Catégories : Tous - mecánicas - térmicas - densidad - maleabilidad

par Lendy Yanangomez Il y a 4 années



Los biomateriales utilizados en odontología presentan diversas propiedades físicas que son cruciales para su desempeño eficaz. Entre las propiedades térmicas, destaca la capacidad de los materiales para actuar como aislantes térmicos dependiendo de su espesor y conductancia.



To name your story, you have to think about the overall message and what you want your audience to understand from the story. Also, make it relevant and easy to remember.

Propiedades físicas puras

The ending of a story is essential. We all know that if the ending is weak, what happened before loses its importance. So make it unpredictable, but fair. A resolved ending answers all the questions and ties up any loose threads from the plot.



Capacidad de una materia de absorber y transmitir las radiaciones luminosas.

Comportamiento de los materiales en relación a las ondas electromagnéticas

This is the closure section of the story.
See examples of possible outcomes below:


Try answering these questions in order for you to come up with a closure:
- Have all problems been solved?
- Is it clear what happens with all your characters in the story?
- Has the challenged transformed your main character?
- How do the characters feel in the end?

Dos metales en la boca genera una corriente eléctrica en la pieza portadora de metal produciendo molestias


Dos metales en la boca o un metal con dos fases se pone en contacto con la saliva formando una pila electrogalvánica

Conductividad eléctrica

Try answering these questions to come up with a closure:
- Have all the problems been solved?
- Is there a clear picture of what happens with each character in the story?
- Has the challenge transformed your main character?
- How do the characters feel in the end?

oxidación de un metal que reacciona al medio donde se encuentra.

This is the moment when the main character surpasses the last obstacle and finally faces their greatest challenge.
The climax usually follows one of these patterns:

Type in your answer.

Aislante térmico

Material aisla en base a su espesor o en razón inversa a la raíz cuadrada de su conductancia

Expansión térmica

Restaurar una pieza dentaria

Aumentar su tamaño al estar expuesto al calor, y volver a su tamaño inicial al retirar el estímulo térmico.

Propiedades físicas mecánicas

The middle of the story is where you add layers of complications that will lead to the end. Reveal more about the character's journey. Did their personality go through changes? How did they overcome the challenges? And as you build up the story’s central conflict, make it more personal to that character. Also, from the middle act, you have to lead into the final act.


La resistencia superficial.


Huella es romboidal , midiéndose el área más larga entre las aristas


Huella cuadrangular, midiéndose áreas muy pequeñas


Se mide la profundidad de la impresión.


Medir el diámetro de la impresión

Viscoelasticidad, flujo, escurrimiento o Creep
deformación permanente
Deformarse bajo cargas traccionales
capacidad de un material de deformarse permanentemente bajo cargas compresivas
Deformación plástica
Módulo de elasticidad o de Young
Relación entre tensión y deformación, que de acuerdo a la ley de Hooke.
Diagrama de fases o “gráfico
Estudio de una aleación metálica en relación a su enfriamiento.
Cantidad de materia por unidad de volumen
Tensión flexural
Cuerpo se somete a una deflexión
Tensión de corte
Aplicación de fuerzas en sentido contrario en direcciones paralelas.
Tensión traccional
Dos fuerzas que tienen una misma dirección en sentido opuesto
Tensión compresiva o resistencia

There wouldn't be any tension and excitement in your story if there weren't any obstacles in your character's way.

Capacidad de un material de tolerar una carga de dos fuerzas de igual dirección y en sentido contrario, disminuyendo la longitud de un cuerpo

A story is nothing more than a character overcoming a series of difficulties to reach the desired goal. Obstacles usually create suspense and conflict. In overcoming obstacles, there is growth: weak becomes strong; hatred turns into love; sadness into happiness; wrong into right; lies into truth; or evil becomes good.

See a few examples below:

Conductividad eléctrica o térmica

Your character(s) need(s) motivation in order to solve the challenge(s).

M. baja conductivilidad

Secondary characters might also have motives that lead them to cross paths with the main character or which might trigger them to help the main character.



Materiales alta conductividad

Why does your character need to confront this challenge? What does he/she expect to accomplish by solving it?
See a few examples:



Each story has a main character and that character usually needs to solve a problem or challenge. The character's challenge is the one that creates tension throughout the story.

Elección de material odontológico

In the beginning of the story (or the exposition), you will need to introduce the setting and characters. You might also want to introduce the main conflict. This part of the story is important because it gives the reader necessary background information and maybe even a first insight into a character’s personality.

Exposición ambiental
Almacenamiento ambiental

Temperatura deberá ser menor a 25ºC

Limpiar después del fraguado

materiales de impresión

Limpiadores antes del fraguado



En función al tipo de material

mezclas automáticas

mezcla por espatulado

EStados de la materia
Estado de presentación del material

Characters are essential to a good story. Usually, the protagonist(s) is/are the most affected by the plot. Introduce a character by focusing on their actions, interests, and occupation, as the physical appearance doesn't make a difference in most cases.




What is your character's main goal?

fight Evilfind lovedefeat his/her enemyrule the worldmake friendstime travelmake an awesome discoveryOther


Which traits best describe the character's personality? Choose more if necessary:



Choose the type of your chacter:

Protagonist (main character)Antagonist (main character's opponent)Flat (stereotypical character)Round (his/ her personality develops throughout the story)Static (doesn't evolve as a person throughout the story)Dynamic (dramatical change in personality)Confidant (the main character trusts him/ her)Foil (contrasting character who enhances the personality of another character)Other
Forma que se desea del trabajo final, obteniéndose cambios del estado físico por solidificación o químico como el fraguado.

Type in the name of your character.