Catégories : Tous - presentation - reflection - resources - powerpoint

par Vicky Law Il y a 17 années


EDER 669.50: Project 1

Project 1 Involves hunting and gathering to find out more about the teaching and learning context of a country of your choice. By learning more about the culture of schools and EFL/ESL programs around the world, we may begin thinking about and encouraging culturally sensitive pedagogical practices. This is important because your way of teaching as you prepare yourself in the specialization of TESL/TEFL may not align with the expectations and culture of learning of your students. If you know where your students are coming from, you can intentionally begin to introduce pedagogical innovations and, at the same time, you can respect what your students need and want. Yet, in some educational contexts, you may have no choice! If you are teaching EFL abroad, you may have few choices within a top down, highly regimented approach with a heavy emphasis on testing. Overview: Culturally sensitive teaching involves understanding and respecting the expectations for the learning processes the students bring to class. By examining these expectations more closely, we can also identify 'cracks in the system' or the niche places for educational and pedagogical reform and experimentation - small and simple as that may be. This structured mini-research assignment will help you acquire a beginning understanding of those expectations and practices your students have in mind when they come to your class. Objectives: To identify the predominant instructional paradigm of a given culture and to understand the culture of teaching and learning of various countries by undertaking one study and sharing with others to make a small portfolio for future reference. This sharing will help us identify common practices and expectations across cultures that may limit what I can do, and provide possibilities for change by identifying the 'cracks in the system'. It will help us identify strengths in EFL teaching and learning that we can adopt as our own. Lastly, we want to learn from the mistakes of others who have attempted EFL curriculum implementation projects without having taken into account the local culture. For those in an ESL setting, it is important to go gently forward by knowing where your students are coming from - to keep what is working and to change where necessary.

EDER 669.50: Project 1

EDER 669.50: Project 1: TPR

for this project, you are reporting on how your method works

and the history and research on the effectiveness of your method in a

PowerPoint. Then you are to post links to resources and your PowerPoint

on the Discussion Board in the Forum I created for your presentation.

Lastly, you are to include references in your PowerPoint.


Reflection and Wrapup
Supplementary Articles


Summary of Ideas

2 Key Questions for Discussions

Oral presentation in Powerpoint/activity/performance

TPR Research

Article by James Asher:Language by Command
ARTICLE: (Sometimes) Against the grainTotal physical response for teaching metaphorical language

TPR History / Current Status

TPR Method
Typical Techniques
Key Features

More historical Context

BBC TPR Introduction
The ABC's of Total Physical Response
Onestop English: Discussion of TPR approach to Language Teaching
Wikipedia Article
Usage in Classroom

Older Map

Map has changed to reflect new information

Task 2: Project One Portfolio

Project 1 Portfolio

Have a look at all the postings put up by your classmates. What common themes do you see across all the postings?

What advice would you have for someone about to set out to teach English in a foreign setting? What ‘social responsibility’, if any, does the EFL teacher have when working in a foreign context?

What qualities and experiences should international educational institutions look for when hiring prospective EFL instructors?

How would you describe the teaching style(s) you observed?

Copy over your posting, reflect on your classmate’s postings, integrate the readings, write your commentary, and submit via e-mail to by September 22.

Task 1: Structured Investigation

Enabling Task 1: Structured Investigation

Here are some topics that will help to structure your investigation. Write up a summary of the EFL/ESL class setting in paragraph form and include the following information. Post your results on the Discussion Board and also copy them over into your Project 1 Portfolio.

Structured Task Document

I have placed a google docs document here. Use the hyperlink to follow. In order to edit, you must be invited by me to edit it.

Basic Concepts/Philosophy

Not sure how exactly this differentiates from TPR History - but trying to get at the essence of the article and the TPR History node is getting overloaded. Ideas ?

What is TPR? - By James Asher

TPR in current Use

TPR Story Telling
Usage in China: Sample demo class from Vicky

Vicky has video recordings of her usage of the TPR method in her teaching in China and can add it to the presentaion.


TPR Objective: Sample lesson to introduce students to TPR through learning of Chinese pronounciation of numbers.

* Warmup: Video of Chinese students doing morning exercises.

Install Photoshop
Effortless English Blog