Catégories : Tous - eggs - celebration - traditions - symbols

par Melissa Ortegon Aguirre Il y a 5 années


Easter Day!

Easter is a significant event in the Christian calendar, marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Celebrations vary globally, with some countries like Spain hosting street processions, while others such as the USA, Ireland, and Poland focus on decorating and exchanging Easter eggs.

Easter Day!

Easter Day!

Easter is a mobile party, whose day varies every year. This is because the date is not set according to the civil calendar, but for the liturgical year, which is governed by the lunar cycles.


Paschal candle: It is a large candle and decorated with a cross in the center that is used during the Easter Vigil. His light symbolizes the resurrection of Christ.
The Easter egg represents the beginning of life. For this reason, in several countries chocolate eggs are given to friends and family to wish them a good Easter.
The flowers represent life and joy for the resurrection of Jesus and the new life he brings us. The temples are usually adorned with many flowers this day.
The Easter rabbit is a symbol of fertility, since at the end of winter and early spring, in the northern hemisphere, it was when animals began to appear with their young, remembering the rebirth of the earth.

According to the Sacred Scriptures, with the Passover God gives Christians hope for the resurrection and for a new way of life, represented in the return of Christ from the dead.

It is the most important celebration of the Christian Church.

Topic principal

Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after being crucified, as related in the New Testament of the Bible.

Easter is also known as Easter Day, Easter Sunday, Easter Sunday, Glory Sunday or Holy Sunday.

The origin of the celebration of Easter is found in the Old Testament of the Bible, in the book of Exodus. There it narrates the march of the town of Israel of the captivity in Egypt towards the promised earth, and it is explained how it must be taken the paschal celebration for the Hebrew town.

In Spain they celebrate Easter with processions on the street. in Ireland, Poland, Latvia, Italy, Croatia or the USA, Easter eggs are the tradition. In Germany, they hang the eggs in the trees and in Latvia, they use flowers and seeds such as rice or lentils to decorate the eggs instead of painting it. The custom of Easter eggs exists from Mesopotamia who painted the red eggs representing the blood of Christ. With the passage of time, the egg became a symbol of empty tombs and today, the eggs have been replaced by chocolate eggs or plastic eggs filled with jelly beans.