par Laura Valentina Orjuela Chavez Il y a 2 années
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Type in the title for your document into the Central Topic.
The title should reflect the subject and the purpose of the document.
Read more guidance and tips on using Mindomo to create documents.
The body of your document will depend on the type of document. The important characteristics are:
Ernest Hemingway en 1951, escribe "El viejo y el mar" basándose en la estructura del libro La Odisea, el autor en su libro, expresaba la idea de pescar al pez más grande.
El escritor Franz Kafka, en su libro "La Metamorfosis", hace uso de la estructura de La Odisea, es decir, la relata a través de anécdotas.
The introduction to your document explains who it is for, and why it is important to them.
If you assume that your readers need some specific knowledge to be able to read and use the document, mention it here.