Catégories : Tous - paradigmas - educación - motivación - tecnología

par Alberto Zambrano Il y a 3 années


Paradigmas Educativos

Un paradigma educativo es un marco de referencia que guía y estructura el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, integrando prácticas consensuadas por la comunidad científica. Estos paradigmas, que se han transformado con el tiempo, permiten profundizar y contrastar temas educativos con la realidad circundante.

Paradigmas Educativos

paradigmas educativos

Tenses demonstrate the time of actions centered around the subject of the sentence. These actions are called verbs and change according to tenses.


There are four Future tenses:


Future Perfect Simple is used for:

Some adverbs used with Past Perfect Continuous for future actions:

Loza, R. M., Mamani Condori, J. L., Mariaca Mamani, J. S., & Yanqui Santos, F. E. (2021). Paradigma sociocrítico en investigación. PSIQUEMAG/ Revista Científica Digital de Psicología, 9(2), 30–39. Carlos, A., & Ramos. (n.d.). Av.psicol, 23(1), 2015. Maite Ayala. (2021, January 19). Paradigma interpretativo: características, metodología, ejemplos. Lifeder. García, O. B. (2021). Innovaciones metodológicas con TIC en educación. Dykinson.


Will + Subject + Have Been + Verb-ING

e.g. How long will they be working on that project next week?

Martínez Castro, J., & Mendizabal Prem, A. B. (2019). El paradigma ambiental en la formación universitaria y el comportamiento de estudiantes. Revista Académica CUNZAC, 2(1), 41–51. Tigse-Carreño, C. (2019). El Constructivismo, según bases teóricas de César Coll. Revista Andina de Educación, 2(1), 25–28.


Subject + Won’t Have Been + Verb-ING

e.g. They won’t have been working on that project for two years next week.

Definición de Paradigma - Blog TECH Ecuador Universidad Tecnológica. (2021).,proceso%20de%20ense%C3%B1anza%20y%20aprendizaje.&text=Deben%20adoptarse%20desde%20una%20visi%C3%B3n,los%20alumnos%20y%20su%20entorno. CarlosDavid108. (2019). Definicion y clasificacion de los paradigmas educativos. Rojas, G. H. (2018). Psicología de la educación: Una mirada conceptual. MEXICO: Manual Moderno. Leticia Sesento García. (2019). EL ASPECTO HUMANISTA DE LA TUTORÍA. Milenaria, Ciencia Y Arte, 14, 36–38. López, M., Coria, I., & Salas-Madriz, S. (2016). El Paradigma Conductista y Constructivista de la Educación a través del Decálogo del Estudiante The Behaviorist and Constructivist Paradigm for Educational Through Student Decalogue Paradigma Conductista. Archivos E En N Artículo Editorial, 18(2). Paradigmas educativos. (2017, March 4). Issuu.


Subject + Will Have Been + Verb-ING

e.g. They will have been working on that project for two years next week.


Future Perfect Simple is used for:

Adverb used with Future Continuous:

Los paradigmas educativos están ligados estrechamente a los entonos social, político, geográfico, filosóficos y en torno a ellos se dan un enfoque a la relación entre educador y educandos, a la forma de la difusión de conocimiento, su recepción y aplicación en la sociedad.


Subject + Won’t Have + Past Participle

e.g. I won’t have met my friend form United States by this time tomorrow.

Se puede concluir que los distintos paradigmas educativos nos muestran los métodos, técnicas, enfoques, estrategias de como abordar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en un mundo en constantes cambio.


Subject + Will Have + Past Participle

e.g. I will have met my friend form United States by this time tomorrow.

línea del tiempo

Future Continuous is used:

Adverb used with Future Continuous:

Affirmative form


Subject + Will Be + Verb-ING

e.g. You will be having fun at the party.

Nuevas tendencias

Future Simple is used:

Paradigmas Educativos del siglo XX1

Future Simple with 'will'' is used:

Some adverbs used with Future Simple:

Interogative form

TIC, Internet, Web 4.0


Will + Subject + V1(First Form of Verb)?

e.g. Will you see Mary when she comes back from Denmark?

Requiere alta motivación en los contextos educativos para que el estudiante pueda ubicar su atención en medio del maremágnum de la información que ha surgido del producto del Internet y la Web


Subject + Won’t (will not) + V1(First Form of Verb)

e.g. You won’t see Mary when she comes back from Denmark.

Se identifica como la inmersión de la tecnología en escenarios educativos que transforma la didáctica de la praxis docente.(García, O. B. 2021)


Subject + Will + V1(First Form of Verb)

e.g. I will see Mary when she comes back from Denmark.


There are four Past tenses:


Incluye al menos 5 métodos para acercarse a la realidad, que serían el método hermenéutico, el fenomenológico, el etnográfico, el de acción-participación y el método biográfico (o historias de vida).

Permite comprender el entorno cultural y elaborar reflexiones que expliquen las razones por las que los fenómenos y sucesos determinados han ocurrido.

Tiene en cuenta todos los elementos que componen la realidad (o al menos lo intenta), para así poder explicarla basándose en datos reales. La interpretación se aplica a esos datos, que admiten un análisis descriptivo.

El paradigma interpretativo interpreta datos y sustituye la medición y la constatación empírica (es decir, lo que puede probarse en la realidad) por la comprensión de esa realidad (Maite Ayala, 2021)


Para el positivismo la realidad es absoluta y totalmente aprehensible por el ser humano, es regida por las leyes y mecanismos naturales

El positivismo existe un dualismo y objetivismo, en donde el investigador y el objeto de estudio son totalmente independientes

En esta perspectiva son válidos los métodos experimentales, en los cuales se manipulen de forma intencionada las variables independientes en diversos niveles de experimentación

Por tanto, el paradigma positivista sustentará a la investigación que tenga como objetivo comprobar una hipótesis por medios estadísticos o determinar los parámetros de una determinada variable mediante la expresión numérica (Carlos & Ramos, 2015)

Crítico Social

Pretende la autorreflexión crítica durante los procesos de conocimiento para finalmente lograr que los integrantes de la comunidad también reflexionen sobre los resultados

Construye su objeto de estudio en fusión con el investigador, pues este se encontrará comprometido con las actividades emancipadoras y a través del análisis dialéctico

Debe ser capas de capas de interactuar la teoría con la practica , debe ser orientado atreves de la experiencia y el contexto educativo

Este paradigma señala que el discernimiento se crea en base a los intereses y necesidades de los grupos sociales, permiten transformarlas comunidades(Loza et al., 2021)


Con el enfoque constructivista de enseñanza - aprendizaje, los estudiantes desarrollan habilidades metacognitivas, cognitivas y socio-afectivas, alcanzando autonomía

Es el constructor activo de su propio conocimiento, debe ser animado a construir y reconstruir

Ser el promotor del desarrollo y de la autonomía de los educandos

El constructivismo es una teoría, ampliamente aceptada y utilizada, que afirma que el estudiante no adquiere el conocimiento de una forma pasiva sino activa lo que propicia un aprendizaje significativo, y utiliza enfoques que reconocen la importancia de emplear y cuestionar los modelos mentales ya presentes en los estudiantes para así mejorar su comprensión y rendimiento(Tigse-Carreño, 2019)


Past Perfect Continuous is used:

Some adverbs used with Past Perfect Continuous:

El paradigma ambiental en el enfoque que se analiza en este espacio, permite comprender que el humano es parte de un entorno, donde todos interactúan con el contexto natural


Had + Subject + been Verb-ING?

e.g. How long had they been living in London before moving here?

Por lo cual, el alumno aprende en su interrelación con el docente las formas en que puede desarrollarse en ese entorno, lo que le sirve de practica o ensayo para comprender y formar su criterio para enfrentar la realidad

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

Had I been being?Had you been being?Had he/she/i been being?Had we been being?Had you been being?Had they been being?

Form of word "to have":

Had I been having?Had you been having?Had he/she/it been having?Had we been having?Had you been having?Had they been having?


Subject + hadn’t been/had not been + Verb-ING

e.g. I was tired because I hadn't been sleeping.

Divulgación del conocimiento científico relacionado con el medio ambiente

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

I had not been beingYou had not been beingHe/She/It had not been beingWe had not been beingYou had not been beingThey had not been being

Form of word "to have":

I had not been havingYou had not been havingHe/She/It had not been havingWe had not been havingYou had not been havingThey had not been having


Subject + had been + Verb-ING

e.g. They had been talking for over an hour before I arrived.

En el ámbito educativo el paradigma ambiental investiga, estudia, analiza y pone en práctica las interacciones entre alumnos, su espacio de formación y el papel del docente para el desarrollo de la reflexión, la crítica, el análisis, la formación de criterio, el fomento de la responsabilidad y la toma de decisiones. (Martínez Castro & Mendizabal Prem, 2019)

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb 'to be':

I had been beingYou had been beingHe/She/It had been beingWe had been beingYou had been beingThey had been being

Form of verb 'to have':

I had been havingYou had been havingHe/She/It had been havingWe had been havingYou had been havingThey had been having

Past Perfect Simple is used for:

The Past Perfect tense is not normally used alone. It is used to denote the earlier of two past actions. We use Past Simple for the latter action.

Some adverbs used with Past Perfect Simple:

Aprendizaje por recepción, aprendizaje por descubrimiento


Had + Subject + Past Participle?

e.g. Had they met Sarah before the party?

Contribuye para lograr aprendizaje significativo, combinando estructuras de los espacios vitales a través de experiencias interactivas

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

Had I been?Had you been?Had he/she/it been?Had we been?Had you been?Had they been?

Form of word "to have":

Had I had?Had you had?Had he/she/it had?Had we had?Had you had?Had they had?


Subject + hadn’t (had not) + Past Participle

e.g. They hadn’t met Julia before the party.

Comprende las características que requiere poseer un material o contenido a aprender para facilitar el aprendizaje.

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

I had not beenYou had not beenHe/She/It had not beenWe had not beenYou had not beenThey had not been

Form of word "to have":

I had not hadYou had not hadHe/She/It had not hadWe had not hadYou had not hadThey had not had


Subject + had + Past Participle

e.g. They had already met Julia before the party.

Teoría del conocimiento orientada a la comprensión de las cosas basándose en la percepción de los objetivos y de las relaciones e interacciones entre ellos (Paradigmas educativos, 2017)

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb 'to be':

I had writtenYou had writtenHe/She/It had writtenWe had writtenYou had writtenThey had written

Form of verb 'to have':

I have hadYou have hadHe/She/It has hadWe have hadYou have hadThey have had

Past Continuous is used for:

Some adverbs used with Past Continuous:

Todos los individuos aprendan igual a través de metodologías iguales. El material didáctico que se diseña debe funcionar en todos los sectores y regiones de igual modo


Was/ were + Verb-ING?

e.g. Were you studying when she called?

Receptor de conocimiento, percibe el aprendizaje como un cambio estable

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

Was I being?Were you being?Was he/she/it being?Were we being?Were you being?Were they being?

Form of word "to have":

Was I having?Were you having?Was he/she/it having?Were we having?Were you having?Were they having?


Subject + wasn’t (was not)/ weren’t (were not) + Verb-ING

e.g. You were not studying when she called.

Es el ingeniero educacional, diseña el programa de instrucción

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

I was not beingYou were not beingHe/She/It was not beingWe were not beingYou were not beingThey were not being

Form of word "to have":

I was not havingYou were not havingHe/She/It was not havingWe were not havingYou were not havingThey were not having


Subject + was/ were + Verb-ING

e.g. You were studying when she called.

Se ocuparse del estudio de los procesos observables de la conducta humana (López et al., 2016)

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb 'to be':

I was beingYou were beingHe/She/It was beingWe were beingYou were beingThey were being

Form of verb 'to have':

I was havingYou were havingHe/She/It was havingWe were havingYou were havingThey were having

Past simple expresses:

Some adverbs used with Past Simple:

¿Cómo funciona ?

Elparadigma humanista implicaprimeramente la formación deacadémicos con característicasmás humanas, que muestrenempatía por los jóvenes y susproblemas



Did + subject + Base Form of the Verb?

e.g. Where did you meet her?

Estudiante como centro de la actividad pedagógica, como sujeto individual, único y diferente a los demás

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

Was I?Were you?Was he/she/it?Were we?Were you?Were they?

Form of word "to have":

Did I have?Did you have?Did he/she/it have?Did we have?Did you have?Did they have?


Subject + did not/didn’t + Base Form of the Verb

e.g. They didn’t like my food.

Un maestro interesado en el alumno como persona total

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

I was notYou were notHe/She/It was notWe were notYou were notThey were not

Form of word "to have":

I did not haveYou did not haveHe/She/It did not haveWe did not haveYou did not haveThey did not have


Subject + Verb in Past Simple (2nd form)

e.g. They lived in Spain three years ago.

En el paradigma humanista, los alumnos son sujetos individuales, únicos, diferentes de los demás, personas con iniciativa, necesidades personales para crecer, con potencialidad para desarrollar actividades y además para solucionar problemas creativamente(Leticia Sesento García, 2019)

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb 'to be':

I wasYou wereHe/She/It wasWe wereYou wereThey were

Form of verb 'to have':

I hadYou hadHe/She/It hadWe hadYou hadThey had


There are four Present tenses:


Present Continuous is used to indicate the ongoing time (now).

Some adverbs used with Present Continuous:

Costumbres, creencias establecidas, verdades


BE + Subject + Verb-ING?

Are you eating now?

CarlosDavid108. (2019).

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

Am I being?Are you being?Is he/she/it being?Are we being?Are you being?Are they being?

Form of word "to have":

Am I having?Are you having?Is he/she/it having?Are we having?Are you having?Are they having?
"modelo" o "ejemplo"


Subject + BE not + Verb-ING

e.g. You are not eating now.



Subject + BE (am/is/are) + Verb-ING

e.g. You are eating now.

παράδειγμα [parádeigma]

Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb 'to be':

I am beingYou are beingHe/She/It is beingWe are beingYou are beingThey are being

Form of verb 'to have':

I am havingYou are havingHe/She/It is havingWe are havingYou are havingThey are having

Present Simple is used for:

Some adverbs used with Present Simple:

En conclusión


Do + Subject (I, You, We, They)+ V1 (First Form of Verb)?

Does + Subject (He, She, It)+V1 (First Form of Verb)?

e.g. Where does he work?

Definición de Paradigma, 2021

Type in your own examples or choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

Am I?Are youIs he/she/it?Are we?Are you?Are they?

Form of word "to have":

Have I?Have youHas he/she/it?Have we?Have youHave they?

Un paradigma educativo es un marco pedagógico y científico de referencia para comprender, analizar y avanzar en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje.

Hernández Rojas G.


Subject (I, You, We, They) + do not / don’t + V1 (First Form of Verb)

Subject (He, She, It) + does not / doesn’t + V1 (First Form of Verb)

e.g. He doesn’t work in a bank.


Type in your own example or choose from the examples below.

Form of word "to be":

I am notYou are notHe/She/It is notYou are notWe are notThey are not

Form of word "to have":

I do not haveYou do not haveHe/She/It does not haveWe do not haveYou do not haveThey do not have

“Se pueden ver como un conjunto de prescripciones consensuada por la comunidad científica con la finalidad de profundizar y contrastar temas con la realidad. (Rojas, 2018)

Thomas Kuhn


Subject (I, You, We, They) + V1(First Form of Verb)

e.g. I usually go jogging at weekends.

Subject (He, She, It)+ V1(First Form of Verb) + s/es

e.g. She writes every day.


Type in your own examples or you can also choose from the examples below.

Form of verb "to be":

I amYou areHe/she/it isWe areYou areThey are

Form of verb "to have":

I haveYou haveHe/she/it hasWe haveYou haveThey have

conjunto de prácticas que configuran una diciplina científica en un periodo temporal concreto