Catégories : Tous - disasters

par Medizin Wissen Il y a 2 années


Slow Short Bilateral Stimulation (Butterfly Hug)

This text discusses Slow/Short Bilateral Processing (SS-BLP), a form of Bilateral Processing (BLP) utilizing relatively slow and short sequences of Bilateral Stimulation. SS-BLP is characterized by short durations of 4-10 cycles and a slow pace of about one stimulus per second, which helps to avoid triggering effects associated with Rapid/

Slow Short Bilateral Stimulation (Butterfly Hug)

Slow/Short Bilateral Processing (SS-BLP)


[ The Demonstrations]
The "full sequences" all contain SS-BLP elements, often in the form of the "Butterfly Hug".
Moscow Workshop


Evidence from the context of Bilateral Stimulation
Literature Research
"Artigas, Lucina"
"Butterfly Hug"

Pubmed - no results

last checked on 2019-06-04

Web Results listed under Literature

Level III
"The Butterfly Hug had become standard practice for clinicians in the field while working with survivors of man-made and natural catastrophes." [1]
Although I wish this was the case I believe that the current evidence base is not sufficient to call the method a "standard" - neither does the lack of distribution speak for this. I assume that the method is known to a specific circle of specialists and probably considere a "standard" among them.
The BH has only empirical evidence.

"The Butterfly Hug was originated and developed by Lucina Artigas during her work performed with the survivors of Hurricane Pauline in Acapulco, Mexico, 1998." [1,2]


don't feel it
feels like a hug
no BS, please!

"mother's heartbeat"

metaphysical explanation

let's avoid interpretations when the actual reason why this works is still unknown!


Butterfly Hug (BH)

"The “Butterfly Hug” (BH) is a self-administer[ed] Bilateral Stimulation (BLS) method (like the eye movement or tapping) to process traumatic material for an individual or for group work. Desensitization (self-soothing) is a reprocessing byproduct using the BH as BLS." [1]


Self-administered BLS should only be applied under very strict safety measures and specific circumstances.

Definition within the ECS

The Position

it is secondary where on the body the tapping happens

The Speed and Duration of Tapping

resembles SS-BLP

Within the ECS
SS-BLP is widely used to reinforce positive emotions, resources and cognitions - usually in the context of other methods, like:

SAFE Method

Inner Safe Place

Resource Work


A form of Bilateral Processing (BLP) that uses (relatively) slow and (relatively) short sequences of Bilateral Stimulation.
Differentiate from ...

Rapid/Long Bilateral Processing (FL-BLP)

Bilateral Processing

Bilateral Stimulation

short duration

4-10 cycles only!

slow pace

meaning 1/s or slightly less stimuli, i.e. a cycle of 2 stimuli (one right + one left) takes 2-3 seconds

to avoid the "triggering" effect of FL-BLP


[2] Artigas, L., Jarero, I., Mauer, M., López Cano, T., & Alcalá, N. (2000, September). EMDR and Traumatic Stress after Natural Disasters: Integrative Treatment Protocol and the Butterfly Hug. Poster presented at the EMDRIA Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
unpublished / source not found - probably similar to [1]

last checked 2019-06-04

[1] Artigas, Lucina; Jarero, Ignacio (2014): The Butterfly Hug Method for Bilateral Stimulation.

link checked on 2019-06-04