Catégories : Tous - renal - contraindications - nuclear - preparation

par Sophie Nguyen Il y a 3 années


Nuclear Genitourinary Exam

The document outlines the protocol for conducting nuclear genitourinary exams focusing on renal assessment, particularly with the aid of ACE inhibitors. It details the necessary patient preparation, which includes discontinuing diuretics and ACE inhibitors for a few days and ensuring the patient is well-hydrated but only consuming liquids for a specific period before the procedure.

Nuclear Genitourinary Exam

Nuclear Genitourinary Exam

The Personal SWOT Analysis will provide insights based on your personality strengths and weaknesses, challenges you see ahead, opportunities present around you now, as well as future favorable circumstances.

Renal with ACE


If abnormal, will need a follow-up study without Captopril for comparison

Generate time-activity renogram curves

Draw 2 bg regions of interest (one for each kidney)

Draw region of interest around each kidney and the aorta

Flow study: 2 sec/ frame for 1 min then stats every 30 sec for 20 min
Views: posterior

LFOV gamma camera

5-10 mCi of Tc99m-MAG3 via IV
Enalaprilat: 40 ug/kg IV over 3-5 min wait 15 min then inject Rph
Captopril 50 mg pill, PO 1 hr before procedure
Obtain patient baseline of BP
ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blocking agents should be discontinued for 4-7 days
Diuretics should be discontinued for 3 days
Only liquids for 4 hr before procedures well hydrated
any recent nuclear medicine study
Breast-feeding should be provided with appropriate radiation safety
Pregnant must be excluded for this exam
Diagnosis or exclusion of RVH
Differentiate of renal vascular hypertension (RVH) from renal artery stenosis

Diuretic Renal Scintigraphy

Have high sensitivity for the detection of urodynamically significant ureteral narrowings.
If a urodynamically significant outflow obstruction is present, the affected kidney is unable to increase its urine flow rate in response to the furosemide injection.

Energy: 140 keV Window: 20% Matrix: 128x128


Detector system

Collimator: LEHR

camera: LFOV Gamma Camera

Patient position
Use dose to mark sternal notch in top one third of image and bladder in bottom one third of image. Use dose to ensure that patient's left and right sides are in the FOV.
Furosemide: 20-40 mg for adults 0.5-1 mg/kg for pediatrics injected slowly over 1-2 min image is continued for 20 min
ROA: IV bolus
MOL: MAG3 is tubular secretion/ DTPA is glomerular filtration
5 mCi Tc99m-DTPA may also be used
Best with 10 mCi of Tc99m-MAG3
Patient should be well hydrated drink 10 to 16 oz of water over 30 min
Technologist need to start an IV on patient
Patient does not to need to be NPO Light meal and adequate hydration Technologists need to start an IV
Furosemide is contraindicated in anuric/ or dehydrated patients
Pregnant/ breast-feeding: pregnant must be excluded for this exam breast-feeding patient use the appropriate radiation safety
Distinguish between obstructive hydronephrosis and nonobstructive collecting system dilation
Evaluation of hydronephrosis
Evaluation of renal obstructive nephropathy

Morphological study Renal cortical scintigraphy

Abnormal study: congenital abnormalities: horseshoe kidney, ectopic kidney, and the absence of kidney.
Normal study: show smooth renal contour Both kidneys should have equal amount of radioactivity and uniform tracer distribution
Time/view: Dynamic: 2-4s / frame for 60-120 seconds Static: 500k to 1 M counts SPECT: 2-4 hours post injection. 25-30 s/projections
Injection to imaging time: immediate and 2-4 hours after injection 24 hour delay is optional
Patient position: supine camera position: posterior
Camera type: LFOV gamma camera Energy: 140 keV Window: 20% Collimators: LEHR Matrix: 128x128
Pediatric patient: 50 uCi/kg
15-20 mCi of Tc99m-GH
5 mCi of Tc99m-DMSA
Patient preparation
Void prior to imaging
Well hydrated
detection of the presence of absence of small renal infarctions
Evaluation of renal cortex
Identification of functioning renal tissue in patients with congenital abnormalities
Differentiation of renal mass from normal variant Confirmation of suspected column of Bertin
Detection of pyelonephritis

Vesicoureteral Reflux Study Cystography

Abnormal study: show ureteral reflux, especially during urination Reflux bladder volume and the volume of reflux into the kidney can also be calculated
Normal study: Increasing activity in the bladder without reflux into the ureters
Total bladder volume of residual postvoid volume and bladder volume at initiation of reflux can be measured.
Acquisition parameters
Time/view: dynamic: 10-15 s/frame static: 120 seconds
Additional views: full bladder RAO/left anterior oblique postinfusion postvoid
Patient position: Supine
Data acquisition

Collimator: LEHR Matrix: 128x128

Window: 20%

Energy: 140 keV

Camera type: LFOV gamma camera Camera position: Posterior
ROA: into the Foley catheter by injection port
1 mCi of Tc99m-sulfur colloid or DTPA
establish an indwelling Foley catheter
Ask patient to void before catheterization
Commonly perform in children
Evaluation and detection of vesicoureteral reflux

Basic Renal Scan

Begin by identifying your strengths. These are the traits or skills that set you apart from others.

List out all your strengths - if you get stuck, talk to people around you and ask for their input. Please be honest with yourself.

Abnormal study

Areas of relative decreased activity resulting from cysts or avascular tumors may also be seen in the flow sequence.

Normal study

Activity will be seen in the renal collecting system, ureters, and bladder.

The activity of radiopharmaceuticals should arrive in each renal area at the same time and with equal intensity.

Data processing

Time-activity curves are generated that tell physician the half-time.

ROI's drawn around both kidneys, abdominal aorta, and background

Flow: dynamic acquisition 30 frames x2 s/frame Function: dynamic acquisition 19 minutes of 20s/frame, compressed to 1min/frame Total: 22 minutes

Matrix: 128x128 Energy: 140 keV Window: 20%


single or dual head gamma camera

Patient Position

Post void can be acquired in supine position for 2 minutes

Use dose to mark sternal notch in top one third of image and bladder in bottom one third of image. Use dose to ensure that patient's left and right sides are in FOV


Patient Preparation
Technologist should start an IV on patient
no need to be NPO light meal and adequate hydration urinary catheters should be put in for patients who cannot void

These are sample questions and sample answers, please feel free to add your own questions and answers.


What are the Skills that you have developed over time?

These are the skills you have learned because you view them as essential OR people advised you to acquire them in order to improve yourself.

Choose from the examples below or add others:

Writing SkillsAnalytical and Research skillsLeadership and Management SkillsAbility to Plan, Organise and Prioritise WorkAbility to Make Decisions and Solve problemsOther

most commonly used to measure GFR

used to assess renal blood flow, function, and drainage of the pelvicalyceal systems ureters

90% of the dose is excreted into the urine by glomerular filtration within 2 hours


This is something that you learn unconsciously OR you learn by just observing someone you look up to (family/ colleagues/ teachers etc.)

Take a deep breath, close your eyes, think for a minute and type in your 'Natural Strengths' here.

Choose from the examples below or/and add others:

FocusedTaking InitiativeHonestIntegrityCountinous LearningOther

recommend to use of patients with decreased renal function and infants

clearance by 89% by active tubular secretion

tubular agents

functional radiopharmaceuticals

preferred over Tc99m-DTPA

able to see perfusion and function even in a failing kidney that would not be as easily seen in DTPA

high first-pass extraction

primarily excreted via tubular excretion

bolus of 10-20 mCi Tc99m DTPA or Tc99m-MAG3

Assess for UPJ obstruction
Assess split renal function for native kidneys
Assess for renal artery stenosis
Evaluation of acute renal failure
Evaluation of a renal transplant
Measurement of relative renal function