Catégories : Tous - psychology - history

par Dave Auwerda Il y a 4 mois


MCHS Social Studies Curriculum Map

The curriculum for the Social Studies department at MCHS for the 2024-25 school year varies by grade level, with specific required and elective courses. For Grade 12, students must take Civics either as juniors or seniors.

MCHS Social Studies Curriculum Map

MCHS Social Studies Curriculum School Year 2024-25

Grade 12

Recent United States History (.5)

Prerequisite: United States History (AP or Regular)

Psychology (JJC Dual Credit) (.5)
Required Courses:

Must take as a junior or senior

Grade 11

Intro to Psychology (.5)
Contemporary World Problems (.5)
Required Courses (Students must take US History or AP US History as a junior, Civics is open to juniors and seniors:
Civics (.5)

Must take as junior or senior

AP United States History (1)

Prerequisite: AP European History or department approval

United States History (1)

Prerequisite: World Studies or AP European History

Grade 10

Elective Courses: None
Required Courses (Students must take one):
World Studies (1)
AP European History (1)

Placement requires department approval

Grade 9

Elective Courses:
History of Illinois (.5) (Projected)
Military History (.5) (Projected)
Required Courses: None