Catégories : Tous - atmosphere - precipitation - clouds - evaporation

par Sara Cruise Il y a 8 mois



The Earth's geography is defined by several critical elements such as the equator, prime meridian, and lines of longitude and latitude, which help divide the planet into coordinate systems.



Earth’s Four Spheres

Biosphere: the life zone of the Earth and includes all living organisms, and all organic matter that has not yet decomposed.
Hydrosphere: includes all water on Earth (including surface water and groundwater)
Atmosphere: gaseous envelope that surrounds the Earth and constitutes the transition between its surface and the vacuum of space
Geosphere-comprises the solid Earth and includes both Earth’s surface and the various layers of the Earth's interior.


clouds- are masses of water droplets or ice crystals that hang in the troposphere.
Stratus- sheet like clouds
alto- middle altitude
nimbo- rain cloud.
cumulus- puffy clouds
Cirrus- wispy, feathery clouds made of ice crystals.
water cycle- continuous movement of water between the surface of earth
precipitation- occurs when water or a from of ice falls from the atmosphere to Earth's surface.
condensation- Is the process in which water vapor changes into liquid water.
transpiration- water vapor is released to the air from the leaves of plants
evaporation- process in which liquid water changes into invisible water vapor in the form of gas.
Earths Atmosphere
troposphere- layer nearest earth




exoshere- outermost layer

ozone- a form of oxygen that shields earth from harmful radiation.
atmosphere- the mixture of gases that surrounds earth extends from earths surface.

Fossils-remains or evidence of those organism in layers of rock

imprints- are impressions of parts of organisms left in the soil.
Coprolites- are the petrified remains of animal dung.
mold- Is a space in a rock that has shape of the remains of living things that once occupied the space.
cast- is a model in the shape of a living thing or its remains.
trace fossils- include the footprints, tracks, trails and burrows.
petrified fossil- forms when minerals replace the bone, shell or other hard part that was trapped.


properties to identify minerals
hardness, color, luster( how it reflects light), streak, crystal shape, cleavage and fracture(they break on how atoms are arranged and specific gravity,
crystal structure- a definite pattern in the way particles in a substance are arranged
minerals- a naturally formed solid substance with crystal structure
structure of earth
inner core- is a fluid layer of mostly iron and nickel that lies between the mantle and the solid inner core.
outer core-is a fluid layer of mostly iron and nickel that lies between the mantle and the solid inner core.
mantle- the thickest layer of the planet, located between the crust and the outer core
crust- the outermost layer

showing earth on a map

topographic maps- shows elevations or how high and low a area is.
index contours- show elevations and are darker then other contour lines.
Contour lines- connects points that have the same elevation.
map legends- list the symbols used on a map and explains their meaning.
map scales- shows how distances on a map relate to distances on Earth's surface
International date line- the line of longitude with the highest number value 180 east and w
Equator- divides earth into two parts
Prime meridian- is the central line of longitude and represents 0 longitude
parallels- lines of latitude
latitude- is the distance of a place north or south
Longitude- the distance of a place east or west of the prime meridian