their hands on nuclear weapons of any kind. I hope I can help you to stop them.

4 Nastasha

Nastasha: They asked me to participate in this operation as a supervisor from the Nuclear Emergency Search Team. I was happy to accept.

3 Nastasha

Nastasha: That's me. You can ask me anything about nukes that you want. I am also a military analyst, so I have an extensive knowledge of weapon system as well.

2 Snake

Snake: You're the nuclear specialist that the Colonel mentioned?

1 Nastasha

Nastasha: This is Nastasha Romanenko. A pleasure to work with you, Solid Snake.

C) Radar

16 Campbell

Campbell: Snake, hurry up and get in there! That Hind will be coming back soon.

15 Campbell

Campbell: Then we got a message from Liquid. He said if we try something like that again, he'll launch the nuke!

14 Campbell

Campbell: You're not going to believe this, but they shot down the F-16s we were using as a diversion, with a Hind D!.

Campbell: Snake, If you have any questions about weapons or equipment, you should ask our military analyst, Nastasha. Her frequency is 141.52.

12 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: I'm also in charge of your mission data. My frequency is 140.96. It's a dedicated frequency for saving data. Don't forget it.

Naomi: Seriously Snake. We're here to back you up, so call if you need some information or advice.

Snake: Got it. I'll call if I'm feeling lonely.

9 Campbell

Campbell: We'll be monitoring your movements by radar... so contact us by Codec anytime you want.

Mei Ling: Snake, your radar isn't affected by the weather, but if you're discovered by an enemy you won't be able to use it.

Campbell: Get whatever information you can from him about the terrorists. If he’s alive that is...

6 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: He should appear on your radar as a green dot.

5 Naomi

Naomi: The DARPA Chief was injected with the same GPS transmitting nanomachines as you.

Campbell: First I want you to infiltrate the disposal site and look for the DARPA Chief.

3 Naomi

Naomi: Be careful Snake. The Genome soldiers have highly developed senses of hearing and vision due to their gene therapy. Make sure you don’t let them see you.

2 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: The bright dot in the middle is you Snake. The red dots are your enemies and the blue cone shape represents their field of vision.

1 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: Let me explain about your Soliton radar system.

B) Hind D

16 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: Yeah, I'm looking forward to learning about the man behind the legend.

15 Snake

Snake: Looks like we both have a lot to learn about each other.

14 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: But I'm surprised, you're very frank for a trained killer.

13 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: C'mon, I can't believe I'm being hit on by the famous Solid Snake.

Snake: No, I'm serious. Now I know I won't be bored for the next 18 hours.

11 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: You're just flattering me...

Snake: Nothing...I just didn't expect a world-class designer of military technology to be so...cute.

9 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: What's wrong?

Snake: ......
8 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: Nice to meet you Snake. It's an honor to speak to a living legend like yourself.

7 Campbell

Campbell: She designed your codec, as well as your Soliton radar system. Contact her if you have any questions about either of them.

6 Campbell

Campbell: Oh sorry, I haven't introduced you two yet. This is Mei Ling. She was assigned to us as our visual and data processing specialist.

5 Snake

Snake: Who's that?

4 Mei Ling

Mei Ling: Wow...he must be crazy to fly a Hind in this kind of weather.

3 Campbell

Campbell: There are only 18 hours left until their deadline. You've got to hurry.

Campbell: I have no idea...but it looks like our little diversion got their attention. Now's your best chance to slip in unnoticed.

Snake: A Hind D? Colonel, what's a Russian gunship doing here?

A) Disposal Facility

13 Campbell

Campbell: Two F-16s just took off from Galena and are headed your way. The terrorist's radar should have already picked them up.

12 Snake

Snake: By the way, how's the diversionary operation going?

11 Naomi

Naomi: Bear with it. It's designed to prevent hypothermia. This is Alaska you know.

10 Snake

Snake: I'm nice and dry, but it is a little hard to move.

9 Naomi

Naomi: How's that Sneaking Suit working out?

8 Campbell

Campbell: Excellent, Snake. Age hasn't slowed you down one bit.

7 Snake

Snake: It's Snake. I'm in front of the disposal facility.

6 Snake

Snake: Got it, okay, I'm ready to go.

5 Campbell

Campbell: If you need to, contact me by codec, the frequency is 140.85.

4 Campbell

Campbell: Just as I expected. You'll have to take the elevator to the surface. But make sure nobody sees you.

3 Snake

Snake: Looks like the elevator in the back is the only way up.

2 Campbell

Campbell: Loud and clear Snake. What's the situation Snake?

1 Snake

Snake: This is Snake. Colonel, can you hear me?
