Catégories : Tous - environment - study - genetics - behaviour

par Joerg Bauer Il y a 15 années


Environment vs Genetics

In comparing the methodologies and conclusions of the provided study with those of the research on maternal behavior in rats and antisocial behavior in humans, several key points emerge.

Environment vs Genetics

Q3 Environment/ Genetics and Learning

Part A: Write an essay in which you compare and contrast the methodology and conclusions of the above study with (a) the maternal behaviour in rats study (pp. 51–4 Book 3 SD226) and(b) the study of antisocial behaviour (pp. 78–80 Book 3 SD226).

Overall Conclusion: Purely genetic determinatio of Behaviour is rareIt may be that Environment even changes DNA.As for many diseases (like Alzheimer) or behaviours (violenc, open field) a specific gene is only causal for a small percentageof occurences for other it might be environmental (risk) factors causing the behaviour.Perhaps even changing the DNA??Pehaps It could be that complex behaviour is the to a lesser degree determined by a single gene.
Much behaviour is determined by environment

Environmen over Genetics

Behaviour is familial but environmentally not genetically determined

2. Enriched Environmen StudyEnvironment even changes DNA

1. Nursing Behaviour StudyEnvironment is determinant

Overall some behviour is gentically influence

Weaker Genetic Determination over environment

MOAP and Child abuse Study

Strong Genetics determination over environment

Huntington's Disease Book 1 1.1.3

Narcolepsy: Book 1 2.3.5

Article Study vs.Book Study 78-80: Antisocial behaviour

1.c) Genetics affect adult violence significanly more in cases of strong infant abuse (Environment)

1.b) Severe chilhood abuse (Environment) affects antisocial behaviour

1.a) Genes themselves do not cause anitsocial behaviour

Book Methodology

Long Term Study analysing the relationship between genetic factors, childhood environmant and and an index of antisocial behaviour:Independent Factor 1: Mutant MOAP alleleFactor 2: no abuse, mild abuse, strong abuseDependent variable: agresive behaviourHypothesis: Greater correlation between MAOP+childhood abuse and violent behaviourcompared to No MOAP +childhood abuse / MOAP+ No child abuse

Article Conclusions

Similar: Genetics determine aggessive behaviour only in few cases

Differnt: Experimental vs. Correlational Study

Article Studiy vs. Book Study: 51-4 Maternal behviour in Rats
Book Conclusions

3. Conclusions of 2nd eperiment: Maternal Benhaviour runs in families but is not genetically determined

2. Environment during infancy primary determinant of open field behaviour

1.Maternal behaviour towards children (no matter if foster or not) determines open field behaviour

Book (rats) Methodology

2. Experimenta Set upIndependent Variable: High-Low nursing environmenDependent Variable: High Low later maternal behaviour

1.Experimental Set-UpIndependent Variable: Nursing Behaviour of MothersDependent Variable: Open field Behaviour of children

Compared Article Conclusion

Same, but additionally infacny Environment (of Mothers) can not only change behaviour, but even DNA

Compared Article Methodology


Article Study

4. Effect is not long lasting

3. Evidence for Epigenetics: Environmentally in infancy can even change the DNA

2. Mothers aquired improvements affects childrens DND

"An otherwise latent control mechanism is unlocked" by which LTP is enhanced

1. As previously shown: Enriched environment during infancy can improve genetic defects

Article Methodology

Experimental Set.Up:Independet Variable: Enriched envrionment in mothers Dependent Variable: Memory function of their offspring

5: Memory is enhanced in spite of genetic defect

4. Offspring: No enriched environment is provided

3. Offspring with same genetic defect:

2. Exposing them to enriched envrionment

1. Genetic Manipulation: Built in Defect of Memory of future mothers

Stress is affecting social behaviourlearning and memory
Early experiences are affecting latersocial behaviour / stress / hormones / appearance