Catégories : Tous - productivity - teams - leaders - merger

par Joerg Bauer Il y a 15 années


Understanding Behaviour in Organisations

When two companies, Deposta and Orcato, undergo a merger, the organizational change significantly impacts employee behavior and productivity. These changes can lead to increased productivity, especially when leadership is effective and non-distant, fostering a positive work environment.

Understanding Behaviour in Organisations

Understanding Behaviour in Organisations

Understanding an Organistation(Good Introduction for ECA)

Focus on 3 specific Areasof Occupational Psycholgoy

Changes in Team Structure





LeadershipProblematic in General:"research has failed with tocome up with definitive modelof good leadersphip. Yet thenotion of contigency is a usefulone to draw upon"Problematic: Theories are hard to testa) in realtiy nobody wants themb) in a test facitliy no ecol. val.c) only correlational dataon style and output availableand thus difficult and hardto measure d) Meindl and Ehrlich (1987)- Leadership is seen as moreinfluential than it really is-research fails to measuregroup performance and company structuree) more important theoriesalso look at the the relation-ship process


Transactional vs.Transformational (Bass 1985) leadershipTansactional: Leader action only in returnfor work action/outputTransformational: Leaders are interested in the whole individual - not just the workerProblematic: Only correlational data for impacof style on output / satisfaction available

3 Features of his model

Laissez faire leadership

leaders areindifferent


Transformational Leadership

interested in thethe whole inivid.

esearch suggests: most importantfor effectiveness and satisf. are- idealiszed influence (l= role mod)- inspirational motivation

Transactional leadership

interested in the ind.only in terms of enhancingwork output

Contingendy Theories(Styple depends on circumstandes - suggestingthat no style is appropriate for all situations)

Vroom and Yetten's normative decision model (1973)Using a decision tree- focuses on decicsion makeingand the degree to which dec. mak.involve subordinates.Postive: Reseach indicates that diverse methods of dec. making are seenas more effective.

Five Styles but no best style:Range from autocratic-consultative -group centered.

Style used depends on diff.variables


Quality needed

information / time

Fred Fiedlers contingency model (1967)dep on both a) personality character.b) amount of control over sit.Assumes that for extreme cont. var. task centered leaders are best.Problematic: only leadership perspective butunclear how LPC influences the teamsperformance

Output / Performance

Moderate cont. var.--> High LPC Leader

Extreme cont. var.--> Low LPC leader

Amount of Control det. by

High scores of 3 contingency var.

Strong pos of Power(reward and punish.)

Highly struc task

High accept in group


Low LPC scores

--> task centerd

- High LPC

--> realationshipcentered

Style Approach(what leaders do, nothow they describe themselves)Problematic: a) assume subordiatepespective is correct but attribut. theory. b) causality betw. leadershop stye and output unclear because studies based on correleational analyisd) suggests that leader performa uniform style across all persons and sit. e) leaders may not be real leaders

Blake and McCanse (1991)Combination (on Leadership Grid)five mayor leadership styles:- Team Management (most for peopleand most for production)

Ohio Univesity - consideration- Initiation Structure- Production emphasis- Sensitivity

Later Studies just focus on first 2 of those, now:- Employee centered- Production centeredjust one but not both

Stogdill (1963)Considerate leaderscreate pleasant atmoand high morale

Michigan University (1960)Effective Leaders are:- more employee centred- more concerned about thewelfare of subordinatesIneffective Leaders:- more task centered approach

Trait Approach("Great man theories") early work focussing on what personality traits makea good leader)--> Problematic becausea) characteritics are not expressedconsistently across all studies and situations. b) Environmentshave an impact: 1. leadership taskand and 2.) group characteristicsc) some traits may develope in theleadership role

Kirkpatrick & Locke (1991)cognitive ability-drive- honestyintegrity-motivation-persistance-selfconfidence- and knowledge ofbusiness

Lord et al (1986)Leaders: more conservatve- dominant - extrovert- intelligent-masculine- and better adusted

More recent work based on metaanalysesLeaders:a) createvisionb) implement it

Tavistock Institute
Organsiations as socio-technicalsystems

both, technological and socialsystems must be interrelated fora company to work optimally

Morgans 6 Metaphors
Biological Organism

Several Levels of Analysis

Exeptions possible:
Leadership = individual and group based
The organisation
Organisational Culture
Organisational Constraints
Human relations
Social needs

Group Behviour

Formal / Inform Groups

The individual
Efficiency ("what makes a good worker / leader")

Leading to more Productivityis based on Motivation is based on ...

Job Satisfaction(primarily a20 century phenomenonvs. feudal times)
Work demnds and social needs needto be balanced

"the needs of "the sentimental worker


Shaping the "perfect worker"

Satisfaction of social needs(interpersonal factors)

"Human Relations"(Elton Mayo)

Insights through"Hawthornes Study"

Company Policies

Social Oranisation (Teams)

Treatment by Supervisors


Groups powerful for Motivation(i.e. formal/ informal)

Shaping of GroupAttitudes

Need for Recognition

Sense of belonging

Status of the individual

Satisfaction with Pay and Condition(economic factors= early 20th belief)

Impact of technolgoy(Hawthorne St.)

Taylorism/ Fordism(W. "Speedy" Taylor)"Scientific Management"

"Shaping the perfect worker"

workers primarilymotivated by pay

ECA:Merger of Deposta and Orcato:How Organisational Change affects behaviour ofemployees and thus productivityof employess.

Possible effectsof Changeand Transformation
Changes leading todecrease in Social Satisfaction

Possible Problems: fearof loosing current statusdue to change inTeamSturcure

New Structure wasimposed by the newcompany board

No furher consultation with staff planned

No one has beenasked - merger was decidedby the two boards

Possbile Problem:Ignoring Knowledge and Status of employess

Competition amongold company teams

"dissenting comments amongst the staff of Deposta, who have the view that as the Oraco teams are already established"

Final Compostion of teams is yet undecided

Possible Problem:Stress

Mgmt. avoidingredundancies:

Not all old leaders might make it

Changes leading toenhanced Work Productivivy

Increased Productiviythrough leader

Theory: Psychodynamics

Increased Productivitythrough non-distant leader

Possible Gain:Increased Productivitythrough teams

Team Theory: Bodin?

Current differences
Deposta (smaller)


Team reportsto Financial Director

More independence

Less Loyalty based

Reward System

Much Temporary Staff

Hire and Fire

Less loyalty andcompany ties

Less Team based

Geografically Distant Teams

Remote operationalcompanies

Remote FinanciealDirector

Management rolge

Manager Oversees

Distant leader

Oraco (larger)

Team Structure

Team reportsto Mangaer

Less independence

Loyalty based

No Reward System

Permanent Staff

More Loyaltyand company ties

More Team based

Geografically Close Teams

All in same building


Manager Leads

Close Leader

Two Structuresmerged into onespecificallyymerger of financialDepartment is seenas problematic anddone last
Aims of employees

Gaining something

Not loosinganything

Aims of Management

Avoiding redundancies

"healthy and positive work environment"

Restructuring:"integrate all of the teams, including Deposta’s remote operational company accounts staff"

List of changes in the new company

New GeneralSturcure

Move a awayfrom Orcato

New Staff

New Leaders

New Team Leadersand Team Mangers

Come from bothcompanies

Some of themare new to the role

New Teams

Creation of New Teamsfrom absorption of the old teams

New Companysize

company merger(larger with smaller)

Drawing uponseveral Therories

Psychodynamics:Understanding thesubconcious
Subconcious needs and conflicst of workers vs. Demands of Work

Ego(in touch with reality)


Social Demands


Subconcious conflicts and needs

Identity Theory
Personality Theory
Social Cognition
Attributing other behviour to personality
Attributing ones own behaviourto context or circumstances