par Nicholas Cabral Il y a 1 année
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Some things i will do to take charger of my own learning are to stay on tasks, make sure all distractions are away so i can get work done efficiently, Working on time management when assigned work. Finishing all work on time, no late submissions. Making sure every piece of work is done with full effort.
One of the most important things a teacher can do to make me feel inspired is to make general connections with me, i find that this is the easiest way to get to know me, usually talking about athletics, If i have a closer bond with the teacher, usually ill do better in the class. Most times i have more motivation to do better and impress the teacher. The last important thing a teacher can do to make me feel important is to just include me.
What are some actions of others that help me learn? (2 + 3 reasons)
Some actions of others that help me learn are; most of the class is paying attention, i will pay attention, if there are others talking about the topic that may be interesting, i will include myself in the conversation.
What are some actions that I can do to help me learn? (2 + 3 reasons)
Some actions that i can do to help me learn are to stay off my phone, Put everything that will distract me away. The reason for these actions are because my phone is one my biggest distractions, i don't get much work done when Im on my phone. Keeping all distractions away will force me to get work done no matter what.
What are some tools to help me to pay attention and keep me interested? (2 + 3 reasons)
Some tools that help me pay attention in class are, my peers, the computers, the teachers/adults. Hopefully if im not paying attention my peers can remind me to stay on track, the teachers will remind me to stay focused, the computers will remind me that there is work that has to be finished because its right in front of me.
What are some tools that I can use to help me learn? (2 + 3 reasons)
In class i can use my computers available to the class, my phone is a resource used for research, my peers are also a good resource. If i need any help i can use these things to help me!
i need help with gaining confidence to allow me to succeed in the things i need to. I need help with some academics, lastly I need help with improving my athletic ability. I need help with these things because they are what i care about most, they are also what i need to succeed in life
I will need support for my academic English, math and science course next year, these three courses have been some of my struggles this year. Also in my opinion i would say that these three are the hardest courses.
some things that affect me at school are when i don't eat my lunch, i get hungry which makes me tired and affects my learning. Too many people talking way too loud affects me because it gives me headaches, meaning i cant learn.
My mental state affects my learning, If i don't sleep or have been stressing about things i will not be able to learn as well. My phone distracts me and affects my learning because sometimes i have an addiction! My Personal life affects my learning.
Some things that i find hard but i am getting better at are finishing work on time, staying focused, and not getting distracted. i have been better at these things because i have finished my overdue work and stayed focused in most classes.
Im proud of my Athletic abilities, my own natural gifted talents, and the talents i gifted myself, i am proud of my religion/beliefs. I am proud of my countries.
some gifts and talents i posses are the abilities to play soccer. I have been playing my whole life meaning i have much talent. I have been granted the gift of being able to draw. My uncle grew up teaching me how to create art. Lastly i have been gifted with being able to stay fit and strong.
Im proud of getting hard work done that took a while, like a big assignment that i stressed about or took a long time to finish. Im proud of being organized because not many people are. Lastly im proud of my hard working mindset.
Some things im good at doing for other people are teaching or correcting people in a respectful polite manner, for example, if a peer has the wrong hand placement when playing guitar I can easily help them out. Im also good at teaching peers my own strengths like being organized and having a clean binder.
Some things i can do on my own are finishing tasks, staying focused, and being organized with my work and binders, for example, if i have a late assignment i will make sure i get it done and handed in, I have managed to keep all work in order in my binders so that i can easily study!
Some things that i am really good at are being social, Im hard working, and i will never give up however the situation may be. Im good at being social because i can make connections and start conversations with my peers, im also good at taking on challenges and never giving up on them. Mentally and physically i will face all challenges.
Executive functions that i excel in are self monitoring. Im always aware of the work that i need to get done, adaptable thinking and self control.
Some ways i can help myself from survival to learning is by using the strategies i use to calm down and relax, staying focused at all times, finishing my tasks on time, being organized, working on time management, and improving self responsibility.
Some things that help me stay calm are music, sports, and just overall relaxing. Music is usually what helps me calm down the most because it takes my mind off everything completely, soccer helps me clear my mind and focus on the things i need to, for example after ive had a stressful day of school i go to the field and play for hours. When im really stressed and need to be calm ill find a quiet place and lay in peace.
i get frustrated when i have a big assignment thats due, or when i lose a big soccer game, or fail something that i used to be able to do before, or do something wrong in the gym. Sometimes i get upset when i dont push myself hard enough and i know i can do more.
my major stressors are school, school is definitely the main factor to my stress. I usually deal with my stress by playing soccer, soccer has always been my happy stress free place, Another stress factor is losing an important game or not performing as well as i should, to deal with this I usually listen to music, music helps get my mind stress free.
My goals in the future are to attend a good university and receive a scholarship for soccer, to excel in academics at the university. After that i would like to own my very own personal business to provide for my family.
For my Personal goals this year, would like to make a significant improvement in my soccer skills, Become a stronger, fit person,(going to the gym daily) excel in school, push my brother and friends to become a better person, so they can succeed, and improving my responsibility skills
This school year, i would like to get better at being responsible, handing work in on time, being an excellent student all around, being organized. Time management, and working on my social skills. All of these things can contribute to a successful school year.
Saint Nick is my favourite saint because Nick is my name and I take much pride in my name and the beginning of how I got it, I also like saint nick because saint nick is otherwise known as Santa, Saint nicholas was known for his generosity and kindness. All of these reasons are good reasons as to why saint nick is my favourite.
A prayer that helps center me is the hail Mary, this is because this prayer is so simple but yet gets my mind focused. This prayer is my most frequent prayer said because I pray for my passed love ones and those in need. Lastly this prayer helps center my mind the most, it clears my mind and gets me mentally prepared
"3 And God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there
was evening and there was morning, one day."
Personally, i would say that my faith journey has been progressing very well, i started off barely going to church to going to church every Sunday or every other Sunday, I have got much closer to god, I pray to him daily. I also read the bible before bed.
My catholic graduate strengths include being an effective communicator, I say this because i am an active listener and understand the gospels values, i can read, understand and use my materials effectively. Another strength would be my reflective and creative thinking, im good at solving problems and being responsible for my decisions.
My Cheerleaders are mostly my family, My brother pushes me to be my best in my athletic abilities, usually wants the best for me. My mom always pushes me to excel in academics, Always wants the best for me. My dad pushes me to become an all around better person and succeed in everything! My grandparents will always be supportive about my decisions no matter what, they have always come to my games and motivated me to be the person i am today.
I communicate with my words, If something is wrong I will let someone know (family, close friends). If something is really not good for me I will more likely communicate with my words, i would communicate with my emotions. Most times nowadays ill use social media to communicate, this is because social media is fast and gets my point across. Lastly, If I need to express something formally I will write a letter, If something important needs to be said I will write a letter
I wish that i could personally take time of my own to become to God, To reflect on God. Moving forward in my life i would like to contribute to the community and my parents more, My parents work very hard for me and my brother daily, i wish i could give them a hand sometimes and help them out when needed. To help in my community, i can teach young children learning how to play a new sport, or help out the homeless. Lastly i wish i could give more of my time out to those who need, my grandparents could use my help, for the future im going to make sure i give out a hand to my grandparents
i would enjoy learning more and coming closer to god, learning more ways of Gods teachings, learning deeper into the bible. I would also like to learn/ figure out if the bible has ever told an untrue story, if some may be theories? I would also like to learn more personally about Jesus and what he did growing up, aswell as his deciples, Lastly i would like to learn about why people betrayed Jesus, Jesus did great acts for others, Just to get betrayed?
My interests include playing sports; i enjoy playing sports because its takes my mind off everything stressful going on in life. My happy place is definitely on the field with my team. My other interests are hanging out with Family and Friends, this is because when im with these people my mind is completely free and peaceful
I feel belonging at home, I feel belonging a home because my parents are great influences on me and the way I do things. I feel belonging at my vavos house because she is a big part in my beliefs and faith, my vavo has always taught me stories of the bible and how to reflect on them, i feel belonging on the soccer field with my teamates, my mind is always free and i can take a break for once, my team makes me happy because we all push and motivate eachother to become better each day. I feel welcomed at school, the whole atmosphere at school really makes me feel welcomed, the teachers are nice (most), and I get to see my friends .at school
Things that make me feel special include my parents/ family. this is because my parents and my brother care about me the most and want what is best for me at all times. They push me and help me to be the young man I am today. My vovo (grandmother) makes me feel special because she loves me just as much and pushes me to learn about god and go to church with her. My vavo was always supportive of me which made me feel special, knowing that such an important person in my life cares about me so much. My aunt Ann would always give me new pieces of advice each time I saw her, every time i would always think of her feeling special after I listened to her advice. Finally, my father, he has always inspired me to get into what I love doing and pushing myself, because he has always been such a great influence, I consider him whenever I excel. These people are and always have been important people in my life!