par Nicolás Arteta Trascasa Il y a 3 années
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To name your story, you have to think about the overall message and what you want your audience to understand from the story. Also, make it relevant and easy to remember.
The ending of a story is essential. We all know that if the ending is weak, what happened before loses its importance. So make it unpredictable, but fair. A resolved ending answers all the questions and ties up any loose threads from the plot.
This is the closure section of the story.
See examples of possible outcomes below:
Try answering these questions to come up with a closure:
- Have all the problems been solved?
- Is there a clear picture of what happens with each character in the story?
- Has the challenge transformed your main character?
- How do the characters feel in the end?
This is the moment when the main character surpasses the last obstacle and finally faces their greatest challenge.
The climax usually follows one of these patterns:
Type in your answer.
In the beginning of the story (or the exposition), you will need to introduce the setting and characters. You might also want to introduce the main conflict. This part of the story is important because it gives the reader necessary background information and maybe even a first insight into a character’s personality.
Konpultsioak portaera errepikakorrak edo errituzkoak.
Pertsonak argi pentsatzeko gasitasunari esan.
Depresioa ez da norberaren borondatez alda.
Emozio-egoera desatsegina.
Sintomarik sarrienak:
Gihar zurrunak, ibiltzeko zailtasunak, esku, beso eta hanketako dardara, eta gorabeherak mugimenduen koordinazioan.
Mugimendua eta jarrera kontrolatzeaz eta koordinatzeaz arduratzen diren garuneko guneen neuronak hiltzeari zor.
Fase aurreratuetan hitz egiteko zailtasunak gertatu.
Oroimenean, orientazioan eta arrazoimenean, eta pixkana-pixkana areagotu.
Hasieran, galera arinak gertatu.
Garun-azaleko neuronak endekatzearen ondorioz gertatu.
Alzheimer-en gaitza edo Parkinson-en gaitza.
Bizkarrezur-muinean lesioak eragin.
Neuronen heriotza eragin.
Nerbio-sistema zentralari eragiten dioten gaixotasunak