par Yannick Lieber Il y a 13 années
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The Czech Republic is a European country located namely between Germany, Austria and Poland - its' capital and largest city is Prague.
The population of the nation is numbered at 10.5 million with Czech as the official language.
- Inflation is lower then the World and European avergage.
- In 1991 inflation was at 36.19%! - Today it is -1.17.
- Compared to similar economies, property cost is 20% less.
- This means greater purchasing power and worth of funds invested.
- Adapting to the Czech market can be accomplished with ease.
- Culture, metality and lifestyle simliar to that of Western countries.
- Equal and stable economy where all have disposible/discretionary income
- They're in a position to spend, therefore contributing to an ongoing stimulation of the economy.
-Top 10 country in the world with equal distribution of income. Gini index of ~26!
- Similar to real estate, a contry's location is key. Czech Republic is located in the center of Europe (Germany, Poland, Austria, Slovakia)
- Part of the largest economy in the world
- Many international alliances
- Some of the strongest traits compared to other countires
- Foreign investment, trade policies and infrastractures are very well rated on an international scale
- It has the 15th best educational system in the world
- The country's economic health is very solid and reliable, an essential aspect of investment
- Canada has a debt increase of 259% of GDP and UK at 466%, Czech Republic is at 41%
- Unaffected by the economic crises, 99% household debt is in the Czech currency and has a very stable and cautious banking system
- Shares borders to the east with countries who are classed as having medium risk.
- If there were to be conlift in the neighboring nations, threats could potentially spill into the Czech Republic.
- Large protion of the population is aging.
- Unsustainable health care system, not enough funding.
- The health of an economy depends on the health of it's population.
- Czech trades with other European countries.
- Can be a great oppurtunity, but also be a threat since the country is dependant on its' surrounding markets.
- If neighboring markets begin to suffer, they may cease business with the country.
- Ideally located in Europe but is landlocked.
- Foreign trade is more diffucult due to the country's lack of direct access to seaside ports.
- Approximately 65% of the Czech Republic population uses computers and Internet.
- Low computer and Internet use limits the possiblities and use of technology.
- Out of 182 countries, it is ranked at 57 with a score of 4.4 for corruption - middle of the scale.
- Can hamper economic growth.
Population: 10,562,214
Total GDP: $272.2 billion
GDP Per Cap: $25,900 million
Exports: $146.7 billion
Vehicles, Chemicals
Imports: $143.5 billion
Oil, Machinery
Main industries: Machinery (Skoda), Agriculture (Wheat, Potatoes)