Catégories : Tous - empathy - clarity - tone - writing

par madalyn badgero Il y a 8 années


Good Writing

Effective writing involves creating a compelling beginning, maintaining simplicity, and avoiding unnecessary details. It's about using analogies appropriately and steering clear of big, cumbersome words that distract from meaning.

Good Writing

Good Writing

using tone

write the way you would talk

telling the story only you can tell

tell the story the way you want to not the way you think someone else would

limiting moralizing

have a few but not a ton

no weakling verbs

no verbs that do not give the action proper meaning

dont use weblish

not talking as you would on a social media site

no frankenwords

no combination words, or unneeded words


made so readers of all ages can read

keeping it simple

not adding extra details

good ending

having a good ending that makes the reader wish there was more

getting rid of the wrong words

getting rid of the words that make the writing bulky and boring

ability to swap places with your reader

if you can switch places with your reader, you will understand what the reader would understand about what you are writing


without organization the reader will be lost

using content tools

keep tools in mind when editing

using voice

give the text its own voice, let it speak for itself

knowing the difference between words

know which words to use when

only occasionaly using cliches

cliches are okay only occasionaly

ditch adverbs

there is no need for them

no obese words

no big words that draw away from the sentence or meaning

use real words

use words you csn find in a dictionary

not being simplistic

have details

using analogies

its okay to use analogies every now and then

a good start

draw the reader in


write like a human being not a robot

embracing the Ugly First Drafts

use the UFD as a guide to your final draft

using GPS

its important to follow steps

writing is a habit

its okay to enjoy writing