par Sonia Ricalday Il y a 9 années
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This video shows a different context in which students could use the vocabulary
Symbaloo helps organize apps that are useful in education that students can later consult and use to learn in their own time.
Podcasts are an interesting way to practice listening to real native English in everyday topics.
Games are a great way to learn English. This game will help learn the vocabulary.
Blogs have lots of information about many topics that are in intermediate or advanced English which can help students learn more vocabulary.
Some videos are interactive and they have links to other areas which make learning more fun.
Talking about familiar topics like the movies is nice. It's a very popular topic which everyone can relate to.
A good way to learn English is self learning. Google is a good search engine that can give students vocabulary lists.
Students need these words to express possesion.
The apostrophe S is usually used in everyday speaking.
family members
Youtube can be of help because it offers lots of videos of different information.
Pair work: speaking about family
Asking about family is a topic that can be made in different ways. such as wh-questions, auxiliary Do and so on. These questions can be as simple even a beginner can answer.
arbol genealogico
A family tree is a great way to learn about family members and their relationship.
Games that include listing are better than just clicking on a picture.
Multiple choice unscramble and cross puzzles are other ways to teach and learn vocabulary.
yes/ no questions
Group work likes and dislikes
Mind map fill in the blank. Helps students use their cognate to complete the map.
Asking for personal information is necessary for an everyday simple conversation which students must learn.
Links are another option to give students extra work that is interactive and visually attractive.
Wh-Questions ?
Conversation videos help students listen how to use the language.
Pair work asking questions
Personal information. Students interview each other to find out more about one another.