par Steven Lee Il y a 4 années
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price drop
people who paid million for the medallion in order to be able to drive and retire
they have no options now - we should probably do a bigger safety net...?
people who bought medallions at low prices?
why don't we just let the free market regulate it?
we should encourage the sharing of resources
Visitors/hotel stays will decline and prices may increase
this is a product in demand and the government should not interfere
there are eocnomic effects that are affecting teh entire community and must be addressed, short of other solutions being worked on concurrently
Long term renting has a lot of issues that renters dont want to deal with. Homeowners wont do long term rentals if short term rentals are banned or regulated
The increase in short term rentals have exasperated the housing crisis and should be regulated to provide more housing
Dependence on short term rental income to make ends meet; short term rentals are beneficial to both renter and rentee; enables home owners to remain in city.
fear of repercussions: some groups may be attacked or harassed for their support of certain measures; doxxing, etc.
separate laws should be made, if they aren't already to deter this
the public has a right to know who is advocating for what because it leads to more informed decisions of the electorate.
corps should have an amplified voice
gvt's and elections should be by the people for the people, businesses should not have a larger or amplified voice and who have a blatant profit motive
some neighbors like that publicly zoned land is publicly zoned land. we should not take away neighbor's preferences.
the problem is too great
public option is not good, not addressing the underlying economic phenomenon - supply and demand - what are steps we can take to induce supply?
can and should explore both efforts at one time
it won't do much, not a structural fix, distracting, should do something that will make a drastic impact. will only effect a small number of educators, small lottery system, how many total units are coming, anyway?
something is better than nothing
yes, given the need, the crisis, and that teachers are special people in our communities
this will somehow cost us more money, government shouldnt be spending money like this.
the city will save money in the long run by keeping teachers in the city as opposed to other strategies like raising pay so that people can afford market rate housing
individual populations shouldn't get special access, all should be treated the same. non educators included is too big of a net to cast
does not address non SFUSD teachers
is it not a step in the right direction? Would you scrap the whole project cuz it's not perfect? that is to lose the forest for the trees
educators play a special role in our communities and should have special attention paid in keeping good teachers in the city. without good teachers, generations of kids will suffer and the potential bright futures will be limited.
let the free market do its thing, tncs and transpo companies are reducing congestion and being good for environment by using cars for longer instead of single people driving single cars
makes sense to tax those industries that are contributing to congestion
corporations profit motive clouds their actions, their fiduciary obligations to stakeholders clearly bind their decisions to benefit stakeholders and themselves first, above public health; all else is PR/marketing; juul writing laws when they were the probably source or big part of the epidemic in youth should be outrageous
Juul are experts, they are committed to public health; they know what they are doing when they write these laws; corporations are part of democracy
they are the most experienced agency and presumably have expertise, procedures, workflow; they've battled big tobacco and its a huge part of their institutional history
we cant trust trump admin, we should do things in the city ourselves, we shouldnt tie in local stuff with federal agencies, it slows down business
big epidemic, anything to stop the supply to kids is good, kids are more important than adults because they are a vulnerable population; adults can just drive outside city boundaries
not a moratorium, just need proper regulation, specifically of its marketing to youth
prohibition is bad
Superficial changes, will cost some money to change the names everywhere
the cost is worth it for articulating and amending the commission to account for disabled persons in its deliberations and work
The market will correct itself, it will just take time.
The city must act on housing, subsidizing projects and encouraging development, the problem continues to grow, causing people to be priced out; housing is a right,
Too expensive, regressive tax, Property tax is not the ideal way to fund this. or landowners should pay more than tenants
we all have to pitch in - the landowners and the tenants of san francisco should pay
Government is inefficient, will just waste the money, i don't know/ can't trust the gvt to spend smartly; we have enough money
how is the government spending its current budget now?
big research project
Faith in government, belief in government action,
Community College Board
City Attorney
Public Defender
Kirsten Strobel
Robert Coleman
Hello, Please let me know the candidate's position and policy plans toward existing or the implementation of civics curriculum in San Francisco, with as much detail as possible.
Hi Steven, My whole career as a public interest attorney, Stanford MBA management professional, writer, editor, teacher, and community servant has been consistently focused on healthy civics in action and instruction. It is hugely important! In our schools, it tends too often to get inartfully folded into other frameworks. One way to start earlier and better is through creative participatory teaching, especially through the making songs and artworks in the context of civic engagement -- yet the SFUSD currently denigrates and limits those very simple things we both expect in this regard, out of mere confusion I think. I look forward to helping improve this and turn it around. It's a central motivation for me, far beyond the mere statements of intent I've observed in others. Thank you very much for asking. Please feel free to ask more great questions, and/or follow up with your ideas on this one. I appreciate it greatly. Yours, Robert Coleman, candidate for San Francisco Board of Education
Jenny Lam
Nancy Tung
career prosecutor
Leif Dutch
Suzy Loftus - "a commitment to a reduction of mass incarceration, ending cash bail, and looking at financial justice within the system.”
Loftus’s tendency to “duck” on controversial issues around police accountability, as when she refused to endorse a 2016 bill in the state legislature that sought to make records of police misconduct in the state more transparent.
legal counsel for sf sheriff
the sheriff has a whole host of issues. why is she defending them
bad flavor for me. london's move is undemocratic and makes me want to punish london for that
Chesa Boudin, a public defender, described as the most progressive. son of radical activists (i cant say with absolute certainty that chesa is the right choice. he's never prosecuted a single case, in fact hes always fought against prosecutors whose jobs are to send people away. but)
police union calls him dangerous and say he will work to put criminals back in the streets
against money bail
moneybail stuff is the wrong move
bad stuff on money bal
lack of experience
he will mess it up, dangerous precedent, criminals will be out on the streets
represent a big softening on crime and incarcaration
career prosecutors can be criticized as tunneling into the mindset of locking up criminals, when there may be a bigger picture. when noting prosecutorial missteps and problems in the overall justice system, it might help for different or more holistic perspectives to get in the mix
Nomvula Omara
Ryan Lam
Dean Preston, democratic socialist
Vallie Brown, establishment
Paul Robertson
Wilma Pang
Robert Jordan
Joel Ventresca
Ellen Lee Zhou
right wing, NRA member, was in news
London Breed
good website
detailed plans