par Scott Sambucci Il y a 12 années
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This is an initial call to a prospect. Prospect may have filled out web form on website or is determined to be a qualified lead based on preliminary research on LinkedIn, Quora, Conference attendence.
It's easy to fall into the everyone-I-call-is-busy rut. Be ready and enthusiastic to jump into a sales conversation here.
Be relaxed and prepared to deliver your VALUE MESSAGE and engage the lead in a conversation with your intended outcome - Qualification, Situational Questions
Are you planning to run a short demo on this first call? Is this just a primer to generate interest to schedule a demo later with the lead? What is the action step you intend to take as a result of this call?
Be careful here. Make sure you ARE free during this time. What if you have a demo set up with another prospect that you've been chasing for 3 weeks at 3pm and this person tells you - "Great! Call me at 3pm. I've got the entire hour free and can talk with you then."?
"Hold on let me check my calendar. How about 3pm today?"
ME: "What about tomorrow at either 10:30 or 12:30? I'm also an early bird, so I can also try you at 8am before the day gets too crazy."
"Any time after lunch."
"Great. I will give you a call at 2:30. Good by you?" "Yes, great -I'll send you a calendar invite to remind you to expect me call."
Always specify a time and check for acceptance. If they yes, the small affirmation is useful to the psychology of the sale, plus it shows your professionalism. This may also move the lead to take the step of checking their calendar (ie. "2:30? Hold on - let me double-check...").
This is clearly a brush off.
Here you are fishing for a core reason or stated problem. The lead
"We're looking for a new CRM and you guys only have project management software."
"My manager asked me to check it out."
"I think I read something about your company on a press release."
"I don't remember" or "I don't know."
"Are there any particular days/times that are best to reach him? For example - first thing in the AM, later in the afternoon after 5pm?
Leave my tailored message and request that the assistant help you book a time for a call