Catégories : Tous - feedback - linguistics - induction - mobile

par B Carron Il y a 10 années


Legal Case Study #2 Research

In a classroom setting where mobile phone usage was prohibited, a teacher found themselves in a challenging situation during a group activity. The activity involved students presenting and providing feedback using an interactive whiteboard.

Legal Case Study #2 Research

Pupil download inappriotate images from their Ipad at their home

IT Technican had informed to Principal about Mobile incident

IT Technican Felt what should be done on new Rules

Classnet Wifi within the school
We have our own Wifi installed within the school to cope with the demand of the i-Pads this is called classnet and was installed by a company called iTeach who specialise in the expansion of iPad technology in both primary and secondary schools – they have recently expanded into Scotland as well.

The company
monitors and enforces a web filtering policy, which will not allow students to access certain websites, which are deemed as inappropriate – these are fed into a profile which is set on the server and acts with every device within the school which is connected to ‘Classnet’. This can be updated by myself when certain websites become more ‘popular’ among the students.

The company has a block applied to Facebook and stops it being used within the school as an App and also as a website and we have had to add other blocks to this as apps become popular among students –
The school iPads are managed by a system called Meraki which has been set up by me to alert to any downloads which are not allowed according to our acceptable use policy – this ensures the students do not download anything which is inappropriate.
Apps, which are blocked for students, are:
Facebook Messenger

Apps which fall into these categories once downloaded this system sends me an alert to let me know the user has downloaded this App –
I then take the iPad back and any disciplinary procedures which I believe to be appropriate are enforced.

Legal Research on Case study #2

Case study #2: Mobile Technology

1)You are Teaching BSL/ISL Linguistics to a Group of a Mixed Group Deaf and hearing Students.

(12 in a group females & Male)
Students Age :17-19.
Teacher(You) have contracted verbally during the Induction with the students that
NO mobile phones may be switched on during classes.

You are in week 5 of your formal scheme of work.
As a Part of a lesson activity you invite students to feedback through group of presentation using Interactive whiteboard.

Each group appoint a leader within a group to present on behalf of their peers.

During the activity a male student is writing on the whiteboard and is having difficulty with his personal spellings.
***it is brought to your attention that another female student video-recording on her smartphone.

***You ask male student at the white board to sit down & proceed to ask female student for her phone.
Female student refuses and become verbally abusive.


3)Teacher(You) discover from their peers that
offending female upload their recording to other students who were NOT in that room(I.e Facebook or BEBO, etc or sent video clip to her friends and Laugh at male student.

Teacher(You) again ask offending female student for her mobile so female student refused again.

Class had to ceases & You (Teacher) inform offending student that teacher(You) will be discussing with Student Services about this incident.

4)The Male student who was filmed by female student.He was angry at teacher(You).
Teacher(You) ask him to go to the Student service with you over this mobile incident after the class ceases.

Now Both Female and Male students are suing you(Teacher) for
Female sue For:Wrongful accusation.
Male sue for: Lack of supervision under the child protection legislation.

Enquiry St.Comghall school staff about Mobile Technology incidents?

2.Incident Happened on mobile filming

1)Teacher tried to stop girl from Filming her smartphone on other pupil

2) Teacher remind her about Internet safer Days Programme and Student Acceptable Use of Mobile and Social Media policy.

3)Teacher give girl oppurtunity to hand over her smartphone or ask her remove the videoclip and ask her to behave responsible and respect others in sensible manner.

4)If girl refuse, Teacher will inform Designated child protection teacher and Principal as deputy Designated Child Protection teacher immeditately.

5)Teacher write Brief Incident report on Girl breach on Student Acceptable use Policy referring mobile and Social Media and also Breach Safer Internet days.

5)Teacher write Brief Incident report on Girl breach on Student Acceptable use Policy referring mobile and Social Media and also Breach Safer Internet days.
4)If girl refuse, Teacher will inform Designated child protection teacher and Principal as deputy Designated Child Protection teacher immeditately.
3)Teacher give girl oppurtunity to hand over her smartphone or ask her remove the videoclip and ask her to behave responsible and respect others in sensible manner.
2) Teacher remind her about Internet safer Days Programme and Student Acceptable Use of Mobile and Social Media policy.
1)Teacher tried to stop girl from Filming her smartphone on other pupil

1.(A)Investigate Lack of Supervision on Child Protection policy

Mobile Technology abuse_Cyber-Bullying

PE Teacher Forcefully Dragging Teen Into Pool (VIDEO) Stockton California

Risks on Mobile Technology online for pupils P.21 E-Safety

Safer Internet days Infographic

1.Investigate on Wrongful Accusations

4.Statistics on cyber-Bullying

National Society for Prevention Cruelty Children (NSPCC) :experiences-11-16-year-olds-social-networking-sites-report.pdf (Page 13-Bully Statistic report From Social Media Network)
University of Ulster Lecturers :Celia O'Hagan_Bullying Statistic survey Report in 2007 with (Dept of Education in Northern Ireland DENIno_46_second_edition.pdf on 2 groups : Juniors and Seniors with questionaires

3.Check suitable websites in Northern Ireland

ThinkU Know How

ThinkU Know How Provides:

Resources for Teachers to teach

Resources for Students all ages for Learning
2)Animation cartoon clips

Very Strict Website

ThinkuKnowHow will check your record to prove you are trainee or teacher,etc.

They ask for your school or University email address first.

You also Need approval from your school or University authority before ThinkuKnowHow give you Email and Password.

The reasons to protect from
paedophile,Sexual predators,etc

Western Health Trust Northern Ireland
Safeguarding Board of Northern Ireland under Education Boards and PSNI (Police )







St.Comeghall's School Safer Internet Days

Safer Internet Days 2015

St.Comghall school Policies 1) Student Acceptable 2)Child Protection 3)Mobile technology use

NSPCC (National Society for Prevention Cruelty Children)




INTO (Irish Nationals Teachers Organisation

INTO (Irish Nationals Teachers Organisation


INTO (Irish Nationals Teachers Organisation) Rep of.Ireland

INTO (Irish Nationals Teachers Organisation) N.Ireland

NASWUT( National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers)