Catégories : Tous - confini - tecnologia - isolamento - infinito

par DAVIDE ZUARDI Il y a 1 année


I MURI E LE MURA "SIAMO PRODUTTORI DI MURI E MURA FISICI E METAFISICI" Io penso che le MURA/MURI siano diventati un ostacolo nella storia per la nascita di una coscienza cosmopolita. - Muri che ostacolano le corse - Muri che ostacolano i pensieri

Il concetto dei muri, sia fisici che metafisici, ha influenzato profondamente la storia umana, creando ostacoli che impediscono una visione cosmopolita. L'idea dei muri si riflette in molte discipline, dalla musica dei Pink Floyd con "


I MURI E LE MURA "SIAMO PRODUTTORI DI MURI E MURA FISICI E METAFISICI" Io penso che le MURA/MURI siano diventati un ostacolo nella storia per la nascita di una coscienza cosmopolita. - Muri che ostacolano le corse - Muri che ostacolano i pensieri

Use this template to learn the figurative language and think about examples for figures of speech so you can better understand each of them.

Find figures of speech in your favorite novels and poems.


D. Friedrich
Il viandante sul mare


Pink Floyd
The Wall


On écrit sur les murs

Idiom is the figure of speech that uses a combination of words which challenges the conventional usage of those words.

What is the idiom that you found in the novel/poem?

Type it in.
Example: 'a stitch in time saves nine'.

Le sujet de la chanson

What is the literary work in which you found the idiom? What genre is it?

Example: Pie-IX: A Stitch in Time Saves Nine by Jaida Jones, K.J. Sturgeon - short story.


I Muri nello sport
Muri nella pallavolo


Muri nella tecnologia

Allusion is the figure of speech that makes a reference to a well-known person, place, or thing in literature and history.

What is the allusion that you found in the novel/poem? Type it in.
- 'Like a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear'.

Muri digitali

What is the literary work in which you found the allusion? What genre is it?

Example: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare - tragedy


G. Leopardi - L'Infinito

The hyperbole is a figure of speech that uses exaggerations to create emphasis or effect.

What hyperbole did you find in the novel/poem? Type it in.

- 'All that we see or seem / Is but a dream within a dream.'

Analisi del testo

How do you explain your choice?
Type in the explanation.

- It is an exaggeration to claim that everything ('all we see or seem') is 'but a dream'.



What is the literary work in which you found the hyperbole? Is it a novel, short story or poem?

Example: A dream within a dream by Edgar Allan Poe - poem.


Muro tra Israele e Gerusalemme


Great wall of China

What is the literary work

in which you found the alliteration? Type in the genre.

Example: Thank You for the Thistle by Dorie Thurston - short story.



Metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things without using 'like' or 'as'.

What is the metaphor that you found in the novel/poem? Type it in.

'The rain came down in long knitting needles.'

Orografia e idrografia

What is the literary work in which you found the metaphor? Is it a novel, short story or poem?

National Velvet by Enid Bagnold - novel.


I Totalitarismi

Personification is a figure of speech which gives human qualities to nonhuman things.

Type in the personification you found in the novel/poem.

'- Not to-night, good Iago: I have very poor and unhappy brains for drinking.'

Cina ieri e oggi
Isolamento popolazione

How do you explain your choice?
Type in the explanation.

The brain is given the attribute of being 'unhappy'.

Mao Zedong

What is the literary work in which you found the personification? What is its genre?

Othello by William Shakespeare - tragedy


Concetto di Infinito

Simile is a figure of speech that compares two objects through some connective word such as 'like', 'as', 'so', 'than', or a verb such as 'resembles'.

What simile did you find in the novel/poem? Type it in.

- 'Within the irregular arc of coral the lagoon was still as a mountain lake.'

Nascita del concetto

How do you explain your choice?

Type in the explanation. Example:
- The lagoon is being compared with a mountain lake using the word 'as'.


What is the literary work in which you found the simile?
Is it a novel, short story or poem?

Example: Lord of the flies by William Golding - novel.


Terra come confine
Terra nel Sistema Solare
Cos'è la Terra