par Nasim Ibrahim Il y a 11 années
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always the new entrants are reflexive users of ESSPs
Eliminate the old products and force adoption of the new ESSPs
Many are smarter than few . we can use this collective wesidom shapes bussineses . its better to put the heads together
This chapter spokes about benefits of Enterprise 2.0 . which i think the most imortant feature of that is helping people to interact and colloborate . The important shift from web1.0 to web 2.0 is realization that Software should be social , helping people find another and form communities .
Enterprise 2.0 help you to publish what you now and also what you dont now wich is called braod cast search like and Wikipidia .
Bull's eye in Enterprise two show the four ties which are strong, weak , potential and no ties in a company . we can use different softwares like Google docs , Wiki , Face book , Gmail and so on , according to the type of our tie . for strongly ties collegues we can use Wiki and for weakly ones we can use Facebook .
Web 2.0 :
Undresting that Network is the platform .
Users add value the tools .
Use all the tools to organize information and having more colloboration and interact wirh colegues at work .
I learned how to use these useful tools , although some of them like twitter , Facebook , Youtube , Linked In I used it before but to be honset i didnt think about to use it in bussiness and our organziation before . Now i think they can be usefull if we use them in our company .