Catégories : Tous - china - school - motivation - family

par Sunny Liang Il y a 5 années


Life map

Growing up, making friends was a significant milestone, starting as early as four years old and continuing through school years. Video games played a crucial role in social interactions and personal enjoyment, initially influenced by an older brother.

Life map

Life map


I was stressed out by school and chinese school
I was stressed out because I was given a ton of work to do at school, I think I would've been able to do good in school if I didn't have Chinese school to worry about to because, in Chinese I was also given lots of work but, it was a language I didn't enjoy learning. I'm happy that I stopped taking it because now I'm able to have fun in school.
I got into a fight with someone (10 years old)

I fought against a 8th grader when I was stil 10 or in grade 5, the reason was stupid but it also allowed me to meet new people and knowledge to not fight people and that its not good nor fun.

Some of my old friends started to do not so good things (11yrs old and 13 yrs old)

A group of old friends I had at my old school that I knew since I started school started to do bad things, they things like hiding the teacher's phone outside somewhere and a little bit more recently I heard they started to vape from a old group of friends that I still talk to till this day. I decided I would stop talking to them which in my opinon was the best and only choice that i could think of.

Going to school for the first time (4 yrs old)
I didn't even know I was going to be attending to school, when I attended I learn't about new things and things that I might like to do in the future like drawing for fun.
I moved to Sharon (11 yrs old)

Moving was hard for me because I would have to make new friends which were kinda confusing and sorta difficult for me and leaving the people that I met every day for 8 years, but I was able to talk to my other family members more and meet new people that I can call friends.

I made a goal to do better when I moved schools (11 yrs old)

I wasn't doing so well so when I moved and before I went to school I made this goal of doing better when I moved and I would say my goal was a succsess, I say it was a succsess because of the results that I have got on my report cards. I am very happy knowing that im doing well in school and can contuning what im currently doing and keep and playing video games.

My brother moving out for University (13 yrs old)

My Older Brother was someone I would always ask when I had issues with work or things about my life now that he's gone it will be harder to sort things out and what I'll do with my life but its also fine so far because there hasn't been much that I can't decide and he still comes home to visit but now I'm able to scream all I want with out someone angry at me.

I made my very first friends at school(4 yrs old)
Making friends was kinda difficult for me because I didn't really know how to talk to people, I've only really talked to my family members, mostly my brother. When I made friends they gave me a reason to talk and to come to school everyday.
I started to play video games (5 yrs old)

Video games was something that I learn't and saw from my brother, the first kinda video game I saw and played was a game on the Gameboy Color, I don't exactly remember the name of the game but I started to play more and more of it and it has a large impact for me because it led me to making friends with people and it would boost my mood when I feel down or stressed out.

I went to china

I learned about family members that I didn't even know existed because I've never met them in Canada and I learned about family friends that showed us places in china that were that had nice views or food, they also told us about the downsides of china which tells me now that my life isn't all that bad compared to others.

I made new friends (11 yrs old)

This impacted my life because these friends were the people I was able to talk to and motivated me sometimes and had fun around at school and made school fun and not boring when I moved to a new school, and it made me feel less down about leaving my old school.

I focused more in class (11 yrs old and 13 yrs old)

It made me notice that some things are more fun then they seem and it started to make me like to do more school work from now and then, but the most important part is, that it enables me to do my school work more efficiently and that gives me more free time to play video games and watch cartoons.