Catégories : Tous - protein - cholesterol - cooking - nutrients

par Timothy Wong Il y a 10 années


Eggs are a rich source of protein,which has many uses in food preparation.Prepare a nutritious and interesting one-dish meal with the use of eggs for a group of people.

Eggs are a versatile ingredient essential in many culinary applications. Renowned for their high protein content, they are a staple in creating nutritious and satisfying meals. In cooking, eggs serve multiple purposes:

Eggs are a rich source of protein,which has many uses in food preparation.Prepare a nutritious and interesting one-dish meal with the use of eggs for a group of people.

Eggs are a rich source of protein,which has many uses in food preparation.Prepare a nutritious and interesting one-dish meal with the use of eggs for a group of people.

A group of people

Do teenagers appreciate food?
Teenagers show their appreciation by telling their friend how delicious the food is and they would eat it very often. Food and beverages(FNB) is a growing business in Singapore as the population goes up,more shopping malls have to be built an that means more food stalls. Singapore has different types of food from all over the world. A report from the Singapore Tourism Board has shown that teenagers are the most often group of people that visit shopping malls and food stalls. The thirst for more and more different types of food is a matter that the Singapore government is trying to deal with.
Are teenagers willing to try more new and exciting food?
The answer is YES!! Teenagers are always curious and they always want to try new food. They recommend different types of food to their famailies and friends. Food is also affordable to a lot of teenagers and they like to hang out with their friends,especially at restaurants as they can enjoy their friends company and delicious food.
What kind of nutrients do teenagers need?
During puberty, teenagers need a lot of nutrients and vitamins to help them grow strong and healthy. Without enough nutrients their health and growth will be affected. The easiest way to recieve these nutrients and vitamins are through healthy food like vegetables,meat and fruits.
What is the age range of teenagers?
Teenagers age from 13 to 18 and as they grow older they their taste for food would change and they seek more delicious and interesting food. They do not really care about the oil and hazardous ingredients that they put into food to make it delicious and that is also why a lot of teenagers are overweight or very unhealthy.
What kind of food do teenagers like to eat?
Teenagers like a wide range of variety of foods nowadays.Example: Korean BBQ,Japanese Food ETC. But still a lot of teenagers still love Eggs. It has a colourful look and it taste delicious. It has a lot of nutrients that can help in teenage growth especially during puberty.

one-dish meal

how do you create a one-dish meal?
You pick a main ingredient that you want to showcase in your one-dish meal. After that you add a bunch of side ingredients to make a entire meal.
Is a one-dish meal common in Singapore?
It is not a very common sight to see a one-dish meal in Singapore because Singapore is a multi-racial country so usually a dish would have a lot of different main ingredients but there are also some one-dish meals like Chicken rice, roti prata etc.
what is expected of a one-dish meal?
There must be a main ingredient in the entire dish. The main would be showcased with other ingredients or just by itself.
Is a one-dish meal hard to find?
A lot of people do not notice a one-dish meal because they do not notice the main ingredient in a dish. The main ingredient is basically the food listed on the menu but only if there is only one main ingredient.
What is a one-dish meal?
A one-dish meal is basically a meal based on one dish, for example: sushi's main ingredient or dish is rice so it is a one-dish meal. A one-dish meal is usually used to showcase how a certain dish can be mixed with different types of ingredient to form a delicious cuisine, it is a technique used by a lot of chefs to attract other people to a single and main dish that tastes better with other ingredients and methods of cooking.

Nutritious and interesting

How do you make food interesting?
Many chefs use different colour of foods to create a wide variety of colours and design to make food look more interesting and appetising. Using the egg yolk from a egg can contrast a bright yellow colour to the dish and adding vegetables to dishes can make the dish look more healthy, adding strawberries can make food look tasty and sweet. These are some of the ways of using colour to make food look the way it is suppose to taste.
How much nutritious food do people usually eat?
A lot of people eat fruits and vegetables everyday without knowing that they are eating it because they do not acknowledge the goodness that they can provide for the human body because they would rather enjoy the delicious meal than think about healthiness and goodness for their health.
How does nutritious food help people?
Nutritious and healthy food contain vitamins and minerals that can help to strengthen the human body but sometimes nutritious food might look and taste bad. Example, some children do not like to eat vegetables because they taste bad and they have a greenish colour on its leaves. Some nutrients can only be found in fruits and vegetables so without them, our body would be very weak and vulnerable to diseases.
Do people want to eat interesting food?
Eating the same food everytime makes people bored of it. That is why chefs are trying to create more interesting food to satisfy customers but making sure it is nutritious is always a challenge. Fried food are delicious but they are harmful to health so not many people prefer to eat it.
Are nutritious and interesting food one of the most famous type of food?
Nutritious and interesting food are definitely famous because the look of a meal affects the eater's appetite because no one would one to eat something that looks disgusting. Many people want to live and eat healthy so they would usually choose to eat nutritious food and a lot of nutritious food taste and looks disgusting so with a change of appearance, it would look more appetising.


Do eggs have a natural taste?
Raw eggs are usually served at food courts with coffee and toast. People belieee that eating raw egg as breakfast can provide you with a huge boost of energy but to some, the raw egg is not a tasty dish as it has a slimy and watery with a sort of fishy taste. I am glad that people have thought of adding ingredients and different methods of cooking an egg to make it taste much better that raw. Eating raw egg can be unhealthy because there might be disease that cannot be detected or haven't been removed yet because it is a raw, the same concept as eating raw meat.
Are eggs used by all chefs to make delicious dishes?
Eggs are used in a lot of countries to make delicious meals. Example: Korea,Japan and China etc. Almost every meal we eat contains egg because egg is affordable and it is extremely easy to mix with other ingredients. Eggs are used as a ingredient in many ways. Korean restaurant place raw egg on rice to make the famous Bibimbab. Japanese restaurants use egg in their soup and sushi to insert a salty taste into the sushi and egg goes well with soya sauce,which is a common sauce in Japanese cuisine. Chinese restaurants place large amounts of salt in eggs to make their soup and other dishes with meat to taste delicious but yet the egg can add a rather salty taste to the whole dish.
What can eggs be used as in cutlery and cooking?
Eggs are not only a type of food but they are also a useful tool used in cooking to help make food more delicious. Whipped egg whites contain tiny air bubbles. When this mix is added to other ingredients it makes the dishes light and fluffy.Other uses of eggs are to bind ingredients together.Without eggs, a lot of delicious food that we enjoy today might not even exist.
Why eggs cannot be eaten a lot of times daily?
Eggs might be delicious but they are also unhealthy as the egg yolk contains high cholesterol that are unhealthy and harmful to our health but they are not all bad, they contain helpful nutrients.Example:vitamins A,B and D.They contain a lot of other proteins that can help prevent cancer.But still high contents of egg yolk is not recommended but eating the egg white by itself is also relatively healthy as it also contains other vitamins and proteins that are also good for the body.
Do people like eggs?
4 out of 5 people eat eggs everyday. They are eaten for breakfast,lunch and dinner.They have a vibrant and interesting taste that give it its appetizing look. They can be made to taste differently,depending on what ingredients you use. It is a delicacy that is eaten by everybody and it is tastes good when mixed with different kind of dishes. A lot of people would say that eggs are one of their most favourite food as they are easy to make and they can be made in diffferent ways,example:scrambled eggs,omlette,steamed eggs and sunny side up.