Catégories : Tous - environment - climate - pollution - travel

par Rafiq Azan Il y a 2 années


Global Warming and Climate Change

Organically farmed food has significant environmental benefits as it is produced without GMOs, antibiotics, or growth hormones, resulting in more nutritious produce and promoting biodiversity.

Global Warming and Climate Change

As a result, avoid making stopovers. Stopovers will only lengthen the journey, resulting in increased kilometers, fuel consumption, and CO2 emissions. Spend a few extra euros on a direct ticket instead of that low-cost flight, and you'll be pleased you did.

Use a flight search engine to offset your CO2-emissions for free while booking a flight.

The most effective strategy to cut CO2 emissions is to avoid flying. However, if you really must fly, try to avoid flying too many short distances in a succession. Short-distance flight produces the greatest pollution per kilometer of all modes of transportation. Of course, a short flight is preferable to a long flight, but taking the train is much better.

By far the most damaging industry on the earth is the meat industry, notably the cattle industry. Giving up animal products (beef) may reduce carbon emissions more than driving a car, according to some scientists.

As a result, eat as little animal products as possible while travelling. Of course, this does not have to be limited to your vacation. When you eat less or no animal products at home, it makes a significant effect.

You can also take public transportation instead of riding if your destination is a little further away or if you have to go in severe weather.

You might strive to travel in a more environmentally responsible manner. Traveling is a significant factor in contributing to global warming. When fossil fuels like gasoline and diesel are used, carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, is released into the environment.

Walking or biking to places is a fairly simple and efficient approach to help with climate change. It's simple and may be done at any time, especially if the destination is close by.

Organically farmed food is better for the environment. It's made without the use of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) (GMOs). Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy are produced by animals grown without antibiotics or growth hormones. Because organic foods are grown in great soils, they are often more nutritious, including more vitamins and minerals. Organic farms promote genetic variety, reduce water pollution and soil degradation, and have fewer farm worker poisonings and a lower impact on wildlife.

Planting trees around your home and property, in your neighborhood, or in our national forests all help to mitigate climate change. Through the natural process of photosynthesis, trees absorb CO2 and other harmful particles, store the carbon, and exhale pure oxygen. Learn how trees may help in the fight against climate change by being planted.

Varying tree species have different growth rates. Trees that grow faster, such as some coniferous species, can absorb more carbon at a younger age, but they also die faster. Trees that grow slowly, such as oak, take longer to begin storing carbon than plants that grow quickly, but they sequester more carbon over time.

Use more eco-friendly ways

Eat more healty foods

Planting more forestry

The infrastructure that supports local jobs and regional industries in metropolitan areas is threatened by rising oceans. Roads, bridges, subways, water supplies, oil and gas wells, power plants, sewage treatment plants, and landfills—virtually all human infrastructure—are all at risk from rising sea levels.

Rising ocean temperatures have an influence on the ocean's advantages to humans, compromising food security, increasing disease prevalence, and causing more extreme weather events and the loss of coastal protection.

Temperature rises in the water have an impact on marine animals and ecosystems. Coral bleaching and the loss of reproductive habitats for marine fish and mammals are both caused by rising temperatures.

Extreme weather changes might pose a threat to civilization. Increased the frequency and intensity of extreme heat events can result in an increase in illnesses and deaths, especially among vulnerable groups, as well as crop damage. While more rain can help to restore water supplies and aid agriculture, severe storms can cause property damage, loss of life, and population displacement, as well as disrupt critical services such as transportation, telecommunications, energy, and water.

Heat waves will be more likely to occur as temperatures rise, and they will last longer. Heat waves can be fatal, causing symptoms such as heat cramps, heat stroke, and even death.

Warmer temperatures have the ability to set off a chain reaction of other global developments. This is true since rising air temperatures affect oceans, weather patterns, snow and ice, as well as plants and animals. As the temperature rises, the greater the impact on people and the environment.

Climate change throughout time has the potential to destabilize many aspects of society, either directly or indirectly. Warmer average temperatures, for example, may increase air conditioning costs and affect the spread of diseases like Lyme disease, but they may also boost crop growth conditions.

Temperature Rise

Rising Sea Levels

Drought conditions in different sections of the country have altered throughout time. Droughts were most common in the 1930s and 1950s, but the previous 50 years have been significantly wetter than average. Drought is more prevalent in the West, while rain is more prevalent in the Midwest and Northeast. According to a more recent assessment, between 2000 and 2020, between 20 and 70 percent of the United States' geographical area experienced at least exceptionally dry conditions at any given time. On the other hand, this metric hasn't been around long enough to be compared to earlier drought patterns.

Weather Patterns

More than 90% of the increased heat in the atmosphere created by human-induced emissions is absorbed by the ocean. The ocean has a significant impact on climate change. As a major source of CO2, the sea has an impact on the amount of CO2 taken in and released. The ocean absorbs around a fourth of the CO2 produced by humans.

Heat is reflected onto the sea ice sheets, melting them, due to trapped carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Ice sheets are a valid approach for reflecting CO2 and sinking it, but they are no longer able to do so properly owing to melting.

Warming Oceans

According to a study led by the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom, the melting of ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland corresponded to worst-case climate change predictions made earlier this year by experts.

They were able to quantify how much mass the world's 220,000 glaciers have lost each year since the turn of the century thanks to the equipment. The findings are the most recent satellite-based studies to show that ice loss in the planet's coldest regions is accelerating.

Glaciers Melting

Starting in 1998, the vocabulary for the greenhouse effect began to change as a result of media effects. People began to refer to the concept as "global warming" or "climate change" as the term "greenhouse effect" became less popular.

The most harmful to the environment is nuclear energy. Although it is the most environmentally beneficial technique of energy generation, the waste remains are extremely dangerous and damaging to human and animal systems.

Burning wood for energy has also been shown to be incredibly destructive to the earth's atmosphere. It throws the atmosphere out of whack and releases a significant amount of CO2. Wood is the easiest to obtain and utilise because it is renewable through trees.

Nuclear power is the most damaging to the environment. Despite being the most environmentally benign way of energy generation, the waste remnants are extremely dangerous and detrimental to human and wild life systems.

One of the most environmentally friendly sources of energy is wind power. Wind current energy can be captured and converted into a renewable energy source. It cuts down on the use of fossil fuels and produces no CO2, which is great for the environment.

Hydroelectricity is the process of extracting energy from ocean currents. It's also a renewable energy source because no harm is done to the water in the process. It helps with flood control, irrigation, and water delivery, as well as lowering fossil fuel consumption.

Another green energy source is solar energy. The energy is harvested using solar rays, which are 3x to 25x less harmful than fossil fuels. This also helps to combat climate change by lowering the use of non-renewable energy sources.

Air pollution created by fossil fuels is the "invisible murderer." It can cause respiratory, cardiovascular, and other problems, and it is responsible for more than 13% of all deaths in people aged 14 and above in the United States. By leaking toxic substances into the land and drinking water supplies, fossil fuel production has the potential to cause cancer, birth abnormalities, and liver damage.

The intentional, natural, or unintentional clearing, destroying, or otherwise removal of trees is known as deforestation. It may happen in any area with a lot of trees and other plant life, but it's most common in the Amazon jungle right now.

Deforestation occurs for a variety of causes, including farming (80% of deforestation is attributed to cow ranching) and logging for materials and development.

The gaseous form of H2O or water is known as water vapor. It has no negative effects on the earth's ecosystems.

Water Vapor

Fluorinated gases are man-made compounds that can persist in the atmosphere for generations and contribute to global warming. The four types are hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride.

Fluorinated Gases

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a harmless gas for both ecosystems and humans. Its chemical formula is N2O, and it is perfectly safe for humans.

Carbon Dioxide

Nitrous Oxide

Carbon dioxide, also known as CO2 for its formula and acronym, is a vital gas. It is a non-harmful gas in tiny quantities, but in greater concentrations, it can have a significant impact on a variety of daily activities.


Methane is a dangerous gas that reduces the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. CH4 is the chemical formula for methane.

Electricity and heat, agriculture and land, industry, transportation, other energy, food waste, and buildings are the primary areas where greenhouse gas levels are rising the greatest.

In 1896, Swedish physicist Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was the first to suggest that the usage of fossil fuels could contribute to greater global warming. He proposed a relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and temperature. He established that the average surface temperature of the earth is roughly 15oC due to the infrared absorption capability of water vapour and carbon dioxide. This is known as the natural greenhouse effect.

These gases are produced for a variety of causes. The following are some of the primary causes of greenhouse gas emissions: -Pollution -Overpopulation -Warming Oceans -Ocean Acidification -Energy Sources -Deforestation -Oil mining -Melting Ice

Greenhouse gases are a source of global warming. It primarily consists of the following: -Carbon dioxide  -Methane -N2O (Nitrogen Oxide) -Water Vapor -Fluorinated Gases  These gases may not be dangerous in small amounts, but when mixed together, they can generate a variety of fatal chemical reactions. As the number of gases in the atmosphere increases, the atmosphere becomes more blanketed, making the earth considerably hotter. As a result, global warming is exacerbated.

Greenhouse Gases

Energy Sources





Global Warming and Climate Change