Catégories : Tous - collaboration - understanding - video - mindmap

par EMY TAN HUILIN 344BA201408F0161 Il y a 9 années


Rodney 3 Assignment 1 (copy)

A team led by Cindy Wong and co-led by Chua Kai Chen discussed the inclusion of a video on ROS in their project mindmap. Team members, including Emy Tan Huilin and Estee Lee Wan Huey, found the video clear and beneficial, suggesting it be integrated into their mindmap.

Rodney 3 Assignment 1 (copy)

Tasks are arranged in clockwise fashion, starting here :)

Leader: Cindy Wong Lina 14013544 Co-Leader: Chua Kai Chen 14070726

Regarding the ROS, I have just watched the youtube video which Estee shared the link on fb.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:27 

I think the video is pretty clear in explaining it.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:29 

maybe we can include it in the mindmap
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:29 

include the ROS in the mindmap?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:30 

include the video in the mindmap is a good idea.
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:31 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:31 

each of us has to write our own understanding on ROS! ;)
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:31 

you can start first ;)
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:31 

I have included the ROS video into the mindmap.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:32 

sure! should we do it together tmr as scheduled?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:33 

Yes the video explains it clearly. ROS discussions will be tomorrow, after we all are absolutely clear on what it is. Thanks everyone, for attending the meeting and being proactive in discussions and being online on time today :) Talk to you guys tomorrow at 9pm! Have a good night!
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:34 

of course
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:34 

Alrighty, goodnight guys!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:34 

Was grea t fun working with you guys!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:34 

goodnight guys. great job tonight

have a good rest guyss!ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:36 

The WAP discussion is saved :) Under notes of the WAP discussion branch. Click on the 3 lines next to the branch to see it. And the branches are now arranged according to our tasks accountability, clockwise fashion beginning from WAP. Good night!
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:51 

Very neatly done cindyy!! Thanks for the effort heh
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 02:06 

So now we are updating into the mind map our own understanding of ROS?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:04 

Yes :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:07 

FOO SIANG YI 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:07 

Alright! I have updated mine.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:07 

Me too. Let's give the others some more time to complete their parts.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:08 

FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:08 

Task 4 & 5: Expected limits during this project

Miscommunication among team members

A group of 11 for an assignment is considerably large, especially of one consisting of members who do not know each other beforehand. Adding on the fact that online discussion is the main form of communication we use. Without knowing how to properly communicate and convey feelings in our messages, it might seem emotionless and sometimes suggestions might look to others like orders.

Undermining capabilities of a team member on no grounds would create a feeling of indignity and unjust, leading to dissatisfaction of working together in a group.
Lowering our goals

Some team members might be satisfied with just a passing standard.

Due to the time constraint we always seem to have keep on lowering our standards and eventually just do the minimum to pass

Unwillingness to put in effort

Some team members may be unwilling to put in effort (taking ownership and holding accountability for our own parts) in completing the tasks.

It is a problem that is prevalent in many groups.

Task 6 & 7: Actions to avoid the limits during the project

Archetype 9- Accidental adversaries
Talk everything out during the discussion whenever there is the slightest hint of misunderstanding or conflict of opinions.
Team members should be open and understand that this is an online discussion, so there might be some miscommunication on accounts.
Archetype 8 - Drifting goals
Maximising the scarce time we have. It is key to ensure all tasks are carried out efficiently (setting deadlines, time management) in order to achieve the group's objectives.
Constant re-evaluation of our standards for performance to ensure that we are on the right track towards our common goal.

If need be, tweak previously set standards to cater to different situations.

Ensure everyone is working hard together towards the same agenda

Encouraging and lending a helping hand to team members in completion of tasks.

Archetype 7- Shifting the burden
Being a good team player. When a member is struggling to complete his or her part of the tasks, pitch in to help complete it to the best standard we can. The mentality of it being "someone else's problem" should never exist in a high performance team.
Never assume other members will complete your tasks, or take advantage of anyone who would.
Ensuring everyone is responsible and committed to the completion of the assignment.

Task 8 & 9: Group story using archetypes

Task 10 & 11: Percentage of Tasks Completion compared to the WAP

Task 12 & 13

Noisiest Archetypes
Fixes that Fail

Those who have prepared beforehand brings up more ideas to contribute to the conversation leading to an unequal contribution. This is not a sustainable way as the people who have prepared beforehand are doing more work and may build resentment against the others.

Therefore, as some members don't come into the meeting prepared, we waste more time discussing everything from scratch as we go. This had led us into delaying some tasks and holding the discussions for 4+ hours.

The way we fix this issue isn't feasible for the long term and causing a huge waste of time as we have to give those who didn't prepare extra time to come up with ideas.

Members not coming prepare for the discussions leads them to being unable to contribute well in the discussion and greatly slows our progress.

Not working Archetypes
Bite the Bullet

Instead of blaming mindomo for not working, members should instead find an alternative solution to work through it, e.g. giving out ideas on the FB chat instead

Stay on Track

The leaders set our online meeting for DEPTH everyday for an hour but we always exceed that. We also didn’t manage to stay on track with the WAP we had planned for Thursday's tasks.

It is commendable about the efforts and time we place into making the discussion work but it may not be a sustainable way to work. For example, we would spend 4 hours trying to finish our tasks. However, if this continues for the long run, this would be unsustainable as our health would be affected and we will be mentally exhausted, and may lead us to being unhappy or hold resentment towards the assignment.

Be Your Best

Not everyone is being their best in the assignment as some parties are not as involved in contributing ideas. Doing so, it greatly slows our progress as we have to keep on prompting them to share their input.

Working Archetypes

We showed sensitivity in our discussions as we accept that everyone have different opinions and responded tactfully when we have objections or when we wanted to urge a team member. We were fully conscious on the way we talked so that there were no hard feelings to have a cooperative assignment.

Investing for success

As our Assignments are allotted different marks according to their weightage by the lecturers, in the arrangement for subsequent leaders and co-leaders, we agreed to have the ones who seem to be able to perform better take the responsibility of being leaders and co-leaders of the assignments with higher marks allotted.

Cooperative Partners

We make all our decisions collectively. If someone was not agreeable, they would voice it out and we would try to compromise.

There is no strict hierarchical structure within our group. Everyone is friendly and understand that all members are working in this assignment together with the best intentions. Our team is amazing in being willing to devote the time and effort to produce a great assignment shown as all team members encouraged one another and did not leave even though the discussions dragged on for four hours.

Task 3: Understanding ROS

Fiona Oon Jing Yuan
ROS is a system thinking model that helps to increase the awareness of the team's responsible behavior to meet the desired responsible behavior by planning ahead and be aware about their action and decision during handling a project.
Loh Yew Foong
ROS is a system that is used to make easier of the management of responsible behaviour. It is very important to manage our responsible behaviour because it is the crucial criterial to become a effective and efficient leader.
Emma Yazmeen Yip
ROS acts as an appliance to monitor, analyse and enhance team members on their responsibility behaviour pattern. ROS consist of several archetypes that represent a pattern that tells a story that connects to a particular event. The archetypes are use to evaluate the responsible behaviour of the system.
Foo Juan Win
ROS consists of four archetypes which are win-win, cooperative partners, plan for limit and bite the bullet. If you fulfil the four archetypes, then you may be a successful person

Archetypes are not actually negative or positive. The results that these archetypes produce are what you may define as either negative or positive

Chua Kai Chen
To build a strong team, the leader has to know the team behaviours. Different team consists of different behaviour. ROS ease the leader's burden by evaluates and assess the team's responsibility behaviour and pattern. ROS consists of 4 archetypes, a good team leader use to apply wisely on most of the situation.

Knowing the team behaviour is very important during the planning stage. For example, a team member is very good in account, leader should assign that person in doing task that related to account. If the leader can apply it correctly, the whole process can be more effective and efficient.

Cindy Wong Lina
It is the generic description of a situation and guides the best situation in which the leader of a team possesses the 4 archetypes in the way he or she operates in handling the team. According to the ROS, a responsible leader is able to apply the 4 archetypes in a group setting, leading the team in achieving shared objectives.

Understanding the ROS and its functions also enables a leader to head a project to completion in a disciplined manner, ensuring each task is completed before moving on to the next.

Foo Siang Yi
ROS is reflection tool that helps evaluates and assess the team's responsibility behaviour and pattern. ROS is also a further thinking tool and a guide for the group to face the problems.

In order to perform better as a team, understanding ROS is vital for the team as everybody is on the same page to carry out the task efficiently.

Er Pei Chin
ROS is a tools to determine the pattern that reflect the responsible behaviors of the team. ROS is used to monitor,evaluate and improve the responsible behavior of the team.

Identify the pattern is important in the planning the responsible behaviors. Producing pattern evaluates the responsible behavior. Understanding the pattern improves the overall performance.

Eiu Teng
ROS is a system thinking tool that helps in planning, evaluating and improving the responsible behaviour of each team.

ROS is important in a team to facilitate the management of responsible behaviour of the team

ROS can be made up of several connected archetypes which represent the responsible behaviour desired by a team.

These archetypes can be either positive or negative

Emy Tan Huilin
We can view ROS as a reference which can help the team to achieve high performance when group behaviors are aligned to the positive archetypes and also allows us to pinpoint the root problem when the group behavior shows signs of the negative archetypes which will disrupt team performance.

ROS allows us to look at the big picture of the situation.

Estee Lee Wan Huey
ROS is a tool to help monitor and evaluate the responsible behavior of a team. ROS consists of 4 archetypes where each archetype has both positive and negative form. A team is working in a responsible manner if they are applying the 4 archetypes in positive form. By using ROS, a team must first plan, evaluate and then improve their responsible behavior.

The positive form of the 4 archetypes are plan for limits, bite the bullet, cooperative partners, and win/win. On the other hand, the negative form of the 4 archetypes are limit to success, shifting the burden, accidental adversaries and escalation.


Task 14 (Improvements)

Task 14

i mean that's the suggestion for task 14
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:27 

yaya as what juanwin said must prepare beforehand so that we get to save time and our progress will go according to what we have planned earlier
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:28 

So guys, how and what do we are going to do to improve the completion rate next week?
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:28

fiona we are talking about it dyy haha
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:28 

i agree with estee..
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:28 

definitely prepare beforehand.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:29

Oops, I'm sorry haha
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:30 

maybe we should provide our own timetable and see whether we have common free time to do it together before the peck hour
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:30 

FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:30 

speak out your mind without hesitation.. there's no right or wrong answer.. at least we participated..
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:30 

and if anyone have any problems, e.g. in understanding while preparing they are most welcome to ask other team members in the fb chat
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:31 

ensure we have a stable internet connection and also never close the mindomo tab haha to prevent problem logging in
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:31 

so that we can have a smooth progress without waiting for someone replies?
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:31 

We can also take down the points on a piece of paper or in word so that we won't mess up and miss any relevant and important points that we discussed in our chat.
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:31 

make sure we make a schedule before the assignment
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:31 

enough sleeping is important too~ so that we can stay focus during the discussion
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:32 

I think that is the purpose of the discussion, Juan Win. But because we want to maximise all our time s, all of us NEED to prepare beforehand
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:32 

so that everyone of us can contribute
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:32 

yeap, and Estee and Eiu Teng it can be solved as well by members contributing in the fb chat instead
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:32 

contributing to the fb chat if mindomo doens't work
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:33 

ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:33 

attend meeting punctually.. do not let the rest waiting for too long.. if cannot attend the meeting, inform earlier
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:33 

agree with eiu teng so that we can assign the task to other
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:34 

Also, everyone should take the initiative to keep themselves updated on the work done if they cannot be present. Others would be active in updating and keeping the absent ones updated, but if the ones who can't attend don't bother being in the know, then it's gonna be hard to carry on smoothly because then we'd have to be repeating what the others already know, hence wasting time, decreasing the completion rate.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:34 

while having discussion on mindomo, avoid doing other things at the same time to keep track of the whole progress and stay focus
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:34 

Try to participate every discussion so that we can collect more different ideas
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:34 

so that we will stick to the plan , not procrastinate our task
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:35 

Not try, but need to.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:35 

We need equal contribution to gain higher marks.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:35 

agree its all about teamwork
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:37 

yea i cant do this without members
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:38 

any more ideas?
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:39 

lending helping hand when someone facing problems..
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:39 

Okay. Anyone made notes on what we had said?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:39 

we cannot solve bottleneckssss alone
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:39

 but that is what all of us are willing to do already isn't it?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:40 

CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:41

 and we maybe we are being too kind by tolerating members when they come unprepared for the discussions or are not actively participating in discussions...
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:41 

what about urging others when the conversation stop? asking them to reply
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:42 

and i think some are actually too shy to voice out
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:42 

agree with eiuteng! we must always encourage and motivate one another
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:43 

Eiu Teng ithis is a good point as well
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:43 

we did that though, Eiu Teng
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:44 

dont be afraid to speak out... we might have different perspective
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:44 

it is fine to have a different opinion
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:44 

but it won't work it they come unprepare because they may not be able to come up with ideas quickly
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:44 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:44 

yea... it waste quite lot of time
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:45

 i think that's all.. anymore ideas?
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:46 

we have quite many points! ;)
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:47 

i think that's
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:47

 i was surprised also :)
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:48 

the power of teamwork
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:49

 wonderful ~
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:50 

I think we can definitely improve our task completion rate next week if, as most of us had mentioned above, 1. All members come prepare prior to the meeting on the planned tasks. 2. All members take the initiative to keep themselves updated on the progress of others if they were absent. 3. Attend meeting punctually and log on to mindomo before the meeting actually starts
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:52 

4. All members don't be afraid to voice out their opinions. 5. All members don't be afraid to seek help from others when you don't understand certain things.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:53 

6. Take down points first when we have a great input so we don't mess up or miss any relevant points in the chat
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:54 

and must complete task as planned for each day on the weekly action plan?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:54 

7. Share your input on the fb chat if the mindomo is not working 8. Sleep well!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:55 

thanks for summarizing it Emy~ :D
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:56 

very comprehensive summary! thanks emy
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:57 

Well, I believe if we can fulfill on those points, we can definitely complete tasks as planned!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:57 

sure we do!
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:58 

heheh, it is all for the team!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:59

Task 12 (ROS Discussion)

Yes! Let's move on to task 12 :)
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:22
BTW guys, I agree with Kai Chen, let's get on to our next task! Task 12! Yay!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:22
yes !
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:22
let's move on
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:22
yaya under task 11!
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 21:23
Let's discuss about which archetype are working first? Any inputs?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:23
cooperative partner
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,21:24
and also bite the bullet
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 21:24
Bite the bullet
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:24
but for cooperative partners, few needed much prompting from others to give their inputs.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:25
bite the bullet
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:25
agree with emy
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 21:26
do we still have other working archetype?
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,21:29
We should have. Our team is operating fairly well.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:30
plan for limits as we plan ahead?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 21:31

Collective agreement seems to be one that works for us.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:31
There doesn't seem to be a tall hierarchical structure within ourselves, except for the few times I wanted to hurry things along haha.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:32
plan for limits is a good point for us.. we were having bunch of technical issues..but still manage to handle all the problems
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:32
haha yes! agree with cindyy
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 21:33
But I personally think that we all agree with the usage of every tool, and if someone was not agreeable, they would voice it out and we all would then meet in the middle :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:33
agree with cindy
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:34
cindy got the points!
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,21:35
Also, what do you guys think about archetype 4? Investing for success.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:35
In my understanding,collective agreement seems to be on how we agree to use a common resource though, e.g. if we have only set of archetype cards
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:35
Our Assignments are allotted different marks according to their weightage by the lecturers.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:35
I thought that investing for success is a not working archetype though
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:36

In the arrangement for subsequent leaders and co-leaders, we agreed to have the ones who seem to be able to perform better take the responsibility of being leaders and co-leaders of the assignments with higher marks allotted.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:36
It is commendable about the efforts and time we place into making the discussion work but it may not be a sustainable way to work. For example, we spent 4 hours last night trying to finish our tasks. If this continues for the long run, this would be unsustainable as our health would be affected and we will be mentally exhausted, and may lead us to being unhappy or hold resentment towards the assignment.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:37
What archetype are you referring to Cindy? Btw, I have made some questions regarding the archetypes you suggested.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:38
yes.. exactly what emy said..
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,21:38
true though..
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:38
so cooperative partner counted as not working archetype?
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,21:44
Ahh, I got it! I think you got confused with cooperative partners Cindy
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:44
Ohh? Why Eiu Teng?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:44
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:45
I was!
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:45
Haha apologies about that. I need to be keeping tabs on what I'm reading and typing.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:45
because the mental model of cooperative partner is "everyone is coming from the best intentions"
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,21:45
but i think invest for success is also an working archetype cuz as we learn from the mistakes we made in this assignment 1, we tend to build the capacity to do better in the future assignments?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 21:46
Yes and I thought all members understood that everyone is coming from the best intentions...
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:46
Guys, you know what?Could investing for success be both a working and non-working archetype for us?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:46
so i thought all members have that intentions and willing to cooperate and participate during the discussions
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,21:46
It isn't the same indifferent situations
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:47
I think Estee's idea is more on Fixes that Work though
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:48
yes cindy! can we do that?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 21:48
how about others? what do u all think? :)
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 21:49
which archetypes are you guys referring? i'm confused
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,21:51
Fixes that work through ?
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:51
I agree with Emy :)Estee's idea would certainly fit Fixes that Work much better.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:52
So we have another working archetype.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:52
but Estee's: 'as we learn from the mistakes we made in this assignment 1, we tend to build the capacity to do better in the future assignments?' that is talking about the future, not what we are currently doing atm.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:54
that should be included at the last task
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,21:55
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,21:55
Btw, take a look at the doc.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:55
On the doc., we seem to have archetypes that are both working and not working.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:55
maybe i interpret wrongly on the definition of invest for success
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 21:56
Ah, you mean Estee's suggestion can be modified to be one of the actions taken to improve completion rate? Task 14?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:56
Win win is not a working archetypes, since is not everyone can change their behaviour to satisfy everyone benefits, In addition, we have 11 members in our team, is hard to get what everyone wants.
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:57
I agree with Eiu Teng as well Cindy.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:57
Bite the Bullet. Our team is amazing in being willing to take responsibility and investing the time and effort to produce a great assignment.
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,FriJan 22, 21:57
Alright, so that would be in Task 14 later :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:58
Juan Win, that's a great example of how we work and how the archetype works for us.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 21:58
I don't really agree with Fiona though. I think Win-win is talking more about being conscious of how we are reacting to our team members?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:00
And I think we are pretty diplomatic in this area? haha
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:00
By the way, going back to Cooperative Partners, I think it is the Archetype we need much to work on.Not in the sense that we are making Accidental Adversaries but rather that some parties appears not as involved in contributing ideas. Doing so, it greatly slows our progress.
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:01
Ah yes! I fully agree with you on this Fiona!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:02
can this point relate to win/win too?
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:04
because not everyone participating, so there won't be a win/win situation
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:04
agree.. though some members do not speak out during the discussion, they will do so when someone ask them to participate.. am i right a?
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,22:05
yes u are eiu teng!
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 22:06
Yeah, I agree with Emy on Win-win. It seems like we are conscious of the way we act and are all doing the assignment with an openness, accepting that everyone have different opinions and tactfully reply even when we have objections. It would be more of a working archetype :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:06
I think the Win-win in the archetype is talking more about being conscious of how we are reacting to our team-members instead?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:06
What do the rest think about the win-win archetype? :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:07
i agree with Emy.. For me Win win in the archetype is meant how are we going to collaborate with the rest of member and come out with the best solution or suggestion
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:08
Okay. So I put Win-win as a working archetype, alright?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:09
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,22:09
alright emy
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 22:09
how about the noisiest archetype hmm
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 22:09
alright emy
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:10
should it be the negative form of archetype?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 22:10
Yes. Noisiest archetype is the negative archetype that is really affecting our team
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:10
Yes it should
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:11
ahh okok
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 22:11
stay on track?
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:11
why do u say so ?Foo
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:13
stay on track is a not working archetype for us but I think there is another negative archetype that is the cause of leading us to not stay on track.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:13
Juan Win, which one are you suggesting it for?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:13
u set our online meeting for DEPTH everyday for an hour but we always exceed that
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:13
You mean to say drifting goals, juan win?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:14
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:15
Are you talking about it being a not working archetype, or the noisiest? Haha
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:15
A little messy inhere.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:15
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:15
I think not staying on track will lead to drifting goals. But I agree with Juan Win's example being not staying on track
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:15
i think what juan win is trying to say is we set the time for the discussion is 1 hour but we always exceed the time.. so we are not stick t what we planned to do
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:15
how about limits to success? the mindomo system undoubtedly affects few of us
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,22:16
i understand what juanwin is trying to say too
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 22:16
causing a delay of time
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 22:17
so some of us was unable to join the discussion in mindomo
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,22:17
Haha I see where he's coming from now.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:17
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:17
Wait ah Eiu Teng, to Cindy, I think Juan Win is trying to answer for the noisiest archetype but then I disagreed on it being the noisiest archetype as I think there is another negative archetype that is the cause of leading us to not stay on track.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:17
ya, the Mindomo is limiting us. We have to find our own solution like what sir said
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:17
Ohh I see. I was confused about whether it was a suggestion for a not working archetype or the noisiest.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:19
Thanks for clearing it up :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:19
Just adding on to Stay on Track, we also didn’t manage to stay on track with the WAP we had planned for yesterday’s tasks.
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 22:22
Agree. I will add it into our google doc. in the not working archetypes column!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:23
hey~ you guys can refer to what dr hussein posted in the group..
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,22:27
I have sent you guys the screenshot through fb chat.. have a look~
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,22:27
It's about the discussion for WAA and WAP, I think it applies to our situation.
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,22:27
On it, Eiu Teng! :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:28
Dr H's second paragraph is very much the situation happening in our group
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:29
and I think that is the biggest problem we are facing right now as a group as well.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:29
Thanks for the sharing Eiu Teng! :)
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,FriJan 22, 22:30
Yes, speaking of which, is our noisiest archetype.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:31
so if it is the main problem, the noisiest archetype would be shifting the burden?
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22,22:31
I can't decide between two. Attractiveness principle or shifting the burden.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:31
hmm it is really relatable to our group. thanks eiuteng!
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,FriJan 22, 22:31
Does anyone else haveother views?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,FriJan 22, 22:31

i think its shifting the burden tho
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:32
that is how we shift the blame to Mindomo for not working instead of, e.g. giving our ideas to the group via another channel?
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:32
but i thought using Mindomo is compulsory?
FOOJUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:34
i agree with emy though
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:35
shifting burden..
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:35
Yes. But instead of blaming mindomo for notworking, members should find an alternative solution to work through it, out ideas on the fb chat instead
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:35
shifting burden involves not takingresponsibility; attractiveness principles means some members are doing othersjob? is it?
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:35
I agree with Eiu Teng.
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:36
and also another bigggg problem is members notcoming prepare for the discussions.
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:37
you are right eiu teng.. not only not takingresponsibility but also blaming to others
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:37
Eiu Teng, yes :) And also for attractivenessprinciple is not asserting one's capabilities, instead agreeing to taking uptasks when they are not certain that they can handle it well.
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:37
which thus leads them to being unable tocontribute well in the discussion and greatly slows our progress.
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:37
agree with emy! its also part of shifting theburden
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:37
hmm.. then which one more relevant?
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:38
shifting the burden ba
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:38
I'm still in a dilemma about them haha
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:38
Are the rest completely sure that it'sshifting the burden?
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:38
struggling ***
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:39
Me too
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:40
You do agree that both seem to apply to us,Eiu Teng?
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:40
for me i vote for shifting the burden
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:40
shifting birden +1
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:41
shifting the burden +1
FOOJUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:41
yaya.. some of us really depending on othersto help in contributing ideas
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:41
Haha okay, we'll definitely go with majorityin the end, but hear me out. I wanna give the two a fair fight XD
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:42
So which problem do you guys think is bigger?'Instead of blaming mindomo for not working, members should find an alternativesolution to work through it, e.g. giving out ideas on the fb chat instead' or'members not coming prepare for the discussions'?
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:42
arent both also shifting the burden?
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:43
Shifting the burden is "knowing whatneeds to be done, but it's someone else's problem".
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:43
I actually think members not coming preparedfor discussions is a bigger problem though. Cause if members did that, theywould surely send their inputs over fb chat since they have done it.
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:43
i vote for this - members not coming preparefor the discussions.. this is the main reason why we are having slow progress
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:43
Attractiveness principle is not being completehonest about the workload and level of work one is able to do.
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:43
I actually lean more towards the latter
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:43
There are times when I feel that everyone areagreeing just for the sake of ending the conversation, or just to come to anagreement.
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:44
But when they're agreeing, they don't seem tobe thinking about whether they can handle the tasks agreed.
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:45
Like the example Emy gave,
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:45
Everyone says okay to being here at aspecified time and all are aware on the tasks needed to be completed.
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:46
i agree with cindy~ btw.. if we pick shiftingthe burden.. does it contradict with the +ve side of it ?
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:46
But when we get here, there doesn't seem to bemuch preparations done beforehand
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:46
since we said everyone is biting the bullet
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:47
That is exactly another reason why I'm in adilemma hahaha
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:49
We'd be contradicting ourselves
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:49
we are stucked!
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:50
Everyone are willing to do work, but tend toagree or take on tasks that they cannot be certain they can handle or do well.
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:50
but a lot of the working and not workingarchetypes are pretty much the same archetypes though...
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:50
but I do agree with you Eiu Teng,
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:50
omg ya!! i didn't thought of the positive side! Because i at first i really think those are shifting the burden like we don't prepare ourself beforehand and all
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:50
After the lengthy reply I gave, I vote forattractiveness principle haha
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:50
support attractiveness principle too
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:51
but I think that if someone agree to take onthe task, they should do it? (that is being responsible) And attractivenessprinciple is saying yes to UNREA SONABLE WORK because you feel you have nochoice.
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:53
or maybe we have to do this assignment becausewe have no choice?
FOOJUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:54
yes thats what the definition is talkingabout... hmmm
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:54
i dont think its suitable to say that juan winhaha
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:54
FOOJUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:55
dr hussein will sad if he heard that..
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:55
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:55
he will ..ahaha
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:55
well, IT IS a choice we take. We made thechoice to complete this assignment at the start. And once we have made thechoice, we have to stick to it.
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:56
because it is a team project :DD
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:56
this is something Dr H wanna heard
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:56
and i agree with emy as well
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:56
salute to Juan Win's braveness hahaha
FIONAOON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:57
hahaha. So, anyone have any idea what negative archetype this falls into? "Members not coming prepare for the discussions leads them to being unable to contribute well in the discussion and greatly slows our progress."
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 22:57
Fixes that Fail?
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:00
Like those who have prepared beforehand bringsup more ideas to contribute to the conversation? However, this is not asustainable way as the others have to work harder.
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:01
as the people who are thinking up ideas* haveto work harder. Slight i ssue of freeriders?
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:02
very hard to choose.. because they are kindainterrelated
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:02
we should really make a decision alreadyyahhhh
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:06
can i have neutral vote? hahax
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:07
Okay. I suggest Fixes that Fail base on thereasons I gave above.
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:08
shfting the burden then
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:08
since the majority is vote for this arhetype
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:10
Eh, majority vote for shifting the burden?
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:15
shifting the burden contradicts bite thebullet leh
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:15
I suggest Fixes that Fail
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:16
i was gonna say that haha
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:16
Agree +1
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:16
can u further explain on ?
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:16
So, which is the final one ?@@
Me,Fri Jan 22, 23:17
Haha yeah because the time constraint andseemingly lack of enthusiasm led us to act this way, thinking up of ways tofinish work quickly.
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:17
And how we don't appear to come to the meetingprepared
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:17
Instead discussing everything from scratch aswe go
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:17
fixes that fail
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:18
The way we fix the issue isn't feasible forthe long term
CINDYWONG LINA 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:18
and causing a delay of time
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:18
fixes the fail, maybe we can say we givechance to those who do not prepare beforehand by giving them time to prepareduring discussion
FOOJUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:18
yeah~ finally we have a mutual agreement
EIUTENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:18
yayyy!! fixes that fail it is!
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:19
Yeah! Nice one Juan Win!
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:19
nice one !
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:19
finally something convincing is coming up..
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:20
fixes that fail =1
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:20
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:20
Since all of us agreed on fixes that fail,thus it will be our noisiest archetype based on what we have discussed.
FIONAOON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:23
OK... Agree with that =)
Me,Fri Jan 22, 23:23
Should we proceed to the next task??
FIONAOON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:24
yes yes
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:25
lets do it
ESTEELEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:25
Yeah! So can we proceed to the next task?
FOOJUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:25
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:25
prepare beforehand!
FOOJUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:26
just express what u think
FOOJUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:26
Of course yes =)
FIONAOON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:26
hey guyss
CHUAKAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:26
Let's go!
EMYTAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 23:26

Task 10 (WAP vs WAA)

Hey everyone :)
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:33 

Starting off a little late tonight, but all's good.
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:33 

Anyway, I already tweaked the format in the excel spreadsheet, everyone can go and see now if it's fine :)
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:34 

Hi Cindy
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:35
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:36 

may i know where's the link?
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:40
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:40
Here you go :)
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:40 

got it!
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:41 

the spreadsheet looks pretty good!
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:41 

well done Cindu
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:44

CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:44 

Looking at it. What are we supposed to write in the names column?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:44 

It's the individual attendance so the lecturers are able to clearly see who has been attending discussions :)
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:49

Anyone of us can edit the spreadsheet as we go, so just let everyone know, and edit it if you feel something is off.
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:50 

Let's begin by first selecting the leaders and co-leaders of each assignment for the entire semester. Since everyone would have to do it sooner or later, I have placed each person into one of the weeks, and the arrangement is in the same excel spreadsheet for everyone to see.
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:52 

Because we have 11 members, there will be 3 people leading in Week 4 due to it being allotted the most marks.
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:52 

Is everyone good with the arrangement?
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:53 

Got it !
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:53 

Voice out if you have any objections :)
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:53

oh no, week 3 leader. I will try my best :)
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:53

okok~ so who's gonne be the leader and co-leader for assignment 2?
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:53 

i'm fine with that arrgement cindy
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:53 

co leader for assignemnt 2 will goes to Estee
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:54 

Estee r u okay with it
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:54

CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:54

aite aite yess i am okay with it! ;)
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:55

So, i'll be the co-leader for week 4?
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:55

and siang yi will be the leader for assignment 2!
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:55

oo... it's on the spreadsheet is it..
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:55 

Yes hahaha
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:55

okok :)
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:56 

Then week 3?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:57 

Oh yeah, it is all on the spreadsheet.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:57 

By the way, should we delete the mindmap for group story since it should be in word attachment?
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:57 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:57 

BTW, I'm done editing the group story.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:57 

Whoever added the actual attendance column in the spreadsheet, good job :)
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:58 

Missed that out
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:58 

You guys wanna check it out? It is on the google doc. we worked on last night.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:58 

Hehe, it is me. Thanks!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:58 

Ye ah sure, thanks Emy!
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:58 

Who's going to do the deleting part?
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:58 

Which deleting part?
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 20:58

deleting of the group story branches on mindmap
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:59 

And replace it with the word attachment.
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 20:59 

emy done deleting it already :)
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:01 

Alright :)
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 21:04 

So Task 10.
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 21:04 

We compare our WAP to the WAA
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 21:05 

The spreadsheet is up, so what do we all think about our performance for this week?
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 21:05 

hmm.. from task 8 onwards a bit delay?
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:06

all member are being very cooperative and the flow of the process is quite smooth also
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:06

true .. we were having some issue on task 8
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:06 

hopefully we can catch up and finish all tasks according to wap
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:07 

but we still manage get to done the task accordin to WAP
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:07 

And the technical problem of Mindomo has caused some minor problems for some of the members.
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:07 

as we all are using mindomo for the first time and we are not very familiar with it i think theres lack of efficiency plus there was problem accessing to the mindomo for some of us
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:08 

True that, we're all Mindomo newbies, still feeling our way around. But after this week we hopefully have grasped the basics enough to move quicker through our tasks :)
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 21:11

yaya.. but we will get familiar with it on coming assignments :D and hopefully the problems of mindomo will be solved after this
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:11 

Anyway, is everyone okay with the group story in our google doc? If okay, we can paste it in word and attach it on our mindmap :)
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:11 

I think it's pretty good
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:12 

yeah it is great !
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:12 

So the deviations from our WAP and WAA are just the group attendance rate and the completion rate for yesterday's Task 8 - Task 11 right?
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:12 

Give me some time, I'm making some final editing for the story in word.
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 21:13 

Yes Juan Win, that would sum up our slight delay :)
CINDY WONG LINA,Fri Jan 22, 21:14 

So we have already discussed and compared our WAP and the WAA? As we had filled up the spreadsheet.
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:15 

yes.. btw.. we have not fill up the completion rate on wap?
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:16 

yeap! clearly shown on the spreadsheet
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:16 

Yeah, is filling in the Excel and understanding the variances between the WAP and our WAA all we have to do for Task 10?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:16 

Eiu Teng, because we do not know our completion rate yet, e.g. for the Task 12-15
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:17 

oo.. so we will come to that after we finish all tasks?
EIU TENG 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:17 

I suppose so. So for task 10 & 11 we just update the mind map with our Excel spreadsheet and we are done?EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:19 

do we actually also have another sub branch to insert the completion rate as shown on the guideline on elearn for assignment 1?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:20 

I think so.
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:20 

hey guys... since we had given our opinion on the WAA and WAP.. let's carry on to the next task guys
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Fri Jan 22, 21:22

Task 8 (Group Story)

Let's carry on with the plan for tonight, Task 8.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:35

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:36 

I have an idea.
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:36 

LOH YEW FOONG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:36 

FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:36 

ER PEI CHIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:36 

What's the idea Fiona?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:36 

Since the group story has to be attached with word, why don't we use Google doc so that we can see everyone's work and ideas?
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:38 

Is just a suggestion :)
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:38 

hmm.. since it involves "apply depth", chatting in mindomo is necessary?
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:41 

Yup, I think that is a great idea but we need to have our discussion on this chat for the record.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:41 

i think it is better to do it here so that we can apply depth
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:41 

maybe we discuss on mindomo then do it in google doc?
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:44 

Great suggestion Eiu Teng :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:45 

We'll do just that.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:45 

ER PEI CHIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:45 

agree! so that everyone gets updates on the progress of the story and we are able to apply depth
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:45 

I think its a pretty good idea
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:45 

yeah.. let's discuss first
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:46

Great... lets do it~
LOH YEW FOONG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:46 

someone create the google doc?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:46 

i'll create it~
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:46 

so you need our email address right?
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:47 

so how many archetypes do we need to choose for?~
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:48 

She can set the setting preferences to 'can edit with link'
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:48 

ahh, outdated xD
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:48 

3-4 archtypes with all positive
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:48
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:49 

Yes, according to our meeting the other day, we chose 4 archetypes, all in the positive form.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:49 

We had picked the archetypes in our first meeting in uni.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:49 

CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:49 

which four?
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:50 

what are the 4 archetypes?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:50 

stay on track
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:50 

be your best
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:50 

Cooperative partners
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:51 

then the last one?
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:52 

Strut your stuff
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:53 

Actually, I think Plan for limits seems more appropriate here though
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:54 

Should we do the four that are posted on elearn since there are guidelines provided??
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:54 

Do we neccesary need to follow those four ?
LOH YEW FOONG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:55 

Using those would be be like taking it right out of the book haha
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:55 

based on our team progress?
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:55 

We use what is applicable to our group and the way we operate ;)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:56 

agree with cindy!
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:56 

Okay :)
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:56 

Let's start!!
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:56 

Agreed. lets work on it
LOH YEW FOONG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:57 

The google doc. looks pretty neat!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:58 

Okay so, according to Dr Hussein, we have to be thinking from the perspective of having worked together until the end.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 20:59 

And the storytelling is in the form of looking back at the past.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:00 

Yup, he said it is the story of the group’s desired behaviour for our whole semester.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:00 

Strut your stuff
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:00 

Let's first discuss here about the first of the 4 chosen archetypes, then we will update our Google Doc before updating the mind map with the completed document :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:01 

The first is Archetype 1, Plan for Limits.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:01 

Since the beginning of working together, we have always came up with the "what ifs", and subs equently what will be done should these circumstances occur.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:03 

i agree with Cindy. Beside, we must always have a plan b in case of any emergency
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:04 

Yup, before we start our assignment, we identify the possible problematic or worst case scenarios that might occur and then try to troubleshoot them.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:06 

So that the team wont panic at the moment.
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:07 

once they panic they might ruin the whole plan.
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:08 

I would agree as well. I believe that identifying possible issues is important as we should consider the factors might affect the assignment as some factors might have huge effect on the assignment.
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:08 

One key example for this archetype during the period we worked together is the constant issue of Mindomo not working for everyone. We have a system in place for when that happens, which is for the member who can't access Mindomo to go to Mr Rodney, while the leader would mention the issue in the Mindomo chat so the lecturer who would be checking our discussion is aware of our situation.
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:12 

Adding on to Kai Chen, those who can't access will then communicate their ideas via the FB chat.
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:13 

since full attendance for us to have physical meeting is impossible, planing the time for meeting virtually can solve this prob?
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:19 

like planning meeting in Mindomo every night?
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:20 

Another key example for the archetype plan for limits would be having our mindmomo chat and discussion at night as most of us are in uni during the afternoon and at night would be more convenient for us.
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:20 

great example. Siang Yi and Eiu Teng
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:26 

and don't forget Juan Win's too!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:27 

there is also time constraint, we plan ahead and allocate the tasks to each day to ensure we are able to complete our assignment
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:28 

FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:29 

I think those examples are really good. Do we need additional examples or do we move on to the next archetype now?
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:33 

eg even though each of us has their own life.. but we still manage to spare out time to finish our task according to the WAP..
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:33 

Are you talking about the next archetype Gavin?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:35 

bite the bullet?
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:35 

What arechetype are you relating that example too?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:35 

yea i m talking the next archetype bite the bullet
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:36 

That should do for Archetype 1 :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:36 

Now for what we seem to have already went into, the second archetype, bite the bullet
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:36 

So we move to bite the bullet ?@@
LOH YEW FOONG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:36 

Yes :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:37 

We faced some technical problems while we were trying to access to mindomo. In order to solve this problem, we sent an email to our tutor, Mr Rodney. Finally, none of us are facing technical problem now :)
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:40 

I think that we all bite the bullet. It might be due to this being the beginning of the semester, but as far as I'm concerned, each and everyone of us take charge and responsibility in providing inputs, making decisions together, and keeping to our words. The archetype can certainly be used to describe the willingness to do and participation of everyone in our group.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:40 

for bite the bullet i think everyone of us must be responsible on all the tasks that were assigned to us and always make time to have group discussion together because if there is someone who is absent, he or she might be left out
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:40 

Okay. So Gavin, you mean to say that even though each of us has our own other tasks to handle, we hold ourselves accountable for our own work and are willing to commit the time and effort to complet e our team assignment?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:40 

CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:41 

eg: those member who are unable to make it to their task, they will pass it over to others and make sure the plan is in progress
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:43 

For the bite bullet, as this is the first time the group uses mindomo in an assignment, I would say everyone is willing to bite the bullet and invest their time to understand what mindomo is and how mindomo works in order to gain maximum marks for the assignment.
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:43 

we will try our really best to spare out time for discussion
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:44 

besides, when we first received the assignment for this subject, it is absolutely a new stuff for us as it is different from previous assignments,we might feel it's hard to do it but take it anyway since it's part of responsibilty.
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:45 

Agreed! Its not easy for many of us have to adapt to new methods of the carrying out the assignment.
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:47 

*as we have to
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:47 

i think eiu teng's opinion is similar to siang yi's ! like we willing to take responsibility to learn smtg new
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:48 

I second Gavin's opinion. We are all aware of each other having other matters, but in the end we collectively come to an agreement of a free time every night. Even when there is anyone who really cannot make it, we carry on, keeping everyone updated on what is done and what is left to be done
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:49

thanks foo
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:51 

:D I'm glad we all agree that everyone does their fair share of work.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:52 

Seemingly we all agree on the ideas suggested, so let's move on to the next archetype?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:52 

FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:53 

Sure :) We have 2 more to go! :D
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:53 

ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:53 

Now for Archetype 8, staying on track.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:53 

Some of us are having trouble assessing mindomo, but still decided to stay on track on FB to keeptrack and updated on the progress of the assignment.
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:57 

We would refer to the deadlines that we set to make sure our process continues to progress properly and stay on the path
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:58 

What do you guys think? F or the archetype staying on track?
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:58 

Hmm, it is very similar to one of the example we gave for the Archetype Plan for Limits though
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 21:58 

Adding on to Eiu Teng's, our team always stay on track as prior to each discussion meeting, we are aware of the desired result at the end of each meeting and aim to complete the tasks setted in the WAP.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:01 

At the end of the day, we compare our Actual Completed Tasks with the Planned Tasks to Complete.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:03 

Each person defines and sees success differently. I personally can see that we initially came from all sorts of directions, but have now come to share a common goal. Throughout the semester, we constantly pause to re-evaluate our objectives. If we seem to be veering slightly off the intended route, one of us would steer us all back. The discussions we have every night usually takes longer than the time frame set, but we stay on track the entire time, just taking a tad more time to take in and analyse everyone's opinions.
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:04 

We do! :D And I love it when that happens. It's like there's always at least half of the group who never lose sight of the shared purpose.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:05 

If the actual differs to the planned, we discuss on the actions needed to improve the completion rate and make any adjustments to the way we work accordingly.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:05 

Well done teammate.. let's move on to the next archetype !
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:10 

and my fellow mates , let's start "coorperative partner" ..
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:11 

being in a group that from many members amd all of us are might from different intakes, so it is challenging to work together
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:13 

eg: without a good cooperative partner, conflict may happen all the time.. member should be tolerate to accomplish a task
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:18 

everyone distributes their ideas during discussion
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:19 

For cooperative partners, I would say most of might have different opinions, but we still cooperate and give and take with one another to come up with the best solution to this assignment.
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:20

Hmm... that one is it under different background ? cause different background and culture will lead to different opinion.
LOH YEW FOONG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:20 

Regarding Kai Chen's, I agree with you. In an ideal situation, all of our members are able to tolerate each other
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:21 

thanks to emy !
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:22 

Okay. Yes true. Regarding to your statement Vince, as most of us come from a different background, which could lead to a different mindset and different opinion, but we as a team still cooperate and give and take with one another to come up with the best solution for the assignment.
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:23 

even we are unfamiliar with the new group members, we are still willing to help each other by solving their problems or uncertainty during assignment. we also willing to share our thoughts and ideas and particpate in the discussion.
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:24 

Yup, I guess we can combine both Siang Yi's, Kai Chen and Yew Foong's. I think because we are a diverse group with different backgrounds and cultures, we may have differing perspective, e.g. a way to do things in situations. Nevertheless, we are able to respect each individual's opinion and be able to cooperate well.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:24 

yes.. conflicts would happen undoutedly but with the cooperation of each members, conflicts can be solved easily
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:26 

I agreed... we can combine those since it has common among them.
LOH YEW FOONG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:26 

an idea might turn up to be better idea.. if all member tolerante and respect each other opinion
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:27 

Agree with Kai Chen
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:29 

cooperative partners are definitely a vital element for this assignment
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:30 

yeah, and it is not one man job anyway
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:31 

for now i think we should link each of the archetypes?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:33 

As we have all the archetypes and their corresponding stories typed in the google doc. as well, I think we should be able to link them in pretty easily.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:34 

Should be do this job on a rotational basis? as everyone working on it all at once can be quite messy (someone might accidentally delete something
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:35 

Should we* do this job, i.e. editing the stuff we have came up with
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:35 

What I'm doing now is a draft so it's all down to short sentences to make it easy to put them together.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:38 

I'm gonna finish up Archetype 1, then whoever is up next can start to combine it into passages :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:39 

ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:41 

CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:42 

Should we assign a person or two to combine into passages and do it later as we continue on with Task 10 first?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:42 

sure... save time
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:43 

ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:43 

Fiona and Cindy edited the discussion chat earlier today right?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:43 

who else edited the discussion chat?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:43 

EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:44 

So we select someone else to do it then
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:44 

I mean someone else other than Fiona and Cindy
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:44 

ah and Eiu Teng, haha
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:44 

btw.. should we edit the chat for ros?
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:44 

Which one?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:45 

beside leader that box
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:46 

The extra we did on 'Understanding ROS'?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:46 

there's a note
EIU TENG 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:46 

i can help edit the chat
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:46 

Nah, I don't think so.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:46 

That was an extra we did. We went the extra mile on ROS.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Thu Jan 21, 22:48 

Task 6 (Solutions to Task 4)

let`s start to discuss the solution =D
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:47 

Let's do :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:479 

What solution is there to accidental adversaries?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:48 

the best solution for 9 would be talking everything out. This needs openness on each individual's part.

I fully agree :) And I'm very glad you think that way too.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:49 

great solution!
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:51 

We really have to be open and understand that this is an online discussion, so there might be some miscommunication on accounts.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:50
I agree with you, Emma. And as a team, we should understand that all of us have a shared goal and everyone is most likely to want to achieve a great result at the end of the assignment.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:52 

everyone should not have any hard feelings as we want the best for the group. therefore, if there is any misunderstanding its best to straight away communicate and find a solution to slove it

Not being too seneitive to every little message would go a long way :)Me,Wed Jan 20, 22:52 We seem to all agree with Emma's suggestion :D
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:50

Totally agree!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:53 

Any other inputs for Archetype9?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:51
speak out immediately to prevent misunderstanding.. agree with emma
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:53 

*** Foo Siang Yi has been disconnected for some time , he's unable to join the discussion.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:52

lets jump to the next archetype if everyone is in agreement

Yes :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:53

agreed =D we can`t work as a team if there is a misunderstand
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:55 

Yeap! Sometimes someone may seem bossy but he/she is just wanting to bring the best out of the group.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:55 

i think all the solutions for archetype 9 are very straight to the point! lets proceed to the next archetype then
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:57 

alright. Archetype 8, drifting goals. any solutions?

for archetypes 8
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:58 

we need to ensure everyone is sharing the same goal
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:58 

so basically we work hard together for the same agenda
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:58 

the solution for archetype 8 will be setting a standard for the team.. to ensure everyone having the common interest
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:59 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:59 

also as a team, we need to constantly monitor and help each other to achieve the goal set

However, once we know our goals, we would still have the tendency to drift away from them due to time constraints, pressure and other temptations
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:02 

we also must always evaluate our performance to ensure we are on the right track towards our common goal
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:03 

Yes, Estee is right, we should constantly be checking back on standards set for achieving our weekly tasks and assignments, and if need be, we tweak it to cater to different situations :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:02 

Good job everyone, for being so participative.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:02 

Now on to our final expected limit.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:03 

Yeap, for example to schedule deadlines for each task so that we can be reminded to work withing the time.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:05 

be responsible?
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:05 

and we will need to be willing to prioritise our tasks and commit to our work.
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:08 

try to be considerate about others? we are not supposed to help others to do their parts
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:08 

I agree with teng.. Maybe they are having some difficuty on doing their part
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:09 

Okay I have inserted our discussion into the subranch
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:11 

i think we have a sufficint amount of solutions for archetype 8


yeapp! lets move on
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:12 

Being a good team player is also critical in a group setting. When a member is struggling to complete his or her part of the tasks, we should all pitch in to help complete it to the best standard we can be. The mentality of it being "someone else's problem" should never exist in a high performance team.

Woww, nice answer!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:14 

impressive one!
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:14 

yes yes totally agree!
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:16 

ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:17 

i agree to both of u ! A good team can be ruined by the leader if the leader is not a good listener and cannot accept other criticsm and opinion
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:17 Hey.Me,Wed Jan 20, 23:17 

Are we done for Archetype 7?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:20 

i am agreeable to all the points suggested

Okay let's conclude the development for tonight :) In summary the solutions for our 3 most expected limits are to talk things out to avoid any accidental adversaries, constant re-evaluation of standards set for goal achievement to avoid drifting from goals, and finally to ensure each and everyone is in the right teamworking mentality to achieve completion of assigned tasks so as to avoid any burden-shifting.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:21 

Although we took longer than expected to complete these 2 tasks for tonight, I wanna express my appreciation for everyone once again, for being participative and contributing excellent insights to the tasks. I'm really glad I'm in this group :D
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:23 

Tomorrow 8pm?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:23 

Me too!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:25 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:26 

me too !!!
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:26 

ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:26 

no problem !
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:26 

ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:26 

see u guys tomolo !
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:26 

Everyone good with 8pm tomorrow nigh t? :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:24

appreciate the hard works done :)
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:26 

Yay! I can sleep earlier, haha!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:26 

Great working with you guys!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:26 

Yes haha the time is set with you in mind, early sleeper hahaha
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:25 

night!FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:27 

Thanks leader!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:27 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:27 

thanks leader!
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:27 

Well then, that seems to be it for the night, I'll just paste the conversation into a new branch and we will be up facing the next task :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:26 

good night
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 23:27

Task 4 (Most expected limits)

Hey everyone :) So we wait for a moment for the rest of the guys to come in and then we begin the ROS archetypes discussion as planned in our WAP.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 20:58 

ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:00 


Sounds good.:)
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:00 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:02

 So now we are updating into the mind map our own understanding of ROS?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:07 

Yes :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:08 

FOO SIANG YI 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:09 

Alright! I have updated mine.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:10 

Me too. Let's give the others some more time to complete their parts.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:09 

FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:10 


updating =D
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:14 

FOO SIANG YI 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:16 

ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:17 

FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:18

Is everyone done updating their parts? :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:18 

EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:19 


Looks like it.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:19 

Yay! Let's go on to our next task!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:19

 little bit more
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:20 

yeapp done!
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:20 

Okay haha let us know when yours is done Juan Win :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:20 

FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:21 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:21 

Okay :D I've tentatively allotted 45 minutes to this section of the discussion.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:23 

so next task 4! what is our most expected limit hmm
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:24 

What we'll be doing now, is further analyse the ROS and its archetypes, then decide which of it we collectively agree will be the most expected limit, as is required in Assignment 1.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:24 

Anyone has inputs on which of it might be the most expected limit in relation to our group? :)
CINDY WONG LINA,Wed Jan 20, 21:24 

Just to make things clearer for some,
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:26

 I have asked Mr Rodney and he said that we are to select the archetypes which are most likely reflect the limitations our team will face and choose 2 to 4 negative archetypes.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:26 

so do we choose among that 4 archetypes which are the ROS ?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:29 

what i heard from dr hussein today was, we have to think think about the problems that we might face during the assignment.. and these problems should be related to archetypes
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:31 

Yeap. Not just the Archetype 7,1,9,8.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:31 

the negative side of archetype
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:31 

Just that those Archetypes are more related to us working as a team.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:31 

So just to confirm, it does not have to be archetypes from ROS? It can be from other archetypes as well?
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:32 

Aren't all the Archetypes part of the ROS?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:32 

ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:32 

should be the 10 archetypes if not mistaken
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:33 

ROS only consist of that 4 archetypes which are 1 7 9 and 10
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:33 

ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:35 

From today's class, Dr Hussein said we can choose from all the 10 Archetypes, just that those would be more related to us though. He didn't mention tht ROS only consist of that 4 archetypes.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:35 

Okay so to confirm this task, Emy and Karen, from today's lecture what you guys got is for us to pick from any of the 10 archetypes?
CINDY WONG LINA,Wed Jan 20, 21:35 

actually dr hussein explained the assignment by using 7,9,1,10 plus 4 and 8
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:39 

4 and 8 will be the outcome
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:39 

Basically we can select any
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:41 

should we think of limits first or?
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:42 

From the archetypes, and actually not only relating to our group, I think accidental adversaries is bound to happen.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:43

 Number 9 of the archetypes.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:43 

So we suggest the archetypes which are most likely reflect the limitations our team will face first?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:44 

agree with cindy!
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:44 

A group of 11 for an assignment is considerably large, adding on the fact that online discussion is the main form of communication we use. Without knowing how to properly communicate and convey feelings in our messages, it might seem emotionless and sometimes suggestions might look to others like orders.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:45 

Yes. Agreed. :)
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:47 

i agree too. miscommunication is bound to happen that might effect the success of our project

Yep, and this is a big problem.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:48

 I suggest Archetype 8 as well.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:48 

FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:49 

because due to the time constraint we always seem to have, we keep on lowering our standards and eventually just do the minimum to pass.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:50 

ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:50 

archetype 1 as well
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:51 

I second what Emy said. As due to time constraints, maximising the time is the key to ensure all tasks are carry out efficiently in order to reach the group's objective.
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:52 

 agree with emy! time constraint and the accessibility of mindomo also lead to the archetype 1 which i s limits to success
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:52 

the time constraint also could unable us to do more research or finding extra materials and resources

because some of us keep having problem to access to this mindomo haha
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:53 

ya, techinical issues of mindomo may cause other member can't take part in the discussion
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:53 

*** Speaking of that, Loh Yew Foong is unable to access Mindomo tonight as well.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:53 

I don't really understand Archetype 1 though
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:54 

Can someone give an example of the limit we might have concerning Archetype 1?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:55 

Yeah the latter part of "more effort is producing fewer results" isn't clear to meas well.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:56 

Hang on.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:57 

We seem to be in a bit of a mess here.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:57 

I'll clear it up then we'll take off again from there :)
CINDY WONG LINA,Wed Jan 20, 21:57 

We're now discussing about the most expected limit, Task 4. We are to select a few from the 10 archetypes. For now we have suggestions of Archetypes 9, 8 and 1.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:58 

Archetype 9 is accidental adversaries
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:59 

8 is Drifting goals and
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:59 

1 is limits to success
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 21:59 

But we don't seem to be on the same page for the meaning of the negative form of Archetype 1, so could someone who understands it explain it? :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:00 

for example.. like what estee mentioned.. due to time constraint and difficulty in accessing to mindomo, we have to spend more time and effort which do not guarantee the equal outcome as what we did
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:02 

how many archetypes we are going to select?
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:02 

Ahhh I see. Thank you for explaining it, Karen. So more might equal less. Got it.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:02 

maybe 3? ;)
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:02 

Yeah let's select 3 :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:02 

Is everyone fine with that?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:02 

Eiu Teng, but how are we gonna deal with that problem?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:03 

better time management maybe?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:04 

3 is enough.. for the mindomo thing we can complaint to mr rodney?
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:04 

I'm fine with 3 archetypes.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:04 

and they will make official complaint to mindomo to resolve the issues =D
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:05

 I don't really agree with selecting Archetype 1 though. I think it is pretty hard to write about?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:05 

hope it works
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:05 

same here. i trying to find an alternative

i meant i agree with Emy

Pei Chin,
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:05 

we keep archetype 1 as back up first?
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:06 

do you have any suggestions? :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:06 

how about Archetype 7?
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:06 

why not choose archetype 7
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:06 

sry ah, connection is poor
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:07 

No problem. Seems like you guys agree on Archetype 7.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:07 

No worries :)Me,Wed Jan 20, 22:06 

I was going to suggest Archetype 7 too!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:07 

Yeah, archetype 7 seems like a solid choice. Admittedly we all do not know each other that well....yet.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:07 

but i think everyone is doing their job?
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:08 

hahaha. I vote to choose Archetype 7, 8 & 9
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:09 

So because we still have a long way to go, there is a possibility that some might be unwilling to invest their full efforts in completing tasks assigned.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:09 

Not pointing fingers ;p
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:09 

i second the vote :)

Me three!
CINDY WONG LINA,Wed Jan 20, 22:09 

I understand :) It is a problem that is prevalent in many groups.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:10 

then how do we find solution to avoid it?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:11 

It certainly is :) We shall strive to be the exception ;)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:10 

agreed. this kind of issues quite often occur during doing assignment
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:11 

everyone has to take responsibility and commit to the assignment :)
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:12

 we should do our best to achieve the agenda and high grade as well =D
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:13 

don't think other ppl will help you to carry the burden
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:13 

Alright, so can we have a final vote for the agreement of the selection of the 3 archetypes, 7, 8 and 9?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:13 

i think everyone knows but the problem is whether they can do it or not? like dr hussein said knowing and doing is two different thing
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:14 

yeah ,agreed
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:15 

no prob Cindy
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:15 

Yup, taking ownership and holding accountability for our own assignment is not something everyone may be willing to do.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:15 

okay we shall proceed on that 3 archetypes then
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:19 

No one seems to be on the other side of the suggestion :) So I think we are good to go. Summary of it; we have selected Archetypes 7, 8 and 9 for our most expected limits.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 22:19

Task 1 (WAP)

Hey Guys, let's plan our Weekly Action Plan!
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 12:05 

No Progress Rate for Assignment 1
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:11 

deleted !
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:13 

19th Jan: Estee, Fiona 20th Jan: Emy, Juanwin,Siang Yi 21st Jan: Eiu Teng, Emma 22nd Jan: Vince , 23rd Jan: Gavin & Cindy!! Fill up your names here. Copy and paste back
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:14 

peichin is not in? i thought i saw her name just now
EIU TENG 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:15 

Calling Pei Chin !
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:17 

Okay now there's 8 of us, just 3 more then we can start planning tasks for each day :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:17 

Fiona isn't here as well
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:18

lets start it. sry for the delay!!!!!
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:20

let's start
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:21 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:22

let's fill in the blank
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:22 

i think we should set task 4 & 6 as priority
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:27 

because we have to choose the archetype in order to settle the rest
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:28 

Can you guys see it as I'm going or not?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:28 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:28

The archetype actually is based on the ROS, so I put it that way
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:29 

Do we change?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:29 

Okay, let me finish it first, then we edit it later after discussing :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:29 

CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:30 

The task accountability looks pretty good
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:30 

saw it!
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:34

Haha not done yet :D Tiny bit more.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:35 

fill in the blank
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:36

Gavin, what does the subbranch on the resources/time required mean?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:37

resources include facilities, people
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:37

maetrial etc
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:37 

and time required to complete each task
EIU TENG 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:38 

but there is the . 19th Jan: Estee, Fiona 20th Jan: Emy, Juanwin,Siang Yi 21st Jan: Eiu Teng, Emma 22nd Jan: Pei Chin 23rd Jan: Gavin & Cindy
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:38 

Isn't that for the people to suggest thingy?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:39 

there is only part of it
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:40 

you can add other information as well
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:40 

Arghh, can't undo
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:41 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:41 

1 person to 1 tab
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:42 

wanna to ask
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:42 

1 person do 1 tab*
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:42 

Otherwise you might erase the other person's work
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:42 

vince will be added after rodney add him to our group back?
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:42 

means 22th should be me and vince?
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:43 

CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:43 

please update
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:43

sry ya, thought can be few persons do 1 tab, seeing few persons in 1 tab
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:43 

The thing gone already
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:44 

Tasks accountability is complete :) Check and see if everyone of us are fine with the order.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:46 

We can't fill in the completion rate branch yet
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:52

because we do not know atm our completion rate.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Tue Jan 19, 23:53 

Are we ready to start discussing WAP?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:02 

***Loh Yew Foong is unable to access Mindomo, so we will be keeping updated on the progress in our Facebook group.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:03 

CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:03 

what's next?

let's check the WAP
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:06 

before move into next task
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:06 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:08 

Hey Emy what do u understand about ROS?CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:08 

Hang on, I just updated the percentage rate so we can check our completion rate at the end of the week.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:09 

Check if it's okay?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:10 

I think it's alright.
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:10 

should be ookay
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:10 

ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:11 

CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:11 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:11 

I think it's good
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:11

Let's go!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:11 

yea the percentage rate is good

totally agree
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:13 

EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:13 

ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:14 

Oh great! We have all completed the 'filling the blanks' of the WAP sub-branches!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:18

should we include the archetypes in resources as well?

Oh yes. It didn't occur to me previously.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:19 

Added in!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:19 

Okay so let's analyse what we did in the WAP.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:20 

*analysing *
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:20 

The first part, tasks accountability is according to what we have discussed in our meeting earlier today in uni.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:20 

And there is a segregation of tasks as well, with Tasks 8 and 9 handled by Emy and I, while Tasks 4-7 will be completed by the rest.
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:22 

clearer pic now, haha
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:22 

we will finish up task 4 to 7 by wednesday right
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:23 

yaya i agree with u .. for the story and elaboration part sicne u and emy are good in englsih
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:23 

everyone has a computer, internet access and archetypes as our resources to complete this assignment.
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:23

Yeap. Thank you so much Cindy for your time in explaining the details to us today.
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:23

great leader (Y)
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:24 

Couldn't have done it without the help of Gavin :D
Me,Wed Jan 20, 00:25 

EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:25 

Yea Gav u the man (Y)
FOO SIANG YI 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:25

great leader and co-leader~
ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:26

we are in the same boat so have to work together
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:26 

back to the topic
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:26 

Okay. So we are done with WAP?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:26 

are u guys okay with the WAP
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:26

should we decide the discussion time for tomorrow?
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:26 

CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:26 

Everyone understands the WAP yes?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:26 

yes.. good enough
EIU TENG 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:27 

the weekly action plan looks great. thank you leader and co leader for your guidance

Yeah, anyone has anymore questions about it?
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:27 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:27 

Not me.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:27 

FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:27 


ER PEI CHIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:28 

Okay seems like we are all clear on it for now :)
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:28 

Regarding the ROS, I have just watched the youtube video which Estee shared the link on fb.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:29 

I think the video is pretty clear in explaining it.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:30 

maybe we can include it in the mindmap
FOO JUAN WIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:30 

include the ROS in the mindmap?
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:32 

include the video in the mindmap is a good idea.
FIONA OON JING YUAN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:32 

EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:32

each of us has to write our own understanding on ROS! ;)
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:32 

you can start first ;)
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:33 

I have included the ROS video into the mindmap.
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:34 

sure! should we do it together tmr as scheduled?
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:34 

Yes the video explains it clearly. ROS discussions will be tomorrow, after we all are absolutely clear on what it is. Thanks everyone, for attending the meeting and being proactive in discussions and being online on time today :) Talk to you guys tomorrow at 9pm! Have a good night!
CINDY WONG LINA 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:35 

of course
CHUA KAI CHEN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:35 

Alrighty, goodnight guys!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:35 

Was grea t fun working with you guys!
EMY TAN HUILIN 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:36 

goodnight guys. great job tonight

have a good rest guyss!
ESTEE LEE WAN HUEY 3.,Wed Jan 20, 00:37

Task 1 & 2: [Weekly Action Plan (WAP)]

Completion Rate (In Task 10 & 11)
Desired Result
By Sat 23/01


(25%) By Fri 22/01

Mind map updated on Task 14

Discussed the methods of improving completion rate next week.

Mind map updated on Task 12

Discussed the usefulness of ROS archetypes

(30%) By Thurs 21/01

Electing leader and co-leader for all assignments

Updated completion rate on mind map

Analysed and compare WAP with actual progress (WAA)

Mind map updated on Task 8

Applied archetypes to developed a story of the group's behaviour

(30%) By Wed 20/01

Task 7

Mind map updated on Task 6.

Task 6

Discussed Archetypes and ROS. Discovered actions that can be taken to avoid problems.

Task 5

Mind map updated on Task 4

Task 4

Found the most expected limit that may happened to the ROS.

Discussed Archetypes and ROS.

(15%) By Tues 19/01

ROS understood by all team members

Mind map updated with WAP

Finished developing WAP

23rd Jan

1) Check Work

2) Submission

22nd Jan

Task 12 to 15

21st Jan

Electing leader and co-leader for Assignment 2

Task 8 to 11

20th Jan

Task 4 to 7

19th Jan

1) Meeting

2) Task 2 & 3

3) Online discussion (Mindomo)

Resources/ Time Required


Each teammate having a computer and internet access.


Online meeting for DEPTH everyday for an hour.

Tasks Accountability (Prioritised list)
Task 15

Updating mind map with discussed methods.

Task 14

Group discussion on methods of improving rate of completion next week.

Task 13

Updating mind map on discussion findings.

Task 12

Team discussion on usefulness of ROS archetypes, in relation to our group.

Task 11

Updating mind map on percentage of completion

Task 10

Discuss and compare WAP.

Task 9

Updating mind map after development of group story.

Task 8

Group discussion to develop group story describing group behaviour using archetypes.

Tasks 5&7

Updating mind map after above discussions.

Tasks 4&6

Group discussion about archetypes, finding out the most expected limit that might happen to the ROS and actions that will be taken to avoid it from happening.

Task 2

Updating mind map with WAP.

Task 3

Understanding the ROS (individually).

Task 1

Group discussion to develop WAP.

Task 14 & 15: Team plan to improve the task completion rate next week

All members should not be afraid to voice out their opinions
Dare to disagree and challenge others.
Members should voice up if they feel the progress is too slow.
Everyone should speak out without hesitation to participate in the discussion.
Every member has different opinions and perspectives.
Avoid doing any irrelevant actions while other members are having the discussion in chat.
Take down points first when a great idea comes up but it is not yet the discussion on it. This is so that we don't mess up the conversation and others do not miss any points in the chat.
To keep track of the whole progress and stay focused.
Encourage and motivate each other
Don't be afraid to seek help from others when you don't understand certain things.
Others who attended the discussion would be active in updating and keeping the absent ones updated.
Everyone should take the initiative to keep themselves updated with the work especially for those who could not attend the discussion.
Be prepared beforehand
Send ideas in the FB chat if the mindomo is not working or the member is unable to attend.
To ensure our progress moves smoothly and follows according to our Weekly Action Plan (WAP).
Attend meeting punctually and log on to Mindomo before the meeting starts to prevent any technical problems.
Reduces unnecessary wasted time in waiting. This increases likelihood to stay on track with the scheduled plan.
So everyone contributes to the discussion without needing extra time to think.