Catégories : Tous - literacy - art - phonics - sensory

par Vanessa Brown Il y a 6 années


Reception Autumn Term 2018

The schedule outlines various educational activities planned for the Autumn Term of 2018 for Reception classes. Each week features a combination of shared reading sessions, phonics lessons, and mathematics exercises.

Reception Autumn Term 2018

Dates: 31/10: Halloween

Dates: 6/11: Diwali

Dates: 11/11: Remembrance Day

Dates: 5/11: Guy Fawkes Night

You, Me and Everyone

Dates: 21/9 UN Peace Day

Dates: 19/9 Yom Kippur

Dates: 10/9: Rosh Hashanah

Reception Autumn Term 2018

Week 8: 5/11- 9/11: Shared Read: Peace at Last

UTW: Anisha talk about Diwali?
UtW: Gardening: Green Haired Creatures
Sensory: Lizards in Jelly p16 50 Fantastic things to do with a Water Tray
EA&D: Rangoli 'sand' Pictures
EA&D: Firework 'Wheels' Pictures
Maths: Ordering the Day/ Time

Week 9: 12/11- 16/11: Shared Read: Whatever Next

EA&D: Poppy Obs
Maths: Length and Height

Week 10: 19/11- 13/11: Shared Read: Little Red Hen

EA&D: Transient Art: Seed Pictures
Maths: positional Language
EA&D: Stick Puppets: Puppet Show
Sensory: Bean Play: 50 Fantastic things to do with Squidgy Stuff

Week 11: 26/11- 30/11: Shared Read: Doing the Animal Bop

Literacy: Guided Writing: Christmas List to Santa
Maths: Collecting and Sorting/ Focus: Cracker Patterns

Week 12: 3/12- 7/12: Shared Read: Dear Santa

UTW: Advent
EA&D: Marble Calendars

Sensory: Shaving Foam in Builders Tray (Santa Beards)

Literacy: GW: Class Book: Dear Santa: 'He Sent me a...., it was too....'
Maths: Collecting and Sorting

Week 13: 10/12-14/12: Shared Read: Nativity Story

EA&D: Christmas Cards: Sponge and Finger Painting
EA&D: Christmas Decoration
Sensory: Soapy Snow: p28 50 Fantastic things to do with Squidgy Stuff
Literacy: GW: Write the Inside of Christmas Card
Maths: Weight

Week 14: 17/12- 21/12: Shared Read: Nativity Story

EA&D: Christmas Crowns for Party (on bordette)
Phonics: Phase 2/ Assessment
Maths: Money

Week 7: 29/10- 2/11: Shared Read: We're Going on a Bear Hunt

EA&D: Christmas Play Rehearsals
UTW: Pebble Pictures: 50 Fantastic Ideas for Creativity Outdoors p15 (link to touch)
Continuous Provision Ideas: Green Sand/ Bugs/ Slime, halloween sequins, den building
EA&D: Diva Lamps: Diwali Nxt Wk
UTW: Senses: Touch
Sensory: Water Beads (link to touch) p14 50 Fantastic things to do with a Water Tray
Maths: Add and Subtract: 1 More & 1 Less

Week 6: 15/10- 19/10: Shared Read: Owl Babies (story sack)

EA&D: Transient Art: Owl Pictures
Sensory: Crunch. Scrunch, lovely leaves: p48 50 Fantastic things to do with Squidgy Stuff
UTW: Senses: Taste/ Mouth
UTW: Gardening: Carrot Tops
Cooking: Toast and Spreads (sweet, bitter, sour, salty)
Maths: More & Less/ Basic Addition: 1 More & 1 Less

Week 5: 8/10- 12/10: Shared Read: Where's My Teddy

UTW: Senses: Smell/ Nose
Continuous Provision Ideas: Scented Dough (link to smell)
UTW: Gardening: Plant Daffodil Bulbs
Literacy: Guided Writing: All About Me Book
phonics: Phase 2
Maths: Pattern

Week 4: 1/10- 5/10: Shared Read: Polar Bear Polar Bear What do you Hear?

UTW: Gardening: Seed Collecting from out tomatoes, cucumbers, etc
UTW: Senses: Hearing (Link to SR)
Literacy: Guided Writing: All About Me Book/ Class Book: link to either Brown Bear or Polar Bear
Maths: 2D Shapes
EA&D/ Maths: Plunger Painting (link to shape work)

Week 3: 24/9- 28/9: Shared Read: Brown Bear Brown Bear What do you See

EA&D: Mixing Colours: Handprints
Fine Motor/ EA&D: Water Spray Pictures P38 50 Fantastic ideas for Creativity Outdoors (link to sight)
UTW: Senses: Eyes (link to SR)
PSED: Red SEAL Pooh Bear Goes Home and Shares Adventures
Literacy: guided Writing: All About Me Book
Phonics: Phase 2
Maths: Recognising Numerals

Week 2: 17/9- 21/9 Shared Read: Various

Sensory: Shaving Foam in Builders Tray (writing names/ initial sounds, etc

Week 1: 10/9- 14/9 Shared Read: Various

Adults: Basellines, Children's Photos for YB's, YB's
EA&D: Paper Plate Faces
PSED: Routines, Toilet, 123 Magic, Spotty Dots, Visual Timetable
Phonics: Phase 1
Maths: Numbers in Order and Counting