Catégories : Tous - collaboration - integration - learning - technology

par Cab b. Il y a 3 années


Organigramme Tech class - 2021

In modern educational settings, integrating technology effectively can significantly enhance and transform learning experiences. The SAMR model categorizes this integration into four stages:

Organigramme Tech class - 2021

FRAMEWORK : SAMR and TPACK in classroom (ideas and how to integrate)


(TRANSFORMATION) Ways to use tech

ex : Students create a website for a restaurant that they have designed and developed that focuses on the nutritional outlines of Canada’s Food Guide that includes all menu items (integrating various topics with the content and tech)

ex : having a guest speaker (online)

Using tech to enhance the project to new levels of learning

ex 3 : adding a abécédaire to the reaserch project and the use of google slide to present (with video - loom) and student feedback (google form or video/audio retroaction)

ex 2 : using DESMOS to see a graph (if it isn't alreadyt a learned concept)

ex : design a prism project, adding 3D printing, adding a google form to request feedback, adding the software to make the intended shape to specification.


exploring ways to change the project so that it promotes the use of tech (many features integrated) - REDESIGN PROJECTS

ex : a simple definition homework, adding extra tasks like finding a picture, a video etc. (extra step) or using a diffrent tech tool that is better than the original project. (ex : using google sheets for purchasing a new car project - explore a new tech tool)

ex 2 : using mindomo, mindmaps, wordcloud, padlet ect. to brainstorm (adding pictures, videos), the creative stucture of the programs allow for a better understanding of the big picture

(ENHANCING) Ways to integrate tech

using tech tools to explore futher a lesson or a tech tool that is better (ex : phet simulations or desmos or easybib an online bibliography site)

-Assigning group homework through classroom (Google docs to have groups of students collaboratively work on a task) -Each group can share with the class what they have learned through a slideshow/imovie that they have created


to use tech for the same activity that was planned (no significant impact on learning - although students can referance material and it is organised by folder by the teacher)

ex : posting a picture of a manuel page for a student to read

use video to make student learn the concept instead of teaching it

zipgrade or google form to correct CC on test quickly

kahoot instead of quizz

appraising the varied uses of technology


Sujet secondaire
Tech knowledge

selecte, use, incorporate properly tech

availability of the tech (is it gonna work for all my students?, do they all have a computer?)

privacy of tool

quality of content


think pair share (collaboration)

TESTS, QUIZ, Formative assesment etc.


curriculum subjects

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Lee Shulman’s ideas (based on)

interplay of the curriculum, pedagogy, and technology