Catégories : Tous - organization - questions - credibility - technology

par Jack Perrin Il y a 8 années


How Does the Body Become Depressed?

The text outlines how specific educational standards have been met, focusing on writing and research skills. It demonstrates the ability to logically organize reasons and evidence to support a claim, effectively use technology for creating and publishing work, and conduct research using various sources.

How Does the Body Become Depressed?

Final questions for further investigation:

Does depression affect any other parts of the brains? Can you grow back your hippocampus?

Standards met:

W8.1A- I can logically organize reasons and evidence to support a claim. I think I met this standard because I can show my reasons for what I think the answer is to my question. □ W.8.6- I can use different forms of technology to create and publish my writing and to effectively present the relationship between my ideas and information. I think I met this standard because I have quotes from professionals of the subject and after I put what I think it means and how it corresponds with the subject. □ W.8.7- I can use various sources to complete short research projects in order to answer an assigned question or a question I have created myself. I think I met this standard because I am able to create a question and gather information to answer the question. □ W.8.7- I can research a topic and develop more related questions about that topic for further exploration. I think I met this standard because when I first started researching for the first question, I was only focused on that question. But, by the end I had created another question. □ W.8.8- I can determine if a source is credible and accurate when I gather new information from books or technology. I think I met this standard because I got professional info about the subject from a doctor.

Sources: Mercola, Dr. "Depression Affects Brain Structure." N.p., 30 July 2015. Web. 24 Feb. 2017. "Depression Symptoms, Causes and Effects." Signs and Symptoms of Depression – Causes and Effects. N.p., 2016. Web. 24 Feb. 2017.

Question #1: How does the body become depressed? The body becomes depressed because it has breakdowns in the brain, which then affect you physically. There are many different types of depression that show physically. But some are harder to see. Depression that affects the brain is harder to be diagnosed, and are usually more fatal. The body can become depressed because of stress, anxiety, or social isolation. It can also be because of gaining weight or problems collaborating with others because of it. Question #2: How does depression affect you mentally? The brain is affected by depression drastically. It's mostly affected in the hippocampus- the part of the brain that forms emotions and memory. having a smaller hippocampus can cause lots of problems. It not only affects your memory, but also your emotional behavior. This can make it hard to think clearly. Every depression episode causes the hippocampus to shrink more.

According to Dr. Mercola, "Specifically, recurring depressive episodes reduce the size of your hippocampus — an area of your brain involved in forming emotions and memory — stressing the importance of early intervention, especially among teenagers" (How Depression Affects Your Brain Structure). This means that having depression doesn't only affect you physically, but it also affects you mentally.

Coming back to the questions

Types of depression and short description:

Major Depressive Disorder: Someone who has feelings of sadness or anger over a long period of time. Chronic Depression/Dysthymia: Someone who is always in a bad mood but not as severe as major depression. Atypical Depression: A person who has decreased or increased appetite over a span of years Bipolar or Manic Depression: Going through swings of depression and is joyous in between the cycles. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): A lack of sunlight and fresh air during the winter months causes SAD. Postpartum Depression: Occurs after a woman has recently given birth. Psychotic Depression: Depression with symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations.

According to PsychGuides (a source of the depression hotline), "Depression is likely to strike many people to some degree in their lifetime. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 9.1 percent of people reported current major or minor depression" (Depression Symptoms, Causes and Effects).

How does the body become depressed? How does depression affect you mentally?

Affecting the mind

Many people who become depressed are sometimes through genetics. Those genetics are handed down through the family. Many kids become depressed in their teen years because they may be bullied at school.