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This is gothic because Pi, Ravi, and Gita were terrified after witnessing what transpired. Gita sobbed, and seeing the tiger devour the goat terrified Pi and Ravi. Santosh wanted to teach them a lesson that they would never forget, therefore he did it in this manner.
This is gothic because Richard Parker killed someone violently. Pi described the death as terrible as he peeled the flesh off the victim and heard the snapping of his bones.
This is gothic because Richard Parker kills the hyena in a violent deed. This is a heinous act because he did it discreetly and took the hyena's life.
This is gothic because Orange Juice and the hyena had a violent and nasty fight. The fight was graphic, with the orange juice's hair being yanked and the hyena's jaw crushing her throat. The fight killed Orange Juice and filled Pi with sorrow and fear.c
This is gothic because Richard Parker abandoned Pi, leaving him in anguish. It demonstrates Pi's bond with Richard Parker, and the memories he has of him are painful. This causes Pi to experience emotional suffering and pain that feels like an axe chopping at his heart.
The main character in the story is in emotional suffering, hence this is gothic. Because the odds are stacked against him, the character appears sad and heartbroken. He isn't sure if he will survive till he finds aid. As a result, he is psychologically ill.
This is gothic because Pi believes his life has come to an end. Pi believes he has lost his will to life and has no fight left in him. Pi is tying death to his life, which is a gothic element.
Pi is plainly in emotional distress, therefore this is gothic. His family and plans to reach Canada are no longer with him, and he is now stuck in the Pacific Ocean with a tiger in his boat. To make matters worse, he was hanging from an oar while sharks swarmed aroundhim, and a storm raged around him. Pi's circumstance is definitely terrible and unfortunate, causing him to be distressed.
This is gothic because the weather in this scene is terrible. Pi reported the sea as exceedingly harsh as the waves grew larger. Along with the waves, the ship was being buffeted by severe gusts. This is very similar to thunderstorms, which is extremely dangerous when sailing in the ocean.
Pi describes this picture as gothic since it is really dark. Pi describes the picture as being about human sacrifice and torment. The individual being sacrificed in the painting is bleeding, has bruised knees, and peeling flesh. This is gothic because it is violent and gothic. Pi subsequently discovers that the individual is Jesus Christ, who sacrificed himself to atone for humanity's sins.
This is gothic because Pi discovers that the island is homicidal, which is a gothic theme. Pi discovers that someone died on the island in a horrific manner. The person was devoured alive on this island, and all that remained of him was a set of teeth.
Pi is consuming an animal's blood to survive, which is gothic. Blood can be terrifying or terrible to watch, but Pi went too far when he drank the blood. Because humans do not drink blood, Pi's actions may appear to be incredibly ugly or terrible.