Scientific Method project
Why is it important to know the metric system?
Vocab- decimals
Connections- like if you are in math you might use the metric system
Because every single country uses it
We use the metric system every day almost
The Metric System is a measurement system which uses Standard International Units. It is simple to learn and easy to use because of its decimal nature.
Claim- Because it has to do with numbers
How can data collection be more accurate?
Vocab- Observation
Connections- You need a recipe for what you want to cook that is your data
Observations will also be used throughout the scientific method process to gather information.
Can lead into a question and experiment
Uses as many of the senses as possible
A good observation:
Make an observation
Claim- Make an observation
Resources- SM slideshow 5
What happens when an experiment doesn’t lead to a hypothesis being supported?
Connections- How you braid hair
3. Give it to someone else to try it
2. Repeat it over and over
1. Keep trying
Claim- Just try and try again until you get it
Resources- SM slideshow page 9,10,11
What makes a good question?